
=== jamesh_ is now known as jamesh
=== ddstreet_away is now known as ddstreet
EickmeyerHey! cjwatson: If you're around, I'm having difficulty uploading to a PPA. It keeps telling me Extended Passive Mode Entered and is refusing to upload from that point.20:15
Eickmeyerwgrant: Perhaps you have an idea? ^20:16
* RikMills read that as Passive Aggressive mode20:17
EickmeyerRikMills: I mean, you're not wrong. XD20:19
sarnold"passive mode" sounds a bit like an ftp thing; maybe switch to sftp?20:21
Eickmeyersarnold: With dpkg?20:55
Eickmeyerer... dput?20:55
sarnoldEickmeyer: yeah, dput.cf20:57
Eickmeyersarnold: Yeah, TIL, saw the manpage. Interesting, didn't know. Thanks!20:57
Eickmeyersarnold: Now to see if it works...20:58
Eickmeyersarnold: After a few tweaks, it seems to be working. Thanks! No idea why I'm going passive in ftp.21:15
sarnoldEickmeyer: yay :)21:15
sarnoldEickmeyer: well, ftp is a miserable protocol; I can't remember now which one is active and which one is passive, but NAT firewalls and connection tracking firewalls need to inspect the ftp control streams to adapt..21:16
Eickmeyersarnold: That must be it. I'm double-natted here. :(21:17
sarnoldEickmeyer: sftp may not be perfect but it's quite a bit nicer than ftp, so it'll get through far more networks21:17
sarnoldEickmeyer: oh yeah. that'll do it.21:17
sarnoldit might be possible to make it all work, but that's certainly the kind of thing that'll break it all21:17
EickmeyerUnfortunately, yes. I might be switching ISPs anyhow. This one is driving me nuts.21:17

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