
=== mhcerri4 is now known as mhcerri
=== juergh` is now known as juergh
nibbon_where can I find a list of differences between -generic and -kvm?07:07
nibbon_I read this article https://ubuntu.com/kernel/variants#configuration-specific-kernels07:07
nibbon_but that didn't say much in details :/07:08
=== ddstreet_away is now known as ddstreet
=== zx2c4 is now known as N1ckServe
=== N1ckServe is now known as zx2c4
=== zx2c4 is now known as NicholasTheServa
=== NicholasTheServa is now known as zx2c4
=== Kow_ is now known as Kow

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