[10:19] [telegram] But will it keep PulseAudio for fallback purposes? Or deprecate it straight away? [17:18] [telegram] well pipewire is based on pulse (re @VitalKanev: But will it keep PulseAudio for fallback purposes? Or deprecate it straight away?) [17:34] [telegram] really, thought pipewire was something new built from scratch [17:35] [telegram] https://archlinux.org/packages/extra/x86_64/pipewire-pulse/ (re @philipz: really, thought pipewire was something new built from scratch) [17:37] [telegram] Install pipewire-pulse. It will replace pulseaudio and pulseaudio-bluetooth. https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/PipeWire#PulseAudio_clients [17:37] [telegram] ah alright [17:37] [telegram] Server Name: PulseAudio (on PipeWire 0.3.16) [17:37] [telegram] that confuses me tough [17:38] [telegram] think its still fully compatible with pulseaudio and alsa things [17:39] [telegram] would have to be if it intends to be the new base system for all A/V, as most apps won't be ported to its framework. [17:43] [telegram] ah true [17:50] *prods the bot* [17:51] [telegram] good its still working [17:51] [telegram] sorry i restarted it :) [17:51] [telegram] does it often need to be restarted? [17:52] nope, it got restarted 'cause i changed the nick to match the cloak [17:52] ubuntuTGbot -> ubuntubridgebot (with an ubuntu/bot/ cloak on the IRC side)