=== Sp4rKy_ is now known as Sp4rKy [17:51] freenode ... heh https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/9j6PSRVJHW/ [17:54] Hah, guess you had it out with them a little. Surprised you didn't lose access to freenode. [17:55] Also if they tell you we abandoned it, don't believe them. They klined our antispam bot and removed all ops from the ACL. :) [17:55] i know, i was there 🙂 [17:55] Fair enough. [17:58] i reverted one of their takeovers and they didn’t even do anything [17:59] hwo did you do that without having OP ? [17:59] *how [18:02] i did have op [18:02] their stupid bot didn’t take my flags lmao [18:03] i lost it everywhere, even on the channels not mentioning libera in their topic [18:18] wow ... this is getting hilarious ... he is trying to convince me you IRCC guys are liars and they are definitely right in what they did [18:18] * ogra has not had that much fun with IRC in years ! [18:22] ogra: lol [18:32] lol [18:35] ogra: see the bottom of this article https://www.theregister.com/2021/05/26/freenode_irc_takeover/ [18:37] niko, hah, he echoes rasegan perfectly fine ... i had not seen that statement yet [18:39] asking him if he thinks it is a trademark violation to pretend to be the official ubuntu support channel now made him go quiet 😞 [18:39] so sad [18:39] * ogra giggles evilish [18:40] oh, I lost the chat. Must have beenfun [18:40] yeah, you joined right after my last line [18:41] lets see if he says anything anymore ... [18:43] He's still active elsewhere, soo. :) [18:55] it is fun, but perhaps unintended, that they are connected to evilcorp.freenode.net -- [skmo] evilcorp.freenode.net (CA) [18:56] lol [19:06] i’m on freenode soley to piss them off lol [19:08] i'm actually trying to be helpful and point users asking support questions over to libera ... [19:09] and i have yet managed to do that without breaking any "policies" yet ... i guess that pisses him off 🙂 [19:09] Thanks for doing that, ogra. [19:52] i mean if there’s someone who has a question i can’t help but answer it but like [20:09] The Arizona Team has completed the move to the new channel #ubuntu-us-az on libera. What must we do now (if anything) to delete the old channel on freenode? Is it even necessary since we have updated references to our new channel on our web page and our wiki page and have even conducted our first meeting on the new channel? [20:10] Some have advised to +isf ##movied_to_libera, but I don't have advice as to what you should do here. freenode staff like to hijack channels. [20:12] Unit193: We will continue to monitor the old channel until given other instructions. I don't expect any traffic on it though. [20:13] put moved to libera in the entrymsg [20:13] That we can do. [20:16] We have already placed a link to a web site that tells them exactly that in the entry message. [20:16] So I believe we are ok until we receive further instructions [20:37] freenode is being predictable yet unpredictable. predictable that they will have a hissy fit over channels notifying their own users about their move, but unpredictable about how and when they will do that. [20:40] We have used our mailing list, web site, and wiki page [20:47] MajB: I am with el bout my freenode channel - wait and see what the Freenode ops do, as ubuntu-unanswered is now allmost all setup for libera. [20:48] Roger that [20:51] I sat around in #ubuntu-hardened (the one that's most $job-oriented) on freenode after parting most of my channels.. and finally quit entirely after a week or so [21:31] and i got banned ... funny [21:32] Chan or net? [21:34] chan [21:35] are they still claiming to be official channels? [21:35] ##ubuntu No topic is set. well there's that at least. [21:36] yeah, because we abandoned our users there they are now the "ubuntu community" [21:37] funnily i actually adjusted my message to his request .... seems that didnt suit him [21:38] Hah! === niko is now known as o [22:45] strictly speaking (and, at the same time, in a generic sense) all ## channels (and the majority of # ones) are "community" channels [22:56] moby thesaurus lists "assimilation" as a meaning of "community". so if andrew is the borg queen, then that seems to be correct.