
callmepkgood morning01:02
dufluHi callmepk 01:23
callmepkhi duflu 01:26
jameshhi callmepk, duflu 01:31
dufluHi jamesh 01:32
callmepkhi jamesh 01:34
seb128goood morning desktopers05:16
dufluHi seb128 05:24
didrocksgood morning05:59
dufluMorning didrocks 06:02
didrockshey duflu 06:02
oSoMoNgood morning desktoppers06:17
didrockssalut oSoMoN 06:21
ricotzgood morning :)06:24
oSoMoNsalut didrocks, hey ricotz 06:28
didrockshey ricotz 06:29
dufluHi oSoMoN, ricotz 06:32
ricotzhello oSoMoN didrocks duflu 06:36
callmepkhi seb128 didrocks ricotz oSoMoN 06:59
didrockshey callmepk 07:03
marcustomlinsonmorning callmepk duflu jamesh seb128 didrocks oSoMoN ricotz07:11
dufluHi marcustomlinson 07:11
seb128hey duflu didrocks oSoMoN ricotz callmepk marcustomlinson , how are you?07:13
marcustomlinsonseb128: yeah well thanks, you?07:13
seb128I'm alright!07:13
jameshhi marcustomlinson 07:14
jibelGood morning all07:14
marcustomlinsonhey jibel07:15
jibelHi marcustomlinson 07:15
callmepkhi marcustomlinson jibel 07:15
jibelHey callmepk 07:16
didrockssalut jibel 07:16
didrockshey seb128 07:16
didrocksand marcustomlinson  :)07:16
jibelSalut didrocks 07:17
oSoMoNhey duflu, callmepk, marcustomlinson, seb128, jamesh, jibel 07:55
seb128hey laney, how are you?08:03
jibelsalut oSoMoN seb128 08:05
seb128lut jibel, c'est la forme ?08:05
jibelen forme et toi?08:06
oSoMoNhey laney 08:06
seb128ça roule!08:07
laneyguten morgen seb128 oSoMoN 08:11
laneyall goooodddd08:12
didrockshey hey laney 08:15
marcustomlinsonhey laney08:28
laneysup didrocks & marcustomlinson/08:32
didrocksnothing special, and you? :)08:45
laneynot much, just a BEAUTY of a day!08:46
marcustomlinsonoh it was a question :) beauty of a day here too!09:23
bittinHello, is anyone building the new pipewire for Ubuntu 21.10 ?11:17
oSoMoNbittin, there's 0.3.28 in Debian experimental, the update needs to happen there: https://salsa.debian.org/utopia-team/pipewire/-/tree/debian/experimental11:30
bittinoSoMoN: ah i see someone is building an updated version in a PPA: https://launchpad.net/~pipewire-debian/+archive/ubuntu/pipewire-upstream?field.series_filter=impish that will be out for impish in 4 minutes11:31
bittinupdated to the latest pipewire from that PPA however the support for Bluetooth speakers and headphones gone bork but i only use things with 3.5" jacks so i yoloed and forced the update11:49
KGB-1vala tags 3858b61 Rico Tzschichholz upstream/0.48.18 * Upstream version 0.48.18 * https://deb.li/3AqCg12:37
KGB-1vala upstream/latest 4d5acca Rico Tzschichholz * pushed 31 commits (first 5 follow) * https://deb.li/FqBG12:37
KGB-1vala upstream/latest 403ca3c Rico Tzschichholz tests/Makefile.am vala/valadestructor.vala tests/errors/unhandled.vala * vala: Report a warning for unhandled errors in destructors * https://deb.li/3fgKM12:37
KGB-1vala upstream/latest 358820a Rico Tzschichholz codegen/valaccodebasemodule.vala * codegen: Don't use G_GNUC_INTERNAL on implicit type specific fields * https://deb.li/uy3y12:37
KGB-1vala upstream/latest ccc9008 Rico Tzschichholz tests/ Makefile.am pointers/delete.vala * tests: Add "delete" test to increase coverage * https://deb.li/i4jc412:37
KGB-1vala upstream/latest 0920e86 Rico Tzschichholz tests/ Makefile.am generics/arrays.vala * tests: Add "generic array" test to increase coverage * https://deb.li/Wyje12:37
KGB-1vala upstream/latest 5e48718 Rico Tzschichholz tests/arrays/class-field-initializer.vala * tests: Extend "array field intializer" test to increase coverage * https://deb.li/3Fjv012:37
KGB-1vala pristine-tar d1e9fb1 Rico Tzschichholz vala_0.48.18.orig.tar.xz.delta vala_0.48.18.orig.tar.xz.id * pristine-tar data for vala_0.48.18.orig.tar.xz * https://deb.li/agRA12:38
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=== pizzaiolo is now known as pizza
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=== marcustomlinson_ is now known as marcustomlinson
hellsworthwell i said hello desktopers over in the gnome channel a while ago.. still stands but putting it in the right channel now :)15:54
jibelGood morning hellsworth !15:54
hellsworthhi there jibel !15:55
ricotz_hellsworth, good morning15:55
didrocks999hey hey hellsworth :)15:55
=== ricotz_ is now known as ricotz
hellsworthhi ricotz and didrocks999 !16:08
=== jos- is now known as jose

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