=== Kon- is now known as Kon === tomreyn_ is now known as tomreyn [09:13] Kon, that is in plan, just not executed yet. [10:51] Fair enough === locutusofborg_ is now known as LocutusOfBorg === ubot3 is now known as ubottu === nibbon_3 is now known as nibbon_ === tomreyn_ is now known as tomreyn === klebers_ is now known as klebers === ricotz_ is now known as ricotz [20:27] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack#Ubuntu_20.04_LTS_-_Focal_Fossa is well phrased, but most likely too complicated to understand for the average user. [20:27] i had to read it a few times to grasp it. :) [20:28] maybe we need /usr/bin/which_kernel_should_i_be_using.sh [20:30] #!/bin/bash \necho "just leave it alone" [20:37] you have a spare space at the end of the line!!!!! [20:37] s/spare/extra/ [20:42] I knew that was going to bug someone.. :)