
ducassegood morning05:46
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jeremy31tomreyn: or a why did they decide for Ubuntu desktop to run hwe20:30
tomreynjeremy31: probably to not have so many whine about "my newly bought shiny $5000 computer don't work!!! ubuntu sucks!!!"20:31
daftykinsnot a fan of how that seems forced in 20.04 :(20:31
daftykinson server mainly, is where i dislike it20:31
oerhekshwe is enabled from the .1 version20:31
tomreynso the website is wrong?20:32
jeremy31It is on the ISO from the first release, the beta didn't have it20:32
oerheksfresh install 20.04.120:33
oerheksso not by updating.20:33
jeremy31fresh install 20.0420:33
daftykinsi've seen it happen through updating, new behaviour compared with the past20:33
jeremy31It was listed in the manifest for the 20.04 ISO, it didn't start using 5.8 until sometime in January20:34
tomreyndefaulting to hwe makes sense to me, on desktops, and it's only applies there. unless, of course, you have picky hardware which also doesn't work on wayland 5 years after it was introduced and two years after X.org was considered "EOL soon"20:35
sarnoldyeah I think they changed how hwe works in 20.0420:35
jeremy31I did a fresh install a while ago from my ISO from a year ago and was surprised to have a 5.8 kernel when I booted into it20:39
jeremy31the manifest file is at http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/releases/20.04/ubuntu-20.04-desktop-amd64.manifest line 134920:42
daftykinsi'd be very interested to see the statistics on the number of modern vs. older generation systems being used20:42
jeremy31This laptop is 7 years old and it seems the hwe kernels are in the system before the dkms packages are patched to support them20:43
tomreynthat's probably a system where you should be staying on the GA kernel then: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack#Ubuntu_20.04_LTS_-_Focal_Fossa20:59
jeremy31I removed the hwe and keep it on the LTS kernel21:00

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