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cluelesspersonI live in an apartment complex with many wifi broadcasted SSIDs.00:09
cluelesspersonI find that ubuntu takes up to several minutes to find my wifi SSID and finally connect.00:10
cluelesspersonis there a command to speed up it's searching, or to reset the wifi search process?00:10
sarnoldhey cluelessperson :) I've heard good things about iwd, but never tried it myself. it might wind up replacing more than you want, or less than you want, etc.00:15
cluelesspersonI don't really think I want a system replacemtn00:16
sarnoldcluelessperson: this is a few months old now, but might provide some background https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/call-for-testing-improved-wifi-via-iwd/1779500:16
Unit193I was talking to an Aussie that said it was lacking in a specific useful way, but alas I can't remember which.  A new version was possibly going to solve that issue though00:16
sarnoldI wonder if that new version has come out since then ;) heh00:17
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awestwellver irc.freenode.net01:21
Acts10-13Hey can anyone help me build and install https://github.com/andmarti1424/sc-im sc-im? I am not sure if I am having dependency issues, or if I need to edit the makefile? Sc-im is a spreadsheet with vim bindings01:40
Acts10-13When I do make, it fails on, `/home/anon/Programming/sc-im/src/trigger.c:222: undefined reference to `doLuaTrigger_cell' `01:40
Acts10-13as far as I can tell though, a grep shows that the function is defined in  `src/lua.c:void doLuaTrigger_cell(struct ent *p, int flags) {`01:41
sarnoldhah, cool, someone's updating sc :D01:45
sarnoldActs10-13: try sudo apt install liblua5.1-0 liblua5.1-0-dev  --- and then try again01:48
signofzetaIs there any way to get the extra buttons on my mouse working?  On Windows, I can use these little ones near my thumb to go back and forward in Firefox.02:48
signofzetai'm on 20.10, by the way.  i found an old how-to, but it didn't work.02:50
sarnoldsignofzeta: 'piper' is packaged, some folks have reported success with it when the buttons don't just work https://github.com/libratbag/piper/02:50
signofzetaooo, thanks!  let me try it.02:50
signofzetamy mouse isn't supported by libratbag.  it's similar to a supported one, though.  let me see what i can do02:52
signofzetawell, this mouse is actually a mouse *and* a keyboard.  confusing!  https://github.com/kreijack/logitech-m56003:09
sarnoldsignofzeta: oh *weird*03:13
sarnoldsignofzeta: I wondered what they did to make it not just work..03:13
sarnoldI've got one of these and it just worked, no effort required https://www.amazon.com/Anker-Ergonomic-Optical-Vertical-Buttons/dp/B00FPAVUHC03:16
signofzetaI used to have the wireless version of that one.  it was great, until the dongle broke.  turns out the manufacturer had no spare dongles.03:19
LittleBoyI'm running into issues with an external WiFi adapter that runs fine on Windows, but continuously drops on Ubuntu (20.04). Ralink USB RT5370.03:24
signofzetasarnold: I did find this -- https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto -- but it doesn't seem to work on Wayland.  oh well.03:24
LittleBoyIt'll connect for a bit, then I get a ? over the WLAN symbol in the upper right and the connection drops.03:25
signofzetaLittleBoy: are you using WPA2/WPA3 Mixed Mode on your router?  i had a similar issue, but fixed it with a firmware update on the router.03:26
thyriaeni am so confused with the startup files - mine never seem to get loaded - isn't .Xsession the proper file to put stuff that gets loaded after signin when gnome is loaded ?03:28
last1I'm having issues with startup files too...I created a systemd service and it never runs03:28
naplifyeLittleBoy, did you install drivers?03:29
last1if I check the status after booting up it says: Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/restore-iptables-rules.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)03:29
last1Active: inactive (dead)03:29
LittleBoynaplifye: I thought that I did? Any way that I can confirm they're the proper ones?03:29
naplifyeLittleBoy, if you have downloaded from here: https://www.mediatek.com/products/broadbandWifi/rt5370 then you are are.03:30
naplifyedid you download from there?03:31
LittleBoynaplifye: Thank you, I'll check that out now. I did not download anything from there that I can recall, no.03:31
naplifyeeven tho, the package that you will download is with different number it is for your model so caution03:32
naplifyefor finding drivers that your system uses you could use this https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/41817/linux-how-to-find-the-device-driver-used-for-a-device03:33
LittleBoynaplifye: Thank you for the info, I'll try this now.03:36
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LittleBoySo I have the Ralink RT5370 drivers downloaded on Ubuntu 20.04 now, just don't know how to install them. Can't find a solution searching. Any tips?04:40
hparadizI'm having a big dep conflict. Any thoughts on getting out of this one? https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/195216/121289255-5c02f980-c880-11eb-885a-339cdf331fb9.png04:40
morgansI am going to reinstall ubuntu in a new partition. Is there an advantage to me to use something newer than 20.04 ? One that is pretty stable.04:43
hparadiz20.04.2 is the most recent LTS (Long Term Support) release04:44
morgansI am using hexchat and it does NOT give me notifications on my nick. Anything better? It does not highlingh my nick either.04:44
hparadizNo real advantage unless you need some bleeding edge feature04:44
morganswhat are those features04:45
hparadizgo to Chatting -> Alerts -> Highlighted Messages and put your nickname in as "Extra words to highlight"04:45
hparadizHexchat does have plugins04:46
morganshparadiz, I did but my nick should already be highlighted. Would you please use my nick.04:47
morgansI am getting colored user names though that is not checked04:47
morgansit is the same color as your nick, not a highlight color04:47
morganswhen I say it no highlight.04:48
hparadizyea i dunno it's not the best i agree04:48
morgansplease use it again. i didint use commas04:49
apb1963morgans, I think I may  have figured it out... try me and I'll tell you what I did.04:50
morganssame story morning glory. oh well. at least I can talk. and I figured out how to get this channel by putting another channel in for padding till it registed my nick or whatever. (orig I had this and the offtopic and only got the offtopic. now I have android  the offtopic channel, and this last. Works great.04:50
morgansthanks apb196304:51
morgansis that what you wanted04:51
morgansie try by saying your nick?:04:51
apb1963morgans, yeah... give this a try.04:51
apb1963morgans, In Chatting>Alerts check the "channel message" box for "Show notifications" line.04:52
apb1963I'm not sure yet if it's what we want, or just notifies for any message.04:53
apb1963And I think it's any message... so that's no good.04:53
apb1963morgans, did you see my two previous messages?  Did you get notified?  Or just this one?04:54
morgansi turned on beeps too. yes.04:54
morgansI saw that one04:54
apb1963I'm getting notified no matter whether you use my name or not.04:54
morgansbut it quickly fades04:54
morgansoh me too. that's not going to work.04:55
morgansthese irc's must be sort of abandoned04:55
apb1963well... #hexchat is prolly a better place to talk about this.  But I have one more thing to try...04:55
apb1963morgans, type something04:56
apb1963anybody type somethingi04:56
morganssure I will. I linked andrew weil in offtopic04:56
apb1963ok.  So that didn't work.\04:56
apb1963morgans, Ask in #hexchat04:57
morgansI will. not tonight though.04:57
apb1963I need to reboot. *wave*04:59
morgansmust restart hexchat.05:00
UbuntuUser2005whats going on with apb1963?05:00
morgansuse my nick again please05:00
apb1963UbuntuUser2005, same as morgans05:01
morganswell thanks for playing.05:01
UbuntuUser2005testing morgans05:01
morgansnew question. is there a way of looking at memory use in my two simms to see if both are active. (when I test with memtest it locks up after 1 second or less. when I test with Dell Diagnostics everything passes.)05:02
apb1963morgans, I'm sure somebody knows better but I don't think linux has such a tool.  Use something like "free" and infer from the results you get.05:05
UbuntuUser2005are you testing it using Ubuntu 20.04 image?05:05
morgans((side comment: I triend to install xubuntu and it would NOT let me install it in a separate partition. It kept going back to alongside-ubuntu taking up the rest of the partition. And it coldnt not look at all the partitions, the ubuntu one etc. Oh well.))05:06
morgansyes the 20.04 image05:06
UbuntuUser2005ok morgans, there is a bug in memtest86 on 20.04. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/memtest86+/+bug/1876157. Can you try another image?05:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1876157 in memtest86+ (Baltix) "Memtest86+ in Ubuntu 20.04 doesn't work, switch to Coreboot branch or package new release v5.31b is available since 12/04/2020" [Medium, Triaged]05:07
hparadiz20.04 is such a mess :/05:07
morganshow do I search on the coreboot branch?05:07
morgansyes yes, hparadiz ... 18.04 couldnt do the wifi on my HP laptop - which I am not using atm05:08
hparadizi have 20.04 on some servers and i'm stuck in dependency hell :/05:08
morgansdoreboot branch of memtest05:08
hparadizironically the WSL version works fine05:08
morganswhat is the wsl version and how do I search to find it? Do I use the word memtest in the search?05:09
hparadizWSL is windows05:09
UbuntuUser2005Windows Subsystem for Linux05:09
morgans(and tell this to tomreyn - that it doesnt work. He may have been the one who suggested I use it.05:09
apb1963morgans, lsmem and chmem might be what you want.05:10
morgansok. I lost my windows partition password. I want to find the crack or the workaround. I want to keep what is in the partition. but someday I will05:10
morgansok I will look for tnat apb196305:11
hparadizlibrsvg2-dev : Depends: libcairo2-dev (>= 1.2.0)  << there is no libcairo2-dev>=1.2 for 20.04 at all05:11
apb1963morgans, I think it's installed by default05:11
morgansso many suggestions for memtest coreboot branch lismem chmem and what hparadiz just said.05:13
morgansapb1963, what is installed by default. which?05:13
apb1963lsmem :)05:13
apb1963and probably chmem05:14
morgansreading the man page.05:14
morganstext of advice copied05:16
morganslsmem looks at available memory which I do believe means the hard drive not RAM05:17
morgansmemtest is for RAM05:17
apb1963morgans, hard drive is not memory.  But I'm not sure this tool is what you want... it may help if you mold it, but I've never used it so... I'm just guessing.05:18
hparadizfml i had an old repo subscribed from before 20.04 that was messing everything up05:18
apb1963morgans, It's clear from running the tool that it's looking at RAM.  To wit:  lsmem -P05:20
apb1963RANGE="0x0000000000000000-0x00000000bfffffff" SIZE="3G" STATE="online" REMOVABLE="yes" BLOCK="0-23"05:20
apb1963RANGE="0x0000000100000000-0x000000023fffffff" SIZE="5G" STATE="online" REMOVABLE="yes" BLOCK="32-71"05:20
apb1963But since I have two 4GB chips, I don't know why it's setup the way it is... that's why I say you may have to mold it.  I can't help beyond this.  I don't know the tools, I simply searched for something memory related and that's what I found.05:21
LittleBoyHow do I install drivers for a USB wifi dongle on Ubuntu 20.04? I have the appropriate drivers on a flash drive, but don't know where to go from there.05:21
hparadizyou need to compile the driver into the linux kernel05:21
hparadizand then install that kernel05:21
hparadizif it's an old driver for linux kernel 3 or 4 and you're currently using 5 you're probably screwed without knowing way too much C and kernel development info05:22
LittleBoyReally rusty with nix, been years.05:22
apb1963LittleBoy, What do your files look like?  Do they end in .ko?  .c? .o?05:23
LittleBoyIt's a Ralink RT5370, trying to install on 20.04. It will connect for a minute and it always dies.05:23
hparadizincidently this is why my mediacenter with an obscure old RAID5 controller is on windows instead of linux05:23
hparadizif it connects for a minute and then dies you likely have the right driver but there might be power management issues05:24
LittleBoyI turned power management off, but it still does it :-/05:24
hparadizthere's a ton of options in the linux kernel for various minor features that might be effecting you possibly05:24
morgansyep going to get coreboot. thanks all hparadiz  apb196305:24
apb1963LittleBoy, That's a compressed tarball... take a peak inside.  tar tvf tar.bz2 except that it's a bz2 which I think needs a -j according to the tar manpage.  I never use bz2.05:25
apb1963LittleBoy, So maybe tar -j tvf tar.bz205:25
apb1963Apachez, At worst you'll get an error.05:26
LittleBoyI extracted it fine, have a makefile.05:26
apb1963Apachez, ignore.  Sorry05:26
apb1963LittleBoy, Well there ya go.  Config file?05:26
LittleBoyDon't see any kinda config file05:27
apb1963Paste the contents... I doubt I can help regardless but someone else will chime in eventually.05:28
LittleBoyLemme see if I can get it over to this machine to do that.05:28
hparadizit should say in the readme what version of the kernel it's for05:29
apb1963I"m out of my element at this point... and I need to reboot anyway.  Good luck guys!05:29
LittleBoyKernel 2.4 and 2.6 series, tested in Redhat 7.3 or later.05:31
hparadizyea that's super old05:31
LittleBoyWhat README_STA_usb says ^^^05:31
hparadizthe current kernel is 505:31
hparadizwhat was the device again?05:32
LittleBoyYeah, I bought this in 2016 lol, and I think it was old then.  RT5370 chipset.05:32
LittleBoyRalink RT537005:32
hparadizsomeone made it work for kernel 4 here05:32
hparadizIt might compile on 5 if you're really lucky05:32
LittleBoyAwesome, thank you. I'll check that out now.05:32
LittleBoyWould hate to have to buy a new external card. I have the machine airgapped and the antenna is on the roof lol.05:33
hparadizbtw this is why nvidia drivers need to be reinstalled anytime you upgrade your kernel :P05:33
LittleBoyI mean airgapped unless the dongle is plugged in and on the roof.05:34
hparadizyou can get a wifi 6 chip with  built in kernel 5.x support for like $10 these days05:34
hparadizmight save you a lot of time just doing that05:35
LittleBoyHmm, that might be the wiser thing to do at this point. Wifi is far, so I need to be able to connect antennas to it.05:35
LittleBoyAny hardware recommendations?05:35
hparadizanything with Intel Wi-Fi 6 AX200 will work out of the box05:36
hparadizjust search for linux kernel 5.x compatible wifi05:36
LittleBoyGonna cruise newegg for a minute.05:36
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LittleBoyUgh I give up for the night. Thanks for trying to help!05:51
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morgansgive me a link to teach me. I have not seen disk partitions labled /dev/loop25 etc.  [I made the partitions with windows. I partitioned the whole disk so that I wouldnt have to touch the MS world again.07:42
TheBigKmorgans: can u start on the beginning? i dont understand ur question07:43
morgansI did fdisk -l and the partitions are labled like that. I want to see mmore info about what is on them if anything and the type of partition (fat32 or whatever they use now) or ext4 and if the partition is written. (also as culture what dies the loop26 nomenclature come from? I know about sbd4 and things like that.)07:45
arif-alimorgans: blkid may give you some information. Also lsblk might also give you some hints too07:49
toddcmorgans: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1047456/why-are-all-snaps-being-mounted-and-listed-as-block-devices-or-partitions-for-ub07:51
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toddcsnaps a wonderful thing after you get into it07:53
arif-aliI'd say there is a love/hate relationship with snaps :) You love them sometimes, and hate them at other times. But I agree, I like he whole concept of them :)07:54
* SysGhost prefers appimages. download one file. Set execution. ??? . Profit.07:57
toddcarif-ali: yes I agree they add a whole new level of issues and complexity but overall a good thing for the future07:58
EriC^^morgans: 'sudo parted -ls'  shows the partitions + filesystems08:18
=== tomreyn_ is now known as tomreyn
sail0ranyone know how to troubleshoot keyboards?08:53
EriC^^sail0r: what's the problem exactly?08:56
EriC^^!ask | sail0r08:56
ubottusail0r: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience08:56
sail0rEriC^^: yeah sorry... seems to be two problems. i think they're both related to config as the kb works in other machines and even on the same machine under a different os08:58
sail0rfirst is that the keyboard doesn';t type characters. short cuts work, alt tab works, i can type on the login screen, but then it doesnt type08:59
GreyAreaHello, my Ubuntu 20.04 desktop auto-loads keys to ssh-agent, it's really useful but for my use case I need to disable this and control it manually.  Does anyone know where it's configured?09:00
sail0ri was 'sort of' able to work around this by doing some apt install xorg-session-input-all or soemthing, but then i have the second problem. which is intermittent connection. its as if the kb goes to sleep and then lags to come back to type, or the connectivity gets lost or something, but there is no issue in other machines09:00
EriC^^sail0r: it's a bluetooth keyboard?09:02
sail0rits nott. it's wireless usb. but i think it still might have to do something with bt settings09:04
EriC^^sail0r: try to run in a terminal 'dmesg' and look for anything related to keyboard, it should show any errors09:05
EriC^^also 'dmesg -w' is useful to keep it running and see if it prints anything when the problem happens09:05
EriC^^sail0r: also 'rfkill list' might show if it's getting soft or hard blocked09:05
sail0r[    6.711060] systemd[1]: Starting Set the console keyboard layout...09:06
sail0rthat's all i got when i grep "keyboard" anything else i could grep?09:06
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sail0r"rfkill: input handler enabled09:08
sail0r[ 6662.430195] vc4_hdmi fef00700.hdmi: ASoC: error at snd_soc_dai_startup on fef00700.hdmi: -1909:08
sail0rguess thats hdmi related, but seems to be a recurring problem at a glance09:08
EriC^^sail0r: see the 2nd answer in this link https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/626387/prevent-bluetooth-keyboard-from-sleeping09:09
sail0rcool thanks. ill look into this09:18
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EriC^^sail0r: no problem10:01
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lotuspsychjeit works, we see you10:33
ledeniyes but i can't see yours answers in matrix10:38
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jeremy31Guest37: post URL from terminal for>  lspci -nnk | grep -iA3 net|nc termbin.com 999911:28
Guest37i installed ubuntu today im unable to find any wifi option11:30
jeremy31Guest37: post the URL from terminal11:31
Guest37qualcomm atheros QCA9377 208.11AC wireless adapter11:33
Guest37kernal module ath10k_pci11:33
jeremy31Guest37: run the 2 commands at https://gist.github.com/jeremyb31/a2bee9856d8c13f42f1835bc31bf9480 in terminal and post termbin URL after the second is done11:34
Guest37not such file directory11:41
jeremy31Did you run the commands one at a time?11:42
=== war is now known as Guest5665
Augustini installed today to my laptop11:52
Augustinunable to fine wifi driver11:52
jeremy31Augustin: in terminal try> sudo modprobe ath10k_pci11:53
Augustinmodprobe: FATAL: Module ath10k not found in directory /lib/modules/5.8.0-43-generic11:55
jeremy31Augustin: in terminal try> sudo modprobe ath10k_pci11:56
jeremy31You missed the _pci11:56
naplifyeGuest82 how?11:59
Guest82i installed ubunto today but im unable to fin wifi12:00
Guest82need wifi installation12:00
tomreynGuest82: are you the same person as "Augustin"?12:00
Guest82s sir12:00
naplifyeyou probably need wifi drivers12:01
=== Guest82 is now known as Augustin
tomreynwhat does "s" mean"?12:01
Augustinyes im augustin12:01
naplifyehope its not the reddit thing s12:01
tomreyn<jeremy31> Augustin: in terminal try> sudo modprobe ath10k_pci12:02
tomreyn<Augustin> modprobe: FATAL: Module ath10k not found in directory /lib/modules/5.8.0-43-generic12:02
tomreyn<jeremy31> You missed the _pci12:02
Augustinonce again i will try12:02
mgedminbut can that help?  if the atk10k_pci driver knows about the pci id of the wifi adapter, it would've been loaded automatically already...12:03
jeremy31mgedmin: the results I saw did not say kernel module in use ath10k_pci but kernel module ath10k_pci12:04
tomreynthere's a good chance Augustin was just too lazy to type the second line, though12:05
Augustinsuddenly laptop hanged12:05
mgedminkernel 5.8.0-43 is what, focal?  but not the latest one12:06
mgedminI suppose it's hard to apt update when you've got no wifi12:07
tomreynunless you've got ethernet or some usb based connectivity12:08
tomreynAugustin: do you have ethernet on this laptop?12:08
Augustini connect ethernet cable im not able to connect wifi12:21
Augustinim using lenovo laptop, i installed ubunto today but im not able to connect inbuilt wifi driver can anyone help me please12:23
tomreynAugustin: but you have a working internet connection on the laptop now?12:23
tomreynso please run the commands jeremy gave you a long time ago now12:24
Augustini have internet connection in my laptop12:24
tomreynlspci -nnk | grep -iA3 net|nc termbin.com 999912:24
tomreynwget -N -t 5 -T 10 https://github.com/UbuntuForums/wireless-info/raw/master/wireless-info && chmod +x wireless-info && ./wireless-info12:25
tomreyncat wireless-info.txt | nc termbin.com 999912:25
tomreyngood, now the others, too12:26
tomreyn!uptodate | Augustin12:27
ubottuAugustin: To ensure you have all the latest known patches and security updates for your ubuntu installation, please update with the following command: `sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade`. See also !upgrades and !security; you may also need to run `apt full-upgrade`.12:27
tomreynso actually make this:   sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade12:28
tomreynyou have a      Qualcomm Atheros QCA9377 802.11ac Wireless Network Adapter [168c:0042] (rev 31)12:28
Augustinaugustin@augustin-Lenovo-E41-25:~$ wget -N -t 5 -T 10 https://github.com/UbuntuForums/wireless-info/raw/master/wireless-info && chmod +x wireless-info && ./wireless-info12:28
Augustin--2021-06-09 17:58:24--  https://github.com/UbuntuForums/wireless-info/raw/master/wireless-info12:28
AugustinResolving github.com (github.com)...
AugustinConnecting to github.com (github.com)||:443... connected.12:28
AugustinHTTP request sent, awaiting response... 302 Found12:28
AugustinLocation: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/UbuntuForums/wireless-info/master/wireless-info [following]12:28
tomreynAugustin: please don't paste more than one line here at a time.12:29
tomreynyou've been muted temporarily12:29
tomreynit won't last much longer12:29
Augustinyou have a      Qualcomm Atheros QCA9377 802.11ac Wireless Network Adapter [168c:0042] (rev 31)12:29
mgedminhmm this bug? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/188762312:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1887623 in linux (Ubuntu) "Qualcomm Atheros QCA9377 802.11ac Wireless Network Adapter [168c:0042] Subsystem  [1028:1810] not detected on Ubuntu 20.04" [Undecided, Fix Released]12:30
mgedminprobably not, that one involves a user playing with the iommu=off on the kernel command line via grub tweaks12:31
BluesKajHi folks13:01
mgedminchromium screen sharing on wayland is still not fixed?13:04
arif-alimgedmin: I see the same issue, it doesn't work on all applications. I've just gone back to Xorg, and that works without a problem13:06
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thyriaenHey guys, i am kinda looking for a guide kinda like linux-from-scratch-lite where you start with minimal ubuntu-server install and go through all the configuration of statartup stuff, desktop envniournment and such yourself - do you know of such a guide ?13:34
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entulandthyriaen, something like this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mABDusWQ1jU13:38
thyriaenentuland, let me check13:41
thyriaenentuland, no, more like what comes after that13:42
entulandconsidering that you may want to install different things and customize them differently, you may be better looking for the specific features you want to install13:44
entulandsay, picking your desktop manager in particular, vs picking a webserver or the alike13:44
entulandinstall / configure / customize and so forth13:45
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TheHoliestRoger_does anyone know what happened to osslsigncode on sourceforge?14:41
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lksteam wont launch for me15:53
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* launchd launches steam16:35
maxFlexGuestI have just now installed Ubuntu 20.04 “Focal Fossa” LTS on an Apple computer, but I am now having Wi-Fi issues.16:50
maxFlexGuestmac80211 is available on my computer, but no networks are showing up in the Ubuntu preferences..16:51
Mekaneckchack for additional drivers16:52
maxFlexGuestWhat is your advice for connecting Apple Mac computers running Ubuntu 20.04 LTS to the Internet?16:54
Mekaneckas i said... check for Additinal Drivers if Wifi doesn't show up....16:55
jplettmanmaxFlexGuest: You may have to install Broadcom drivers which involves the fwcutter process. It depends on the hardware you're using, but yeah Mekaneck is right, you basically need to check additional drivers.16:56
maxFlexGuestHow can I check for the additional (Broadcom) drivers?16:57
MekaneckSoftware & Updates --> Additional Drivers16:58
maxFlexGuestI do not have any additional drivers, so how do I install the drivers (I am unable to use fwcutter)?16:58
toddc9 dots on left click   then  software and updates click look for additional Drivers look for any driver listed and enable the driver install16:58
toddcI was too late16:59
MekaneckmaxFlexGuest: if you know which type of card it is you can Google for it16:59
maxFlexGuestThe card is a Broadcom BCM43602.17:01
toddcthis guide may also help https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LinuxWireless17:01
MekaneckmaxFlexGuest: Google on how to get it working on Ubuntu17:02
Mekaneckpretty sure there are some answers out there17:02
mesaboogiemaxFlexGuest: Device-1: Broadcom BCM43602 802.11ac Wireless LAN SoC driver: brcmfmac17:03
mesaboogiemesaboogie: fwiw, When I boot Ubuntu here with the same exact wireless chipset it loads automatically without installing additional drivers.17:04
mesaboogiemaxFlexGuest: ^^^17:04
Mekaneckgotta love Apple....17:05
jeremy31maxFlexGuest: I think that one need bcmwl-kernel-source17:06
maxFlexGuestDoes that require a full install (and not just a minimal installation)?17:07
toddcbroadcom did not opensource their wifi drivers so they could not be included as part of the default install17:08
Mekaneckminimal or full doesn't matter maxFlexGuest17:08
toddcbcmXXX models sometimes worked better with community drivers on linux so depending on your model BCM43602 there are several step outlined in the last guide I posted17:12
toddcor cheat and plug in a cheap usb/pci wifi that is not broadcom17:14
IvanSpainhi there17:22
IvanSpainis anyone here from Spain?17:22
lotuspsychje_!es | IvanSpain17:23
ubottuIvanSpain: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.17:23
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thetoajust upgraded to 21.04 and deluge is segfaulting17:36
thetoaanyone else seen this?17:36
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TheBigKsince recently my steam doesnt work anymore... https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/hPRx9rmB3Y/17:37
IvanSpaindoes anyone knowthe difference between the ORM kernel and the generic-HWE when it comes to support of video/graphic propietary drivers17:37
IvanSpainis the ORM better than the HWE in that respect?17:38
IvanSpaini meant OEM17:38
jeremy31IvanSpain: What is the issue?17:39
lmatsudo apt install eclipse; says "no installation candidate". It looks like snap is the "normal" way to install eclipse on Ubuntu?17:39
lmatCan I install it with apt or apt-get?17:40
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TheBigKlmat: theres a snap package for it.. no debian package17:43
TheBigKtry sudo snap install --classic eclipse17:44
holgerssonlmat: https://packages.ubuntu.com/ -> yes, looks as there is only a snap package.17:44
lotuspsychjethetoa: did you try wayland vs xorg?17:45
holgerssonlmat: And BTW, please don't end normal sentences with a question mark ;-)17:45
thetoaI'm running it in vnc, so doubt it has to do with wayland17:46
thetoalotuspsychje, I think ending a normal sentence in a ? is a way to indicate that they are unsure.  i.e. they are making a statement they are unsure about, so its like "is this statement true"17:47
thetoaapparently running deluge under strace makes it not crash for me :/17:47
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TheBigKi feel like the last nvidia-460 broke my steam... anyone having ubuntu 21.04 with latest nvidia-460 running?18:01
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lmatTheBigK: No debian package for eclipse? How can it be?18:48
lmatholgersson: "don't end normal sentences with aquestion mark"  Not many are more fastidious about grammar than me. Touche ;-)18:48
oerhekslatest stable and edge  https://snapcraft.io/eclipse18:49
lmatapt-get install postman; says "no apt package postman"?  (that one was for holgersson)18:51
lmatoerheks: Thank you.18:52
oerheksi think postman is only available as snap or ppa https://launchpad.net/~tiagohillebrandt/+archive/ubuntu/postman18:53
lmatoerheks: These are pretty popular projects; why is Debian not packaging them? Are they trying to get out of the packaging business? :-D18:53
oerheksnot sure why, if there is a huge demand, there will be a team.18:54
oerhekschromium is such project, developers run away18:55
oerheksand packagers*18:55
maxFlexGuestI am unable to compile bcmwl-kernel-source into Linux kernel 5.8 on Ubuntu “Focal Fossa” for reasons possibly relating to HWE. What should I do?18:56
maxFlexGuestI have tried installing Linux kernel 5.6, so do I need to boot to that Linux kernel instead (I may actually be running 20.04.2, so no Linux 5.4 kernel)?18:59
johnjayquestion. i want to make a usb bootable drive from the usb installer19:18
johnjayer the cdrom19:19
johnjaybut it asks for a source ico image in ubuntu startup creator. does this mean i can't make a usb bootable image from the cdrom live environment?19:19
spartanturtletypically no. but you can download an ISO in that live env and use it with the USB creator19:20
johnjayright ok.19:20
johnjaycan i use the ubuntu live cdrom to boot an existing ubuntu install on disk?19:20
tomreynyou can actually run the installer and install a bootable ubuntu with it, on either an installed / fixed storage or removable storage such as a usb key19:21
tomreynubuntu startup creator is meant for creating a bootable installer, not a bootable properly installed system,though19:22
johnjayi thought there wasn't a distinction19:23
johnjayi want a usb drive i can use to install ubuntu and if necessary boot into a live environment to fix problems.19:23
holgerssonlmat: hehe19:23
tomreynjohnjay: what spartanturtle said applies then19:23
johnjayi see19:24
johnjaywhat about my second question. i'm trying to boot a usb install on my drive. can i do that from the live cdrom environment?19:24
jpmham connected to a wireless lan on wlx7c25daecb94a and a raspberry pi on enx8e7fa066f187 (using usb) - I am using dhcpcd to set them up - works pretty well.  Hoevere, when I first connect to the Pi it keeps dropping.  ip a shows no ip address etc and I need to kick dhcpcd .  Eventually all works well and everything stays up.  1) why does it drop, 2) is there a better way to do this?19:24
tomreynjohnjay: hmm, i'm not sure i understand the purpose. maybe start from the very begining: why are you considering these options, what's the overall task you're trying to achieve or problem you're trying to solve?19:25
johnjayi have ubuntu. ubuntu on disk. i want to boot ubuntu from disk19:26
johnjaywindows overwrites efi variables. so now i'm trying to find a way to boot ubuntu19:26
tomreynso power up the system, it should be configured to boot the ubuntu on disk19:26
tomreynoh ok19:26
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub219:26
tomreynhmm that's quite old, i hope it still applies19:27
apb196320.04; Something is seriously wrong in printerville...  https://snipboard.io/15kYif.jpg  syslog errors: https://pastebin.com/52jFSQck  Printer has been hit or miss for a couple of weeks.  I have exactly one printer.  It keeps getting auto-added randomly under similar, but different names.  It also seems to now auto-delete.  It can't find new printers, but then it shows them.  I pick one, it asks me for the make & model, the19:27
apb1963model is repeated over a dozen times in the list, some identical some with variations.  It's a mess.  Yesterday it worked.  Now it doesn't.  It's all random.19:27
tomreynapb1963: bug 187579619:30
ubottuBug 1875796 in cups (Ubuntu) "HP Envy 5530 printer/scanner does not work" [Undecided, Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/187579619:30
tomreynapb1963: maybe a newer hplib would help - just an idea.19:32
apb1963tomreyn, Thank you.  Someone in the comments said: Try workaround:19:34
apb1963sudo apt purge ippusbxd  What do you think?19:34
tomreyni couldn't tell whether ti would help. it's likely easily reverted if it doesn't19:34
sarnoldit's a reasonable idea, ippusbxd is being replaced in the future due to problems..19:34
apb1963tomreyn, Actually... that bug and my complaint has at least 2 problems.  One is the repeated models.  The other is not printing.  Also auto-adds at random.  Auto-deletes.  Probably something else.19:35
sarnoldit should be easy to undo if it doesn't help19:35
apb1963sarnold, tomreyn OK, thank you.  Not sure how to get a newer hplib.. is it supported?19:35
apb1963now trying apt purge19:36
maxFlexGuestI am unable to connect to the internet on my Ubuntu system. How can I fix bcmwl-kernel-source for Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS to work with the Ubuntu HWE kernel (version 5.8)?19:36
jeremy31maxFlexGuest: try broadcom-sta-dkms19:38
tomreynapb1963: none of the hplib changelogs of the past 3 years mention that support for this printer was added (but for several envy 6xxx)19:42
tomreynhttps://developers.hp.com/hp-linux-imaging-and-printing/supported_devices/index lists envy 5530 as supported by hplib 3.13.719:44
maxFlexGuestI am unable to activate my Broadcom Wi-Fi chipset, and I have no wired connection available to successfully install bcmwl-kernel-source.19:45
maxFlexGuestI think this may be an HWE issue, but since I have no internet, I am unable to install Linux kernel 5.419:46
ravagemaxFlexGuest: https://p.haxxors.com/j94f09bg.txt19:46
tomreynmaxFlexGuest: use a mobile phone, attached via usb cable, with the mobile phone set to tethering19:46
jeremy31maxFlexGuest: try broadcom-sta-dkms19:46
ravagecompiles just fine here. if you need temporary connection connect your phone via USB tethering19:46
jeremy31maxFlexGuest: An alternative is to boot ISO, install broadcom driver, click install third party software and drivers during install19:47
apb1963tomreyn, ugh.  I can't find hplib19:50
apb1963tomreyn, regardless... this was working flawlessly a few weeks ago.19:51
SrainUser_test ;)19:51
apb1963tomreyn, so unless something came along and downgraded the library... I don't know.19:51
tomreyni think it's packaged as printer-driver-hpcups and printer-driver-hpijs - and 20.04 has version 3.20.3+dfsg0-2 of those. and since you're saying ti used to work fine, it's probably not this iussue.19:52
tomreynSrainUser_: please test in #tests19:52
apb1963I have a test page from May.  Driver: hp-envy_5530_series.ppd  Driver Version: 3.20.319:53
apb1963No mention of hplib19:53
tomreynthe version matches, though19:53
maybefailureAre the ubuntu-mirrors broken currently? On any mirror I tested /ubuntu is a link to /ubuntu/ubuntu and so on...19:54
maybefailureCan anybody confirm this?19:55
sarnoldmaybefailure: that's intentional but I've forgotten why19:56
apb1963tomreyn, there is a newer version of hplip available.  I guess I should download it.19:56
apb1963ii  hplip          3.20.3+dfsg0-2 amd64        HP Linux Printing and Imaging System (HPLIP)19:57
apb1963Whereas 3.21 is available for dl19:57
maybefailurestrange, but ok, I understand. mayto to prevent large directory listings/traffic. thanks.19:58
apb1963It's just weird to me that I have to upgrade a subsystem that was working.19:58
sarnoldapb1963: before going down that route myself, I'd check your router / wifi / dhcp server thingy19:59
apb1963sarnold, say what?  What am I looking for?19:59
sarnoldapb1963: I had all kinds of similarly gross stuff happening on my network when I had my router's "reservations" enabled19:59
apb1963sarnold, o i c19:59
apb1963sarnold, yeah, I've got that going on.  Good idea.19:59
sarnoldapb1963: maybe you could turn off the printer, check the dhcp settings on your router, and delete *all* instances of the printer in the dhcp page, turn it back on again, see what happens..20:00
apb1963sarnold, actually... I'm using USB as I had too many issues with wireless printing.20:00
sarnoldah :) heh20:01
apb1963sarnold, So that's good advice for another time.  Of course I won't remember it, but still good advice :)20:01
apb1963so... back to upgrading hplip unless someone has a better idea?20:02
apb1963I'll wait a minute to let people have time to respond.  Tick tock :)20:02
sarnoldapb1963: sorry, no more great ideas from me, heh20:02
apb1963sarnold, eh.. give it time.. maybe something will percolate.20:02
apb1963I hope everyone in the room is percolating :)\20:04
apb1963You can just smell the gray matter burning.20:04
apb1963ok then.  hplip upgrade here we come.20:05
tomreynapb1963: i'm not saying it's a hplib issue anymore. i just suspected this when i wasn't aware it had previously worked for you.20:05
tomreynbut sure, you can try20:05
apb1963oh.  yeah... on the other hand... maybe a cups purge & reinstall might be appropriate.20:06
apb1963tomreyn, is there nothing in the ubuntu repos?20:06
apb1963tomreyn, i.e. in regard to hplip20:07
tomreynapb1963: there's a lot in those repositories. what do you mean?20:07
tomreyn<tomreyn> i think it's packaged as printer-driver-hpcups and printer-driver-hpijs - and 20.04 has version 3.20.3+dfsg0-2 of those. and since you're saying ti used to work fine, it's probably not this iussue.20:07
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apb1963tomreyn, so... purge & reinstall and then consider hplip?20:08
TJ-apb1963: all those rediscoveries would suggest to me the device is losing its connection. Have you checked the kernel log for reports of USB disconnects?20:09
tomreynapb1963: i still think    sudo apt purge ippusbxd     is a good first thing to try. inspecting logs can certianly help, too.20:11
apb1963TJ-, syslog... I will check kernel log now.  https://pastebin.com/52jFSQck20:11
TJ-Anyone know if, with certbot and /etc/letsencrypt/{csr,keys}/ there is a tool to purge/clean those directories, or docs on if it is OK. I've a system that has collected 88MB in each directory going back 2 years and cannot find any docs on keeping their space usage down20:11
Xavierdarkness 20:11
DrMaxwhat keeps kernel 5.8 from installing on a 20.04.2 LTS ? I have some machines that upgraded to it, others not. They have the same 20.04.2 LTS install20:11
TJ-apb1963: I saw the syslog but that wasn't what I was looking for - that was from some userspace usb monitoring daemon related to printers as far as I could tell from the naming20:11
TJ-DrMax: -hwe- (hardware enablement)20:12
TJ-DrMax: check on both sets of systems "apt list --installed '*hwe*' "20:12
apb1963TJ-, Nothing in kern.log of usb significance TODAY.  I saw no disconnect messages.20:13
apb1963TJ-, Want me to paste it?20:14
DrMaxlet met see20:14
apb1963tomreyn, I already did the apt purge earlier.20:15
DrMaxyes, some have linux-hwe.... installed others not20:15
TJ-DrMax: hwe will pull in the later versions20:15
DrMaxso I just install the linux-hwe-... version and that should be ok?20:16
TJ-DrMax: yes, that depends on the required packages20:16
apb1963OK, I see what's going on a little bit more... CUPS offers me a choice of printers with the difference being the protocol to use.  driver socket ipp20:17
tomreynDrMax: note the changed kernel support lifecycle as of 20.04 https://ubuntu.com/about/release-cycle#ubuntu-kernel-release-cycle20:17
TJ-dnssd = DNS Service Discovery aka multicast DNS; IPP = Internet Printer Protocol20:18
apb1963ipp is driverless.  I was using driverless.20:18
apb1963so really, ipp seems to be the best choice?  I notice socket embeds my IP address... which is dhcp provided.20:19
TJ-CUPS has been moving to IPP for a long while; other protocols are now deprecated20:19
apb1963didn't know that.  Interesting.20:19
tomreynDrMax: actually not changed, i just read it wrong, oops20:19
apb1963so, I purged IPP... guess I need to reinstall it.20:19
apb1963Running a printer over DNS doesn't seem like the best idea to me.20:20
TJ-apb1963: yes; it can be fragile - I generally edit that to be the hostname.local the printer advertises over multicast-DNS which is accessible when libnss-mdns is installed, or, if you use systemd-resolved, libnss-resolve20:20
TJ-apb1963: For IPP to work the printer has to do multicast-DNS that's how the service discovery works20:21
TJ-printer advertises all its capabilities, how to connect to it, etc.20:21
apb1963TJ-, hmmm.  So IPP depends on DNS... fair enough I suppose.20:21
jeremy31TJ-: is that something that UFW will block?20:22
tomreynDrMax: i think there was some change, though, whihc is that if you installed ubuntu 20.04.0 or .1, you'd get the vanilla kernel by default (but i think ubuntu-server would ask you about it), but if you installed 20.04.2 or newer you'd get -hwe (but i think ubuntu-server would ask you about it)20:22
TJ-apb1963: if you want to see what is advertised, use "avahi-browse -art"20:22
apb1963so that's what avahi does!20:22
TJ-apb1963: avahi is a multicast-DNS advertiser/resolver (avahi-daemon advertises your local system)20:23
TJ-apb1963: It has its problems so recently I've removed it from all our systems since its integration with libnss-mdns is broken/bugged on Debian/Ubuntu because it doesn't install an nss hook for IPv620:23
DrMaxtomreyn : ok, I'll try to install it20:24
TJ-apb1963: so now, seeing as all use systemd-resolved we have libnss-resolve20:24
TJ-jeremy31: I don't use UFW so no idea, but if it does it's broken :)20:25
apb1963TJ-, I have a feeling you just solved one of the issues... but never having seen this output before, I really don't know.   https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/8TbhXk54vd/20:25
jeremy31TJ-: I don't use it either, but if apb1963 enabled UFW it might be why the printer isn't found/working20:25
apb1963jeremy31, I don't know how UFW is enabled, let alone what it does.20:26
jeremy31apb1963: > sudo ufw status20:27
apb1963jeremy31, Status: inactive20:27
jeremy31apb1963: You should be able to use the Printer program to add a new network printer and it should find it20:27
apb1963jeremy31, except that it's a USB printer at the moment.20:28
TJ-apb1963: are you using the CUPS web interface on http://localhost:631/ to configure the printer?20:28
apb1963TJ-, yes20:28
apb1963TJ-, on to be more precise.20:28
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TJ-apb1963: did you see the printer also has a web interface at ?20:29
apb1963TJ-, Not that I recall ... no.20:29
TJ-apb1963: shown in the record " enp4s5 IPv4 HP ENVY 5530 series [694A1C]                  Web Site             local "20:29
TJ-note the "Web Site"20:29
apb1963TJ-, yeah there were lots of entries20:29
TJ-apb1963: you can learn a lot of interesting things with the mDNS-SD, and usually now a printer will have its own web server admin interface20:30
apb1963I will try local.  I don't know what I was modifying if is not the equivalent.20:30
apb1963TJ-, I mean jobs were showing up... printing... very strange... I guess one of those auto-deletes hosed something.20:31
TJ-apb1963: I'd recommend you enforce a firewall on your Internet gateway - your printer is accessible from the public Internet ... may I message you privately?20:31
apb1963TJ-, Of course.  Always.20:33
apb1963I don't see how a private address would be accessible outside my lan20:33
markkuithi there, I'm looking for someone who I could talk to about content present on the Ubuntu Wiki (not help related content, but rather a user page). would this be the wrong place?20:34
apb1963TJ-, I can't message you20:34
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TJ-apb1963: urggh, I wonder why!20:34
apb1963TJ-, It says I need to register.. I'm already registered afaik.20:34
TJ-apb1963: you can see my private messages though?20:35
TJ-maybe its the libera user permissions, didn't have a problem on freenode with the same, as long as I initiated the conversation20:35
apb1963TJ-, Yes.  And hexchat, in all it's brilliance doesn't have a copy/paste in private chat.20:35
TJ-hang on20:36
sarnoldno copy/paste o_O20:36
apb1963by my toenails if I have to :)20:36
sarnoldmarkkuit: hard to guess what might be better without knowing more about it20:36
apb1963sarnold, not in private chat.  Maybe keyboard, haven't tried it yet.20:36
markkuitsarnold, fair point20:36
apb1963* TJ- :You must log in with services to message this user20:37
markkuitthere's a page on the Ubuntu wiki I'd like to ask to be removed, which contains personal information of mine, which I myself put very long ago but can't seem to edit anymore20:37
apb1963Yeah, keyboard copy & paste works.  But not mouse.20:37
TJ-apb1963: that is weird20:37
apb1963TJ-, welcome to my world!20:37
TJ-hmm "NickServ (NickServ@services.libera.chat): apb1963 is not registered."20:38
apb1963doesn't one have to be registered to be in this room?20:38
TJ-apb1963: easy way around it; do /join #apb20:38
apb1963so a private channel/room?  OK.20:39
coreyVery quick question. I am familiar with the terminology of other Unix-like OSes but new to Ubuntu. I am installing a custom WM setup via the Mini Iso on a laptop that has an Nvidia GPU. Which nvidia-driver-* package provides *just* the Nvidia drivers without necessarily pulling down GUI tools, the GNOME desktop environment, etc.? In other words,20:39
coreywhich package is best for a barebone window manager installation? Thanks :)20:39
dob1about the snap store bug, any solution ?20:39
oerheks"the snap store bug" any bug report number?20:45
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rud0lfthe heck is "very/special" project?20:48
sarnoldit's very special :)20:48
sarnoldhis twitter is entertaining anyway https://twitter.com/QuinnyPig20:48
dob1oerheks, your snap-store or ubunto software works?20:50
dob1this one https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/snapd/+bug/193138020:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1931380 in snap-store-desktop "Snap-store fails to launch  - libgtk-3.so.0: undefined symbol: atk_plug_set_child" [Undecided, Confirmed]20:50
oerhekstemporary fix seems to be; snap install snap-store --candidate  https://askubuntu.com/a/134469720:54
sarnoldthere's another workaround discussed on https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/snap-store-broken/2490221:10
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oerheks= same?21:13
sarnoldbut this one is downgrading the gnome support snap instead of the snap-store snap21:15
oerheksthis is my bookmark; https://snapstats.org/snaps?q=&offset=0&limit=20&field=date_published&order=-121:16
B0g4r7I hate you, systemd.21:54
TJ-But it loves you B0g4r722:01
B0g4r7Loves to hose me.22:03
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jpmhwhen I plug a usb serial device in to my laptop it gets assigned a new network interface of the form: enxc22458f4d125 - is there some way to make it just be the same, always, like usb0 for example, whcih I think it is the first time after a boot22:10
sarnoldserial device, network interface name?22:11
jpmhsarnold: what do you mean?22:12
sarnoldjpmh: I'm just surprised that a serial device would have a nic :) or a nic would have a serial device22:12
jpmhsarnold: well, as I say I get that and it is wonderful since I use it to attach to and program Raspberry PIs.  I just have a USB->microUSB cable and plug it into the RiZero and can ssh right to it22:14
jpmhvery convenient - would be more convenient if it was always the same name though, so that I could set dhcpcd to handle it22:14
jpmhsarnold: it may be significant that I have configured the PI to use its usb port as a console/serial device22:16
oerheksthis might be your fix too , a private  /etc/udev/rules.d/ rule https://dominoc925.blogspot.com/2019/11/fix-usb-serial-adapters-to-static.html22:17
sarnoldoh that looks like a very useful guide22:18
sarnoldmuch better than the freedesktop gunk I'd found so far ;)22:18
jpmhoerheks: TY - heading there now22:19
oerhekssame for wifi adapters .. not sure why they get a new id, session lease perhaps?22:19
jpmhoerheks: two problems with that: 1) I see no /dev/tty... when I am connected.  2) it is the device as shown by ip a etc that I need since I do need dhcp to be able to connect to it22:22
sarnoldjpmh: using SUBSYSTEM=="net" will problem work22:25
jpmhsarnold: sorry to be so dumb, but what do you mean?22:26
sarnoldjpmh: where that guide has SUBSYSTEM=="tty", I think you could use SUBSYSTEM=="net"22:27
jpmhsarnold: and oerheks the problem with all of this is that ubuntu is notgiving me a /dev/tty.. It is just assigning the usb port as a new device with the screwey name22:28
apb1963sarnold, tomreyn jeremy31 So the primary thing that TJ helped me with that seemed to make the most difference was rebooting my printer.  There are likely other issues involved, but that got me going.  Just thought you'd like closure.  I like closure <shrug>.22:32
tomreynthanks for the update, apb1963. indeed, i think most of us here appriciate such updates on how you ended up solving problems which we helped (or tried to help) with.22:38
oerhekssome printers suddenly start to print when you lower DPI22:39
jpmhoerheks: and sarnold OK - think I have it - the PI that I am connecting to is randomizing its mac address and the generated enx.... name is from the MAC address.  I suspec that if I stop the PI  doing this I will be set.  Thanks for the help.  I'll be trying this and returning if it does not work22:40
apb1963tomreyn, Thanks for that. I know I do... but I've noticed there seems to be some embarrassment when I "correct" people with the final facts so I feel like I'm stepping on toes sometimes.22:40
apb1963oerheks, That's interesting... sounds as if it might be a buffer issue in those cases.  Who knows.22:42
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knaccccan anyone recommend a simple command-line mail client, just for viewing crontab output please?23:08
knacccthere are so many to choose from23:09
sarnoldapb1963: oh definitely I love hearing how folks manage to make progress23:09
sarnoldknaccc: I've been using mutt for ~25 years, does it meet your 'simple' goal?23:09
Aavarknaccc: alpine is another suggestion.23:10
Bashing-omknaccc: sylpheed here for my mail client.23:10
sarnoldknaccc: bsd-mailx is in main, s-nail is in universe, so if that's what you're looking for, probably prefer bsd-mailx23:10
knacccthanks all, i'll just use mutt then since i've used it before a little. i wasn't sure if it had ceased development or something23:12
ryu_I was thinking about what browser should be shipped with Ubuntu.   Has anyone considered the Tor Browser taken off the Tor network being the default.  It is superior to Firefox and operates just like Firefox since it is based on Firefox.23:13
srcryu_: it's a bad default for most users and for most browsing so I doubt this will happen23:15
srcI think there are privacy oriented distributions having tor browser as default (tails, maybe even qubes)23:15
ryu_src: Why is it bad for most users and browsing.  The problems to new users come from being on the Tor network.  This would be the browser off of the Tor network.23:16
ryu_It is just a customized Firefox at that point.23:17
TJ-ryu_: one word: maintenance23:17
ryu_TJ-:  Maintenance would be easy since it is the same browser with the variables reguarding Tor disabled.23:18
ryu_The current update system for Tor works for it as the browser updating doesn't mess with launcher variables.23:19
ryu_In the case it does, you simply fix the two variables23:20
ryu_This means there is little work difference but massive privacy gains since Tor browser has trackers stripped out of it.23:21
TJ-ryu_: why not ask the package maintainer23:21
ryu_It also has a harder to track fingerprint23:22
ryu_TJ-: I am not sure who decides what browser ships with Ubuntu.23:22
ryu_Who is this maintainer?23:22
DataDude1ryu_: tor will be slow for people using streaming services.23:23
src"it's better and just the same since it's firefox + stuff added" is also a wrong fallacy23:28
srcI could fork any project, make one privacy oriented change, and ship it as superior?23:28
knacccTo get crontab to send emails, i ended up installing "apt install mailutils postfix sendmail mutt". Did I install too much, and have i introduced a security problem now with postfix?23:28
TJ-ryu_: see the changelog for the firefox package23:28
srcryu_: also think updates, how quickly are things fixed/updated in firefox vs a firefox fork?23:29
knaccchmm maybe i don't actually need postfix23:31
sarnoldknaccc: postfix is probably a good choice for that; I use msmtp-mta for my workstation to send email to a specific work smtp server, but it *blocks* completely while sending the email, so when I send things in mutt, it'll just hang for ~two seconds while it negotiates TCP, then TLS, then sends, etc..23:31
sarnoldknaccc: if the server isn't responsive, it'll block for a long time. it's slightly annoying for mutt but might be worse for cron23:32
sarnoldknaccc: so having a real mta that can accept immediately and just try to send it over time can be pretty useful23:32
knacccsarnold all i need is to get crontab to send emails to local users, no SMTP etc necessary. what is the minimum i need to make that happen?23:32
knaccci'm just tring to make /var/mail/... get populated23:33
knacccfor local users23:33
sarnoldknaccc: hmm, good question, I haven't solved just that part before. maybe procmail can do this, maybe maildrop23:35
knacccsarnold anacron doesn't specify (at least in the man page) what mail program it uses to send mail to local users when cron jobs fail, so i'm flying blind23:36
knacccit is working though, which is good23:37
sarnoldknaccc: it'll almost certainly use /usr/sbin/sendmail -- which most 'mail servers' will supply23:37
knacccsarnold ohh i see, so i pick an email server, and that email server will specify its own particular sendmail variant?23:38
sarnoldknaccc: yeah, most of them support most of the same arguments, so they can be used interchangably23:39
knacccahh, thanks for your guidance sarnold23:39
sarnoldknaccc: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Z7ZTrR5hNB/23:39
sarnoldknaccc: that's a list of packages that can probably fill the role pretty easily; both procmail and maildrop claim to be MDAs, so they may be able to be made to do that without too much hassle, too23:40
knacccsarnold i think this explains why i needed to install postfix (in order to ensure a sendmail variant exists), but that i can receive email even though the postfix service is not running23:40
sarnoldknaccc: yeah, that sounds right; there's a lot of moving pieces in a postfix install and some of them may 'just work' even if you don't configure the rest of it23:42
sarnoldknaccc: (but that's me guessing, I haven't 'owned' mail in a long time023:42
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knacccsarnold haha ok so i figured out that i need to let the "sendmail" service run and listen on port 25, otherwise i can't get local mail from cron. but i don't need the postfix service running23:56
sarnoldknaccc: hmm, I'd expect cron to deliver via the /usr/sbin/sendmail interface, not via an smtp socket23:56
knacccso now i am googling what it is that the postfix service actually does...23:56
knacccsarnold i stopped the sendmail service to see what would happen, and mail stopped getting through23:56
sarnoldhunh. curious. good test though :)23:57
knacccsarnold yeah i can confirm: when i stop sendmail, syslog says "Connection refused by []"23:58
knacccso it must be using port 2523:58
knacccso now i just need to ensure my firewall is solid23:58
sarnoldwild :)23:58

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