
oopsaccessing some blocked website with vpn, it's always prompt "SSL_ERROR_BAD_CERT_DOMAIN", how to fix it,01:04
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isapgswellsnap-store horrible lag02:11
isapgswellubuntu 20.0402:11
isapgswellcome on02:11
B0g4r7I hate you, systemd.02:30
mybalzitchwe all do02:34
DarthMeowI have nothing against systemd except when I'm trying to do something simple and it won't play ball.02:39
isapgswellsnap-store do not get focused automatically after click on category02:43
isapgswelli need to click on window background pane to swipe faster02:43
isapgswellmy internet link speed connection is 240mb, near apt server02:43
isapgswelltoo easy to fix come on02:43
donofriowhat do I do to resolve this - https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Z8KJSbpdZP/ ?03:55
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m4vdonofrio: you seem to have duplicated repositories or something, check the contents of the files microsoft-edge-beta.list and microsoft-edge-dev.list for duplicated entries.04:52
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taeaadHas anyone paired a keyboard with Bluetooth on Ubuntu (with Xfce)?08:01
taeaadSorry, a Dell keyboard.08:01
taeaadIt seems like the issue is that it doesn't generate a pairing key, which the keyboard expects on other OSs like macOS or Windows.08:01
taeaadOK, so for anyone who may be interesting, this can be done with bluetoothctl, BUT it won't pair until you get it to print out a pairing PIN. It seems like the issue with the GUI (on Xfce) is that it doesn't show the PIN and thus you don't know what to input on the keyboard.08:11
=== Woet_ is now known as Woet
RupertEvertonGood morning. I'm having issues with running bash scripts on Ubuntu 21.04. I've tried with scripts I normally ran on 20.04 and also made very simple new ones but every time I click on "Run in Terminal", the terminal opens but nothing happens, it remains blank. Suggestions?08:46
cbreakopen a terminal and run it manually?08:47
RupertEvertonBut wouldn't that defeat the point of making a script ?08:47
francistrying it out manually might help pinpoint why the "run in terminal" bit does not work08:49
francisdoes it work manually?08:49
cbreakRupertEverton: no?08:49
cbreakshell scripts are usually run from a shell08:49
cbreakI use shell scripts a lot, even though I hardly ever even open a file manager on linux08:50
RupertEvertonAhh I get it now. I've tried a few and they all work if ran directly from terminal08:52
cbreakso the gui integration part might be the problem.08:53
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RupertEvertoncbreak so what should I try to get it working?08:56
taeaadI think that clicking on "Run in Terminal" should be the same as typing out in the terminal: ./fileToRun, if you are in that file's directory.09:00
taeaadThis checks the top hash bang, e.g.:"/usr/bin/python" calls the python installed in the folder /usr/bin/.09:01
taeaadYou also need to do "chmod 755 fileToRun" to make it executable. Run in terminal should logically do what I describe above, but in a GUI.09:01
RupertEvertontaeaad yes, if i run in terminal ./fileToRun it works09:02
taeaadOK, then the Ubuntu people should be able to figure it out for you :)09:02
RupertEvertonand i've tried with chmod but when i click on run in terminal, it remains blank09:03
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RupertEvertonRegarding the bash issue from before, I found a little workaround which is just to create a .desktop file with Exec=path and Terminal=true10:56
chalcedonyErr:1 http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu bionic-security InRelease Temporary failure resolving 'security.ubuntu.com'11:02
chalcedonyErr:2 http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu bionic InRelease Temporary failure resolving 'us.archive.ubuntu.com'11:02
chalcedonyis apt-get update not working for other people?11:03
mgedminworks for me11:05
chalcedonymgedmin, hmmm11:05
lotuspsychjechalcedony: are you behind router/firewall?11:05
mgedmindoes dns work on this machine?  can you e.g. ping google.com?11:05
chalcedonydoes not11:06
chalcedonyi'll try that11:06
chalcedony ~$ ping google.com11:07
chalcedony ping: google.com: Temporary failure in name resolution11:07
chalcedonythat could explain a lot of the problems i'm having11:08
chalcedonydo i need to talk to my hosting provider or is that something i can fix in a shell?11:08
RupertEvertonchalcedony are you using a vpn with killswitch?11:12
chalcedonyRupertEverton, no.11:13
chalcedonyit's a shell host with a znc11:13
chalcedony<chalcedny> :~$ cat/etc/resolv.conf11:16
chalcedony<chalcedny> -bash: cat/etc/resolv.conf: No such file or directory11:16
mgedmincat space slash etc11:19
mgedminalso it'll most likely be which is systemd's builtin resolver11:19
mgedminalso try resolvectl status11:19
chalcedonythank you11:20
chalcedonymgedmin, resolvectl status resolvectl: command not found11:25
mauzillaHi everyone, curious, I booted up a 20.04 with a 2TB drive and opted for the entire drive to be used during install. I can see that only 200GB have been allocated to the root partition but can also see a LVM partition has been created with the remainder of the free space (/dev/xvda3) - Will LVM automatically increase the storage of the VG when it runs out or should I manually increase it?11:26
mgedminchalcedony: oh, right, bionic!  systemd-resolve --status then11:26
mauzillawe're migrating from 1 large VM to Ubuntu and there will be about 1.2TB of data rsynced tonight so just want to know if I need to make the change now to avoid the root parition of running out of space11:27
mgedminmauzilla: there's no automatic growth, no11:27
mgedminmauzilla: is the / a logical volume?  then you can lvresize it, followed by an resize2fs, to grow it online11:28
mgedmin(is it lvresize?)11:28
mauzillaThank you mgedmin, was unsure11:29
chalcedonymgedmin, you are right about bionic. that command gives me a long list.. it's weird. do you want to see it?11:29
mgedminmauzilla: yeah, I just checked my notes -- lvresize -L +10G /dev/vgname/lvname && resize2fs /dev/vgname/lvname11:29
mgedminyou probably want something other than +10G, check man lvresize for the syntax/units11:30
mgedminchalcedony: the only important line is Current DNS Server: ...11:30
mgedminis there one?  is it the right server?  can you ping it?  can you resolve names using it?11:31
mgedminpresumably one of the answers is No, otherwise DNS would work11:31
mgedminalthoguh I suppose /etc/resolv.conf might also have been messed up so it no longer points to systemd-resolved11:31
lavaballyou have no nfs package?11:32
chalcedonymgedmin, https://pastebin.com/cgyTJiDG11:32
lavaballtrying to install it, after it said showmount wasn't there.11:33
kandinskihi there11:33
mgedminchalcedony: that looks like the first page of the output; are you familiar with pagers like less(1)?11:35
mgedminuse arrow keys or space to see more11:35
chalcedonyi'll take another look11:35
lavaballnever mind. found it.11:36
chalcedonymgedmin, no, that's all i'm getting even with | less11:36
kandinskiI'm trying to start barrier/synergy under gdm3. I've edited /etc/gdm3/custom.conf to ensure gdm runs on X (because barrier doesn't work on Wayland). I'm following a modified recipe from https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynergyHowto with this at the end of /etc/gdm3/Init/Default: https://termbin.com/ik2811:38
mgedminsystemd-resolve already spawns less, and hmm interesting, it doesn't see any network interfaces?11:38
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mgedminok, how is the network configured on this machine?11:38
kandinskiThe result is that my user does start with a barrier client (whether I log in using gdm to authorise or automatically), but I can't access gdm over barrier11:38
mgedminvia /etc/network/interfaces?  via netplan?  via systemd-networkd?  via network manager?11:39
kandinskiI appreciate tips on how to debug. I don't know how to find out for instance which Xdisplay gdm3 is using, so I can add the right --display switch to the barrier.barrierc command.11:39
chalcedonymgedmin, i've emailed the admin.11:41
chalcedonyit's broke.11:41
oerhekskandinski, did you write a proper systemd unit, something like this; https://github.com/debauchee/barrier/issues/17911:42
ubottuIssue 179 in debauchee/barrier "how to auto start before login at Ubuntu 16.04" [Closed]11:42
oerheksor https://askubuntu.com/questions/1201728/setting-up-barrier-to-run-on-startup11:42
chalcedonymgedmin, thanks very much for your help :)11:43
kandinskioerheks: no, I did not write a proper systemd unit11:54
kandinskithe user barrierc session works great11:55
kandinskiit's the root/gdm3 one that doesn't11:55
ograkandinski, gdm nowadays uses systemd user sessions ... so either switch your DM or create a systemd unit ...11:57
kandinskiogra: and how do I tell the systemd unit that it needs to stop the client when gdm has logged my user in, so the user systemd unit can have the ip:port free?12:04
oerhekswhy login before the user starts?12:06
oerheksthis makes no sense; one does this from boot, or user level.12:07
oerheksin systemd  WantedBy=multi-user.target = from start , WantedBy=user.target is after login12:07
kandinskioerheks: barrier has to connect to the host serving the keyboard or I can't log in12:08
kandinskithat's the point12:08
kandinskiso I can type into gdm, over barrier12:08
kandinskibut barrier has to exit in the transit from gdm ito the user session12:09
kandinskiso the barrier server's ip:port is available to the user session, otherwise I can use the keyboard and mouse to log in but not after12:10
kandinskithat's why I quoted this page https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynergyHowto12:11
kandinskior rather12:12
mgedmin'sudo gedit' is, uh, a thing that doesn't work in wayland sessions; how old is this wiki page?12:13
kandinskiyeah, it's old12:13
kandinskibut barriers/synergy don't work under wayland either12:13
kandinskithat's why the original question explained I had made sure gdm3 was running under X instead12:14
mgedminoh, that's a shame12:14
kandinskiyes, longstanding feature request12:14
kandinskikeeps me in X because I live and die by barrier12:14
mgedminI used to love x2x, well, until a dropped wifi connection left me with an unusable server grab12:15
kandinskiI use it over macos and windows12:15
kandinskithat's the beauty: I have one of each as well as my linux workstation plus I can remote more machines by adding them to the config, while I stay on my optimal keyboard12:16
kandinskibut for the display managers :)12:16
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varmongerHi! are there any gotchas with do-release-upgrade? I want to migrate my ubuntu 14.04 server to ubuntu 18.04 for now..12:23
mgedminnot much; be sure to apt update && apt upgrade before do-release-upgrade, to get the latest update-manager (and kernel)12:24
mgedminalso if you have a pending kernel update, reboot before do-release-upgrade12:24
mgedminI had one failed upgrade because the libc in the next release wanted a kernel that I had apt upgaded to, but hadn't rebooted yet12:25
mgedminbut I think do-release-upgrade checks for that these days (I filed a bug and everything)12:25
varmongermgedmin: i see, thanks for the heads up!12:26
wuzamarineI am unable to use my microphone on a new Dell https://askubuntu.com/questions/1337235/no-microphone-exist-on-a-brand-new-inspiron-5509?noredirect=1#comment2283116_1337235 I don't think I have the correct drivers. How do I get my microphone to work for video conferencing?12:45
=== anicet_ottflo is now known as AlbertLarsan68
MalsasaHello, Ubuntu community!13:32
lotuspsychjewelcome Malsasa13:33
MalsasaCongratulations to the switch to Libera.Chat. I was an active IRC user at Freenode too.13:34
* Malsasa currently writing about Libera.Chat and Ubuntu right now13:34
BabyPandaHello, hello, Ubuntu!13:45
lotuspsychjewelcome BabyPanda13:51
BabyPandalotuspsychje, hi, this is me Malsasa trying out Libera.Chat with another IRC client. It works!13:51
lotuspsychjeyou can tryout the webchat from community support aswell13:56
BabyPandalotuspsychje, yes, I am trying that with Malsasa account.13:57
BabyPandaAh, I meant, nick.13:57
* BabyPanda too long no joining IRC13:57
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MalsasaI am now registered to Libera.Chat.14:38
silatelcan someone help me with this error? i don't understand what it means or how to fix it14:46
silateli'm trying to install nfs-common and this happens14:46
silateldpkg: error processing package linux-image-5.8.0-55-generic (--configure):14:46
silatel installed linux-image-5.8.0-55-generic package post-installation script subprocess returned error exit status 114:46
silatelErrors were encountered while processing:14:46
silatel linux-image-5.8.0-55-generic14:46
silatelE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)14:46
ThinkT510!paste | silatel14:47
ubottusilatel: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.14:47
silatelah im sorry i didnt know14:47
silatelshould i do it now?14:47
silatelthis is the error14:48
ubottuScreenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imgur.com/ and link the created page here.14:48
ubottupastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit14:48
oerheksdid you update the kernel recently , without reboot, before install nfs-common?14:49
silateloerheks: i think i might have done something14:49
silateloerheks: but i already rebooted14:49
silateloerheks: i could try to reboot one more time and let you know14:49
oerheksor run updates again, to see.14:49
silateloerheks: ok i'll be back in 2 min14:50
oerheksnot sure you want nfs-common, as libnsf is standard installed14:51
ThinkT510they already left14:51
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Chris81Hi. I'm definitely out of my comfort zone, here, but I'm hoping to get help with my ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS. Someone highly recommended I join the #ubuntu list, here. I don't even know what irc is.15:10
hggdhChris81: hello, start by explaining what is your issue.15:11
Chris81Takes me 5+ seconds just to enter commands, switch between apps, etc. df reveals I have lots of space except what is dedicated to snap. I don't even know what snap is. Do I need snap? Whenever updates are offered I just accept them all, because I don't know the ramifications of refusing them. So, I may have accepted snap at some point. I could do a15:14
Chris81df dump here but not sure that is too ling for a chat interface.15:14
hggdh!pastebin | Chris8115:14
ubottuChris81: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.15:14
ubottuSnaps are containerised software packages similar to flatpaks or appimage. For more info, see https://snapcraft.io15:15
oerhekspretty neat software distributing system.15:15
ThinkT510Chris81: why did you do ctrl+C after the df?15:19
Chris81I was trying to copy. Then I remembered I just had to use middle mouse button to paste.15:20
ThinkT510any reason why you think space limitations are causing the slowdown?15:21
Chris81Just that historically that has been my reason for slowdown issues. Maybe not this time, though.15:22
ThinkT510the snap stuff always takes up 100% because they are designed to be confined which is why there are so many loops there15:23
Chris81Also, that is one of the only things i know how to do at command line. That, and ps ax then kill[nnnn] when a process is hanging. and sudo apt-get install whatever. When you're a plumber with only three tools, those are the ones you grab. :P15:24
Chris81OK, so snap just takes a little space then fills up that space.15:25
ThinkT510each snap will only take up what it needs15:26
ThinkT510when did you first start experiencing the slowdown?15:26
Chris81Two days ago.15:27
ThinkT510installed anything out of the ordinary at that time?15:27
Chris81NO new installations. Something has come up and I have to leave for an hour. Sorry, i hope I haven't left a bad impression my first time, here. I'll make sure I have an hour work to do at my computer when I get back on. Thanks for your patience. I'll search or scroll for comments when I get back. I don't want to piss you guys off. Seems like a15:30
Chris81helpful and active list.15:30
ThinkT510no worries, this channel is always open15:31
mbeierlChris81, I know you're AFK, but in case it was not clear: the snaps are like CDs, the content is read only and there is never "free" space in the software image.  The main disk to watch in your case is dev/sda1 (1% /boot/efi) which has lots of free space15:59
mbeierland... of course, what I really meant was /dev/sda5 (8% /), not /dev/sda116:02
oerhekshostnamectl status && free && df -h && lscpu && lspci && lsusb && dmidecode && systemd-analyze blame16:05
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Chris81Understood. So, disk space is not my issue.16:46
hoppityThe latest ubuntu update broken serial communication16:52
jpmhI don;t really know enough to ask the right question I suspect, so please bear with me.  I have a raspberry PI connected on a USB port to my ubunto machine.  ip a shows the usb0 device.  If I do a dhcpcd usb0 then I sure enough can communicate, I get a 169 series IP address.  But I dont really like this solution since then I lose my connection to the wlan0 - what is the right way to do this?17:17
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hoppityjpmh: lol17:33
jpmhhoppity: שלום17:35
cbreakjpmh: why not chose a fixed subnet from for both the pi and your system?17:45
cbreakfor example via netplan, or the GUI17:45
jpmhcbreak: rerember I said I did not know enough - my wlan is a 10. address - the raspberry pi of course makes a 169. address and is running Raspbian - so I really - the pi actually does have a 10 address too, on its lan ip17:46
mbeierlChris81, top?  System load monitor?17:46
cbreakuse a different 10.17:47
cbreakyou don't need a whole class A for both interfaces17:47
jpmhcbreak - YEP, and how would I do that?17:48
jpmhcbreak: remember I told you I really don't know enough to ask the right questions  I do however need that the connection NOT go  through the router that is the 10, router17:49
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cbreakyou know about subnet masks?17:51
chilverschow do I force a service to start (i.e. ignore a masked dependency)?17:51
jpmhcbreak: YES - I know what they are and sort of how they work -17:51
chilverscfor some debugging I want to run rpc.mountd in foreground mode, but kernel-nfs-server refuses to start with nfs-mountd masked17:52
cbreakjpmh: chose something like
cbreakand then for subnet 1 and for the second17:52
chilverscI keep getting: Failed to start nfs-kernel-server.service: Unit nfs-mountd.service is masked.17:55
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jpmhcbreak: TY - I'm not sure that I fully understand yet, but you have pointed me ina direction I can now read more about - ty so much17:57
jpmhreally apprecaiedt your patiece17:58
Chris81@mbeierl not sure what you mean by System Load Monitor18:05
rrrapt is reporting some jargon about having held broken packages.18:07
rrrand I don't know what to tell it.,18:07
mbeierlChris81, it is a program that shows grapically the load (CPU, etc) on the system.  Depending on what flavour of Ubuntu you installed, it might be known by different names.  On my Mate desktop, it is call System Monitor.  But the easiest might just be to start a terminal and execute the "top" command18:08
mbeierlAnd from there see what process is "top of the list" in using your CPU?18:08
lotuspsychjerrr: is that on -desktop or -server?18:09
rrr-server but arm18:10
Chris81@mbeierl Oh, yeah, I did that. It was showing gnome taking up 50% of CPU18:11
rrrthe pi does an outstanding job. Unable to use a web-browser but mostly functions, I am having the darndest time getting libavfilter-dev to install.18:11
rrrI think I might be stuck between dist upgrades somehow.18:11
Chris81@mbeierl https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/PJSBrMCV5P/18:13
mbeierlChris81, interesting...  can you type the letter "c" when the top display is showing.  That gives the full command line of the process that is taking up CPU18:13
lotuspsychjerrr: try to collect your apt errors in a pastebin please, volunteers can help debug better when they see whats going on18:14
Chris81Not sure what 'c' did - just seems to refresh screen. https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Gfb9j8Wjhx/ gnome is always on top using as much as 70% at any one time. e.18:17
mbeierlChris81, just wanted to see if additional cmdline arguments came up with the gnome-shell.  Odd question: does moving your mouse rapidly for a couple seconds cause the CPU to show higher in top?18:19
Chris81I'm starting to think that the last ubuntu update was too much for my system. This system has been working great for the past year. These updates are a mystery to me. i just accept them all, not knowing what they are.18:19
mbeierlChris81, part of me is wanting to think this might be a graphics card module mismatch, like the system is trying to do software rendering instead of hardware18:20
Chris81@mbeierl Yes, it takes about five seconds, after shaking the mouse, but i got gnome up to 98.7% doing that.18:21
Chris81The five-second wait is consistent with all my other operations, now.18:22
mbeierlChris81, it sounds a little like this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-shell/+bug/1900760 but that should be fixed by now18:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1849142 in gnome-shell-extension-appindicator (Ubuntu Focal) "appindicator extension slows down GUI spamming the log with '[AppIndicatorSupport-FATAL] unable to lookup icon ...' or 'Impossible to lookup icon'" [High, Fix Released] [duplicate: 1900760]18:23
isapgswellcome on GOOGLE and OWASP18:23
isapgswellwhat about quantum linux kernel securityQA and responsiveness decepticons!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!18:23
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* rud0lf hands isapgswell a paper bag to breathe in18:24
rrrI managed to paste the error: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/gpRw4mz88Q/18:24
rrroh, well most of it.18:25
Guest71how can I use the integrated graphics as primary gpu instead of nvidia? I already removed "Option "PrimaryGPU" "true"" from nvidia conf but still18:26
lotuspsychjeGuest71: optimus cards can be handled with nvidia-settings18:28
isapgswellGuest71 switch via nvida-settings and logout18:37
Chris81@mbeierl Yes,that was an interesting bug. My slowdown is not just mouse-related, though. Even doing Alt+Tab to move to the next open app takes five sesonds.18:38
isapgswellGuest71 or better, reboot18:44
Chris81Do I really need all these processes running? https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/FR7g9mbdbW/18:47
isapgswellcome on GOOGLE and OWASP18:48
isapgswellwhat about quantum linux kernel securityQA and responsiveness decepticons!18:48
isapgswelllinux and modules mutual autorelationship18:48
isapgswellno except18:49
mbeierlChris81, that looks pretty normal.  None of them are your culprits, and they're not going to be taking up resources.  It still feels like a display issue to me, but I have no idea how to dig deeper18:51
Chris81Is there any way I can undo the latest ubuntu update? I'm wondering if it added bloatware to my gnome.18:53
Chris81@mbeierl I found a little fix. Alt+F2 > r restarts gnome without closing any applications. :) Everything seems good, now.19:01
mbeierlChris81, interesting.  I wonder if it's going to come back.  I'd recommend filing a bug if it does19:02
Chris81Yes, I will. Of course, I'll keep that fix in my back pocket. Thanks for all the help, everyone.19:04
raecarruthhello is there any fix for a crappy sdxc card that has become 'read only'?19:06
jeremy31raecarruth: That usually means it is shot19:08
Chris81There is no logout for this chat? Just close the https://web.libera.chat/ page?19:11
jeremy31Chris81: Closing the web page will shut it off19:12
Walex2raecarruth: more precisely it means that it has run out spare write blocks.19:12
Walex2raecarruth: there are cards with "high endurance" (better chips, more spare blocks) and they cost significantly more.19:13
diniamoHey guys, I'll ask both my questions since we couldn't solve either in the Lubuntu channel. (implying I'm trying to use lubuntu)19:20
diniamoSo first of all if I try to use the LTS or latest release, I can't because the resolution is really bad, and the next button is off the screen for the installer. I can't change the resolution nor can I install a better drive because it's a live environment.19:21
diniamoAnd since I couldn't fix this, I tried going back to 18.04, which has an alternate installer, and I got farther with it. I got to the partition management part where you have to click "undo partitions and continue", or something similar. but when I do click it, it freezes and nothing happens from there.19:22
diniamoI also ran a disc check because of this and I got this result:19:23
diniamoUploaded file: https://uploads.kiwiirc.com/files/98a1a084d006b38ed2e5bc1366e3c134/20210607_210709.jpg19:23
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isapgswellis there a way to disable input read/write thread executing??19:27
=== SuperL4g is now known as SuperLag
sarnolddiniamo: USB memory sticks are notoriously poor19:35
sarnolddiniamo: did your download verify correctly before you wrote it tothe memory stick?19:35
diniamoI'm pretty sure yes, I downloaded it using the magnet link19:35
diniamoWell what do I use if not a USB stick though?19:38
diniamoIt's the simplest option19:38
sarnoldI was mostly just thinking a newer usb stick19:39
ogradid you do an integrity check of the USB stick after writing the image to it ?19:39
sarnoldthey're useful, it's just that they've got a shelf life that's significantly shorter than most people think19:39
gabrielcHello. Just to keep it on the record. On my computer, firefox could not access any site through dns until I removed ipv6.disable=1 from grub.conf//19:39
ogra20.04 does that by default, in 18.04 you had to explicitly select it19:39
diniamoShame I couldn't get 20.04 then, how do I do it in 18.04?19:40
ogradunno, somewhere in the boot menu there should be an option19:41
ogrante also that you can move windos around with alt+click in nearly every graphical environment, that should wrk with the 20.04 live image too19:41
* ogra notes that his typing is pretty poor today and throws some spare chars at the sentence above19:42
diniamoOK so, no I cannot move the installer window around19:43
diniamoit doesn't have a handle19:43
diniamoAnd I think I did a check, I sent the error above19:43
ograalt+click *somewhere* on the window should grab it19:43
Guest82how to safely remove old kernels?19:43
diniamoUploaded file: https://uploads.kiwiirc.com/files/98a1a084d006b38ed2e5bc1366e3c134/20210607_210709.jpg19:43
diniamobut here it is again19:43
ogra... then you can move it around so you can reach the next button19:43
ogra(that should at least work on an ubuntu desktop live image .... not sure about lubuntu, i think they do not use ubiquity anymore, but some own installer)19:45
krytarikThat's the olden Debian installer though.19:49
diniamoOh, yeah I could also only launch the safe graphics version19:50
Bashing-omGuest82: Depends on the package manager that you have - try ' sudo apt --purge autoremove ' :D19:50
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Guest82Bashing-om this cmd doesn't list kernel19:51
ograo, it removes obsolete ones19:51
oerheksupdates now deletes obsolete kernels too19:52
oerheksafter reboot and update again*19:52
Bashing-omGuest82: ' dpkg -l | grep linux- ' to list kernels and state.19:53
icedwaterHi folks, I did a do-release-upgrade recently from 16 > 18 > 20. I'd installed Python 3.8 on 16 for experimentation. Now on 20.04 I have a different minor version of 3.8 built in. When I try `pip3 install -U pip`, this is the ModuleNotFoundError I get, which I don't with pip2: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/FxscBPBh3g/19:53
oerheksmessage is clear; python2 is eol. so, use pip3?19:56
oerheksif this is a repeat from yesterday; python-is-python3 package can disturb pip(2) comands likely19:56
sarnoldicedwater: I think you should only be using pip etc within virtualenvs19:59
ubottuFor information on registering your IRC nick, see https://libera.chat/guides/registration - For any further help, ask in #libera20:04
Guest82is it better to install app from snap or deb?20:07
sixwheeledbeastto the average user it probably doesn't matter. question is why you ask?20:07
ogradepends what you want 🙂20:07
ogra... and depends on the app20:08
NitrigaurHow can I automatically shut down my computer after mdadm has completed the RAID rebuild? (Ubuntu 20.04, softraid RAID 1)20:10
isapgswelllinux kernel source security: validation, autoban, notifyAll and sanitize20:10
ograNitrigaur, if you call it from a terminal you could probably chain the commands in usual shell manner like: cmd1 && cmd2 && cdm320:11
Nitrigaurogra, true, but I do not call it from a terminal, it's an automated process that prevents me from shutting down my computer.20:12
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ograNitrigaur, though note that using "sudo shutdown" will likely not work because the sudo token will have timed out when mdadm is done ... so first doing "sudo -s" to get an actual root shell, then your mdadm command and then appending && shutdown should work20:13
ograi suspect there is no toggle for this anyhere20:14
jeremy31Could try just shutdown20:14
ogramost likely to leave the raid in the bad condition and get the same thing again on next shutdown though20:15
Nitrigaurogra, that is a pity, because while that is happening, my computer refuses to shut down (which is understandable given the rebuild process), but I want it to finish normally and after that, shut down, to prevent wasting energy by keeping the computer on needlessly20:16
sarnoldNitrigaur: can you spot the difference between rebuilding and not rebuilding in /proc/mdstat?20:16
sarnoldNitrigaur: if so a while true ; do sleep 30 ; grep something /proc/mdstat && shutdown -h now ; done   kind of loop might do the trick20:16
Nitrigaursarnold, yes, that would be a sane method to approach it.20:17
Nitrigaursarnold, at the moment the mdam process is sleeping, but it would be unwise to trigger a shutdown on that state alone20:22
sarnoldNitrigaur: as far as I know, my one system with mdadm in use isn't doing anything at the moment, http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/mkkyX5rbSS/20:23
sarnold(I never actually look at this file, so if it's actually busted, please do let me know :)20:24
Nitrigaursarnold, neither is mine at the moment, but thank you for sharing your pastebin anyway :-)20:24
Nitrigaursarnold, my mdadm status looks similar.20:25
sarnoldNitrigaur: ah, so this isn't so much an active problem to troubleshoot as a thing to solve for the future/20:26
Nitrigaursarnold, that is true. I thought to ask around here to see if someone else had already encountered such a state. I do encounter it regularly though.20:27
gneeriiloeepdeerafter upgrading to 21.04 htop works partially OK: it shows what % of the cpus is being used, but in the body of text, every process consumes 0%20:34
gneeriiloeepdeerwill I solve this if I reinstall htop?20:34
sarnoldgneeriiloeepdeer: it's possible the htop snap needs some permissions20:34
gneeriiloeepdeersarnold, no snap, apt20:34
sarnoldgneeriiloeepdeer: ah, hmm.20:35
ograthe snap auto-connects all necessary interfaces by default (i use it exclusively on all machines)20:35
sarnoldoh nice, thanks ogra20:35
ogramy most used snap is htop 😄20:36
gneeriiloeepdeera, lol, we got a snap fan (ogra) and yesterday there was another user deadly against it, variety...20:36
ogragneeriiloeepdeer, does top show the same behaviour ?20:38
Guest82is "tlp" really useful?20:38
Guest82can nvidia prop driver work with wayland?20:45
sarnoldGuest82: recently the canonical oem group wanted to move tlp into main because they use it as part of meeting energy star requirements for partners; it feels like it probably is useful, but I'm still skeptical20:48
sarnoldGuest82: afaik nvidia's drivers don't work with wayland yet20:48
gneeriiloeepdeerogra, I don't know,21:02
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ogragneeriiloeepdeer, well, there is n easy way to find out21:03
tomreynGuest82: https://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=NVIDIA-470-Wayland-Friendly21:03
gneeriiloeepdeerI still believe is a bug, this only happened after upgrading21:03
Walex2Guest82: "tlp" helps a bit, there is also 'powertop'21:03
ogragneeriiloeepdeer, there is surely a bug somewhere ... or a misconfiguration ... either way we wont know if it is something systemic or a htop bug if you dont run the top command once to compare21:04
Walex2I have written something like 'tlp' so I have done some tests,21:04
Walex2but usually for laptops the biggest problems are browser tabs, WiFi and screen backlight21:05
ograWalex2, thats mean, dont blame the tabs for their bad content 🙂21:05
Walex2ogra: sure, it is not the browser's fault, it is the site designers who know that they don't pay for user CPU time.21:08
Guest82what is the best way to set static DNS servers for the whole system?21:10
Bashing-omGuest82: https://blog.ubuntu.com/2017/12/01/ubuntu-bionic-netplan has examples.21:12
isapgswellwhy esp partition is still mounted after boot??21:29
isapgswellany idea?21:29
jeremy31isapgswell: That is how it works21:31
jeremy31isapgswell: it is listed in /etc/fstab21:31
isapgswelljeremy31 there's no need, some admin program could make a new instance (clone) kernel?21:32
isapgswelljeremy31 i had a mobile cel with more than one kernel loaded at a time21:32
isapgswelljeremy31 android cellphone21:32
* tomreyn can't follow21:33
jeremy31me either21:33
isapgswelljeremy31 i think is safer to umount esp to avoid "phantasmagoria"21:35
isapgswelljeremy31 not all linux distro are fully sandboxed21:36
KS3hi! I'm having the following errors after apt update and apt dist-upgrade: https://pastebin.groundzero.icu/view/f28ac95e ( raw at https://pastebin.groundzero.icu/view/raw/f28ac95e ). any ideas. TIA21:39
tomreynKS3: can you show the full ouput of "sudo apt update" as well?21:40
tomreynthis seems to be the first fatal error on your log: "mount: /var/lib/grub/esp: special device /dev/vda15 does not exist."21:43
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KS3tomreyn: this: https://pastebin.groundzero.icu/view/55411e6721:43
KS3indeed there's no /dev/vda1521:45
tomreynKS3: i'm not sure how openstack boots guests on your cloud21:45
tomreyndoes it use bios or uefi booting?21:46
KS3erm. honestly no idea. it's a kimsufi dedicated server though21:46
tomreynwhat's the output of     journalctl -b | grep 'kernel: Booting '21:48
KS3May 28 21:25:24 ks3-2 kernel: Booting paravirtualized kernel on bare hardware21:48
KS3that's the only output, though21:51
tomreynhmm okay so its indeed dedicated hardware, i guess21:51
tomreyni guess you will need to find out where grub is meant to install its shim to, then make that available (mount it) at /boot/grub/esp21:52
tomreynor, if you don't actually need a boot loader because it actually IS a VM which is set up for paravirtualization then you could just remove all grub packages, but that doesn't seem to be the case.21:55
B0g4r7I hate you, systemd.21:59
B0g4r7It went and stopped nfs-kernel-server all by itself, again.21:59
KS3although very risky, I've followed this: https://itectec.com/ubuntu/ubuntu-error-processing-package-grub-efi-amd64-signed-ubuntu-20-4/22:09
KS3seems to have worked.22:10
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KS3complete output of the commands on that tutorial (in case I've done something nasty): https://pastebin.groundzero.icu/view/a5b50d57 ( raw at https://pastebin.groundzero.icu/view/raw/a5b50d57 )22:19
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gneeriiloeepdeerhow am I supposed to know which one is better, snap or apt? Or does each developer give preference to one and is simply impossible to systematically know which one is 'better'?22:22
B0g4r7Personally, I rip snap out of every new install I do.22:23
gneeriiloeepdeerwhat changes did happen when 21.04 was being developed? now the snap version of htop works like apt used to...22:23
ogragneeriiloeepdeer, because neither is "better" ...22:24
ograthe are different packaging formats22:24
gneeriiloeepdeerB0g4r7, why?22:24
B0g4r7I find it to be bad.22:24
B0g4r7Every snap I install adds another mount point to clutter up my list.22:25
ograbecause they are images that get mounted22:25
tomreynKS3: you chose to remove several grub packages, and to destroy / remove their configurations as well:22:25
tomreyngrub-common grub-efi-amd64 grub-efi-amd64-bin grub-efi-amd64-signed grub2-common os-prober grub-efi-amd64-signed-template grub-pc shim-signed22:25
B0g4r7Things I install via snap can't access the filesystem normally.  Wanna use the "export to csv" function?  Too bad.22:25
ograsaves a lot of space, keeps them reaonly and tinker proof22:25
tomreynKS3: and then you decided (?) to install all of these packages:22:26
tomreyngrub-common grub-efi-amd64 grub-efi-amd64-bin grub-efi-amd64-signed grub2-common os-prober grub-efi22:26
ograB0g4r7, did you report that to the  developer of that snap ?22:26
B0g4r7I installed the Chromium snap.  Chromium would run for a while, and then after maybe a day the tabs would stop working.  It would say "oh snap, something went wrong."  I uninstalled it and installed the apt version and the problem went away.22:27
B0g4r7ogra, I did not.22:27
tomreynKS3: i guess this isn't strictly wrong,. unless you need to do 'secure boot', which you probably don't22:27
tomreynKS3: i.e. i think you got lucky this time, following some random post on the internet without understanding what its impact is.22:27
B0g4r7Also, snapd deems to randomly decide it needs to do something and will max out a CPU core and do a bunch of IO for no reason that I can discern.22:28
B0g4r7All of these things make me not like snap.22:28
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kandinskiI'm trying to start barrier/synergy under gdm3, following a modified recipe (using barrier from snap): https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynergyHowto with this at the end of /etc/gdm3/Init/Default: https://termbin.com/ik2823:38
kandinskiI've edited /etc/gdm3/custom.conf to ensure gdm runs on X (because barrier doesn't work on23:38
kandinskiThe result is that my user does start with a barrier client (whether I log in using gdm to authorise or automatically), but I can't access gdm over barrier. I'd appreciate tips on how to debug. I don't know how to find out for instance which Xdisplay gdm3 is using, so I can add the right --display switch to the barrier.barrierc command.23:38
chibill[m]Hello, I am having an issue with Ubuntu no longer being able to use a USB sound card after a reboot.23:44
chibill[m]For referance output of uname -a os "Linux william-hambook 5.8.0-53-generic #60~20.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Thu May 6 09:52:46 UTC 2021 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux"23:44
chibill[m]And it is visible under lsusb.23:45
coz_terminal  alsamixer  F6 choose sound card?23:45
chibill[m]It shows up there but not under any of my applications. (Most seem to use Pulseaudio)23:46
coz_hmm what DE?23:46
coz_desktop environment23:46
coz_gnome, kde, mate etc23:47
chibill[m]Currently using LXDE due to this being on an old netbook.23:47
chibill[m]I can try logging in under the default and checking.23:47
coz_ah ok, hmmm, I never used LXDE, so my help may not be appropriate for your situation23:48
chibill[m]I have a feeling Pulseaudio somehow isn't running because my pulseaudio volume control sits forever on "Connecting to pulseaudio"23:49
coz_chibill[m], unfortunately I use PipeWire and not pulsaudio23:49
chibill[m]I am only using pulseaduio because its was a requirement for WSJT-X (hamradio data mode software)23:50
coz_chibill[m], I have a usb sound card that works fine under pipewire, sorry I have no solution for you %(23:50
Swift110-mobilewhats wrong with pulseaudio?23:55
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chibill[m]Seems I got pulseaudio to start but it still can't see my USB sound card.23:56
coz_Swift110-mobile, nothing is wrong with it, my distro switched to pipewire23:57
coz_the distro I am on at the moment23:58

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