
ubuntuTGbot[telegram] <YamiYukiSenpai> I know this probably isn't the place for it, but why isn't the NVIDIA 460 & 465 update reverted to the older version yet?  It's causing a lot of problems.14:26
ubuntuTGbot[telegram] <bittin1> try #ubuntu-desktop on irc.libera.chat (re @YamiYukiSenpai: I know this probably isn't the place for it, but why isn't the NVIDIA 460 & 465 update reverted to the older version yet?  It's causing a lot of problems.14:28
ubuntuTGbot[telegram] <bittin1> https://reddit.com/r/Ubuntu/comments/nr476z/has_anyone_here_having_issues_with_nvidia_465/14:28
ubuntuTGbot[telegram] <bittin1> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers-465/+bug/1930733)14:28
ubuntuTGbot[telegram] <YamiYukiSenpai> Does Ubuntu room in Matrix have an IRC bridge? (re @bittin1: try #ubuntu-desktop on irc.libera.chat)16:23
ubuntuTGbot[telegram] <bittin1> not sure16:23
ubuntuTGbot[telegram] <kc2bez> No. (re @YamiYukiSenpai: Does Ubuntu room in Matrix have an IRC bridge?)16:24

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