
jrwreni hope they aren't advocating for snaps00:53
cmaloneyYeah, I'm suffering snaps, not enjoying them01:05
Scary_GuyFlatpak > snap01:52
jrwrenIIRC popos has done a good job of packaging things that ubuntu has moved to snap only.14:35
jrwrenunless you are suffering snaps for server things, in which case... have you heard of nix? :)14:36
jrwreni finally used nix for something, on ubuntu, not nixos, and its impressive.14:36
jrwrenwow... Jono advocating for anti-privacy: https://www.jonobacon.com/2021/06/01/how-to-track-link-clicks-with-utm-codes/19:02
jrwrendidn't he used to advocate for privacy?19:02
cmaloneyI'm not sure, but his consulting business got way less interesting to me over the years.20:55
cmaloneysomething something RSS feeds20:56
cmaloneyApparently he fixed that. I recall when full-text RSS feeds weren't a thing20:57

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