
tumbleweedubuntu-sru: The phasing pause for python-pip in bionic doesn't appear to be caused by a regression, just a history of spikes of errors (that span many versions)01:09
=== juergh` is now known as juergh
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: ceph (bionic-proposed/main) [12.2.13-0ubuntu0.18.04.7 => 12.2.13-0ubuntu0.18.04.8] (desktop-core, ubuntu-server)06:32
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: rejected ksystemstats [source] (impish-proposed) [5.22.0-0ubuntu1]08:18
sil2100RikMills: ^ please re-upload after checking the comment I left o/08:19
RikMillssil2100: ok, thanks. will get on that08:22
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New source: ksystemstats (impish-proposed/primary) [5.22.0-0ubuntu1]09:23
RikMillssil2100: ^^^ hopefully that is ok. mostly an update by the debian uploader on the copyright09:24
RikMillswill discuss the long description more with them09:24
xnoxapw:  https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-intel is in universe, but should be in main?09:37
sil2100RikMills: will pick it up in a bit, thanks!09:53
slyonHey release-team! Could somebody please delete python3-pbr from impish-proposed? My last upload is uninstallable and seems to break builds, like the build of my new upload which is supposed to fix the problem: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/python-pbr/5.5.1-0ubuntu3/+build/2168147411:23
slyonIMO removing python3-pbr 5.5.1-0ubuntu2 should fix this11:24
juliankubuntu-archive ^ that's a NBS in proposed blocking new builds11:48
juliankwell an old version the binary stuck around for11:49
laneylet me lookie11:50
utkarsh2102laney: while at it, could also take a look at LP: #1931257, whenever you have time?11:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1931257 in ruby-gitlab-pg-query (Ubuntu) "Please remove ruby-gitlab-pg-query from Impish (-proposed)" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/193125711:52
julianksometimes I want proposed-proposed pockets11:52
laneyutkarsh2102: ok11:53
laneypbr is some kind of circular depends woe?11:53
laneyoh it's picking up a borked version from proposed, I see11:55
utkarsh2102yep, pulled in during the build because of its huge set of reverse-{build-}dependencies.11:56
laneyslyon: ok done, try a retry once that publishes11:57
laneyutkarsh2102: done for you too12:01
utkarsh2102laney: thanks a bunch!12:01
ddstreet_awaylaney are you aware of bug 1931088? it seems all the armhf tests, for systemd at least, are failing to come up after reboot...is something happening with the armhf test containers?12:16
ubottuBug 1931088 in systemd (Ubuntu) "boot-and-services tests fails in impish on armhf (248.3)" [Undecided, Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/193108812:16
=== ddstreet_away is now known as ddstreet
laneyddstreet: nothing I've heard of, plenty of other tests are rebooting their containers just fine. have you tried yourself locally?12:20
ddstreetit's a bit of a pain to get armhf setup for testing, i have to get a arm64 vm and then create armhf container...but i'll give it a try12:20
laneye.g. https://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/results/autopkgtest-impish/impish/armhf/libr/libreoffice/20210609_234830_1265b@/log.gz tons of reboots in that one12:21
rbalintddstreet, laney cpaelzer already tried https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/systemd/+bug/1931088/comments/212:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1931088 in systemd (Ubuntu) "boot-and-services tests fails in impish on armhf (248.3)" [Undecided, Confirmed]12:21
rbalintseems to be infra specific12:21
ddstreetlaney is it possible for non-autopkgtest-infra-admins to see output from the container (re)booting? i'm not sure how anyone can debug it since if it's only failing on the infrastructure armhf containers12:25
laneynope, I don't even know how I can see that to be honest12:27
laneywe can add a hook to include it in the log though12:27
laneyif there's a command to execute to get that12:27
rbalintlaney, ddstreet  for the sake of not blocking other stuff i'm tempted to file a hint12:28
ddstreetrbalint we could also just skip the boot-and-services test on armhf12:28
ddstreetand/or change its restriction from isolation-container to isolation-machine12:29
ddstreeti wish armhf was tested on a real VM instead of in a container...it seems to cause endless trouble12:30
rbalintddstreet, i can skip it, but that would decrease coverage and i'm optimistic about the infra issue being resolved before the next+1 systemd upload12:31
ddstreetack, hopefully yeah12:32
rbalintddstreet, tests-in-lxd already runs boot-and-services in lxc and it is passing on arm64, too, thus imo this points at the armhf testbed setup/infra12:37
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: thermald (hirsute-proposed/main) [2.4.3-1 => 2.4.3-1ubuntu1] (core)12:39
laneyddstreet: rbalint: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/BJKrp8mSXT/12:42
rbalintddstreet, i'm cherry-picking LP: #1930910 for impish to unblock SRUs, would you like to see anything else in impish?12:43
laneythat's just me running on a raspberry pi I have on the desk here12:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1930910 in systemd (Ubuntu) "Fix micmute hotkeys on HP ProBooks" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/193091012:43
rbalintlaney, how did you run it?12:44
rbalintlaney, i can try on AWS12:45
laneyI took a command from a recent test log and added "--test-name boot-and-services" to just run that one12:45
laneymaybe if I attach to the console earlier I might get some useful output, let me try12:46
laneyover lunch12:46
ddstreetrbalint i have a follow on commit for bug 1664844, but i need to send it upstream first so it's not quite ready yet12:46
ubottuBug 1664844 in netplan "No distinction between link-up and link-down interfaces" [High, In Progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/166484412:46
laney(not quite true, I removed the stuff about the proxy and all)12:47
laneya hint does seem sensible in the meantime though, whatever the cause is here12:49
laneyright I ran it again with the console attached, unfortunately it disconnects at the reboot12:54
laneyhttps://paste.ubuntu.com/p/dBqv7yrmc5/ not sure if that's interesting at all12:54
rbalintddstreet, ok, then 1664844 can wait until it is accepted upstream since it does not look very urgent12:59
laneyhttps://paste.ubuntu.com/p/64pTBMx79n/ bit more debugging output13:10
laneyseems to be to do with network-online.target13:11
laneynow I need to go eat something :>13:11
=== utkarsh210231 is now known as utkarsh2102
* RikMills gently pokes sil2100_ before EOD14:51
sil2100_No worries! :)15:02
=== sil2100_ is now known as sil2100
utkarsh21028743sil2100: hey, could you take a look at https://code.launchpad.net/~utkarsh/britney/+git/britney/+merge/404025 & merge, whenever free?15:20
=== utkarsh21028743 is now known as utkarsh2102
sil2100utkarsh2102: on it in a bit! I'm in a long meeting streak right now, will try to deal with it ASAP ;)15:26
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: zfs-linux (focal-proposed/main) [0.8.3-1ubuntu12.9 => 0.8.3-1ubuntu12.10] (core, kernel-dkms)15:26
utkarsh2102sil2100: awesome, no rush!15:33
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted ksystemstats [source] (impish-proposed) [5.22.0-0ubuntu1]15:39
RikMillssil2100: thank you thank you thank you! ^15:51
* RikMills dputs the remainder of the plasma stack15:51
sil2100Still waiting for the binaries to pop up!15:55
RikMillssil2100: well, as it was split from an existing source, it als build deps on another one. so it will need to wait for that one to build 1st15:56
RikMillssil2100: so binaries will be in a few publisher cycles15:57
RikMillsi.e. it can build when this is done: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libksysguard/4:5.22.0-0ubuntu115:59
RikMillsif I had not waited, needed breaks/replaces would have removed some important things16:01
xnoxbdmurray: reprepro is used to publish debugsymbols archive right? such that we must either keep dbgsyms packages xz compressed, or fix reprepro to handle zstd right?16:01
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: libksysguard [amd64] (impish-proposed/universe) [4:5.22.0-0ubuntu1] (kubuntu)16:05
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: libksysguard [ppc64el] (impish-proposed/universe) [4:5.22.0-0ubuntu1] (kubuntu)16:06
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: libksysguard [s390x] (impish-proposed/universe) [4:5.22.0-0ubuntu1] (kubuntu)16:06
RikMillssil2100: also forgot that would have a new binary as well, that ksystemstats would depend on ^16:09
RikMillsit's so much easier people people who package things like arch!16:09
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: libksysguard [armhf] (impish-proposed/universe) [4:5.22.0-0ubuntu1] (kubuntu)16:10
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: libksysguard [arm64] (impish-proposed/universe) [4:5.22.0-0ubuntu1] (kubuntu)16:11
laneyddstreet: it seems to me that once network-manager is installed in the container, network-online.target starts taking quite a long time to come up when started, longer than autopkgtest's timeout16:24
ddstreetah that's interesting16:25
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: libksysguard [riscv64] (impish-proposed/universe) [4:5.22.0-0ubuntu1] (kubuntu)17:06
RikMillssil2100 or other ubuntu-archive: if you could accept the new libksysguard binaries, the ksystemstats ones will build17:43
RikMillsas will the rest of the plasma stack currently blocked17:43
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted libksysguard [amd64] (impish-proposed) [4:5.22.0-0ubuntu1]18:02
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted libksysguard [armhf] (impish-proposed) [4:5.22.0-0ubuntu1]18:02
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted libksysguard [riscv64] (impish-proposed) [4:5.22.0-0ubuntu1]18:02
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted libksysguard [arm64] (impish-proposed) [4:5.22.0-0ubuntu1]18:02
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted libksysguard [s390x] (impish-proposed) [4:5.22.0-0ubuntu1]18:02
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted libksysguard [ppc64el] (impish-proposed) [4:5.22.0-0ubuntu1]18:02
bdmurraytumbleweed: I've re-enabled the python-pip phasing for Bionic18:15
tumbleweedbdmurray: thanks18:15
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: ksystemstats [s390x] (impish-proposed/universe) [5.22.0-0ubuntu1] (no packageset)18:21
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: ksystemstats [ppc64el] (impish-proposed/universe) [5.22.0-0ubuntu1] (no packageset)18:22
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: ksystemstats [arm64] (impish-proposed/universe) [5.22.0-0ubuntu1] (no packageset)18:23
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: ksystemstats [amd64] (impish-proposed/universe) [5.22.0-0ubuntu1] (no packageset)18:26
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: ksystemstats [armhf] (impish-proposed/universe) [5.22.0-0ubuntu1] (no packageset)18:26
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: ksystemstats [riscv64] (impish-proposed/universe) [5.22.0-0ubuntu1] (no packageset)19:00
utkarsh210281228sil2100: hey, will you merge the MP as well? I am confused w/ the approval :)19:21
utkarsh210281228ah, I guess it's time for your EOD; no problem, I'll ask tomorrow; have a nice one o/19:22
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: manpages (hirsute-proposed/main) [5.10-1 => 5.10-1ubuntu0.1] (core)19:32
bryyceubuntu-archive: Could an admin help remove the laravel php ecosystem components from impish?  (LP: #1931315 + discussion above)19:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1931315 in php-laravel-framework (Ubuntu) "Please drop php-laravel-framework (and associated components), and movim from impish" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/193131519:37
RikMillssorry. I dropped off the net for a few hrs. ubuntu-archive: could the ksystemstats binaries be accepted please if someone has the time20:16
sarnoldRikMills: Thu 10 18:01:54 < sil2100> Done!20:19
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted ksystemstats [amd64] (impish-proposed) [5.22.0-0ubuntu1]20:19
sarnoldthat's probably to you :)20:19
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted ksystemstats [armhf] (impish-proposed) [5.22.0-0ubuntu1]20:19
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted ksystemstats [riscv64] (impish-proposed) [5.22.0-0ubuntu1]20:19
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted ksystemstats [arm64] (impish-proposed) [5.22.0-0ubuntu1]20:19
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted ksystemstats [s390x] (impish-proposed) [5.22.0-0ubuntu1]20:19
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted ksystemstats [ppc64el] (impish-proposed) [5.22.0-0ubuntu1]20:19
sarnold.. or maybe it wasn't actually done. heh.20:20
RikMillssarnold: they were 2 very similar named sources. one a lib, they other a dependant daemon20:20
RikMillssarnold: thanks! :)20:21
sarnold(for avoidance of doubt, I didn't do anything beyond just copy-paste a line :)20:22
RikMillsI lose track of who is an admin sometime. thanks for answering then ;)20:24
sarnoldme too, me too..20:24
bdmurrayxnox: afaik its ddeb-retriever20:44
xnoxjuliank:  bdmurray:  ok so we need to fix it for zstd too then https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-archive/ddeb-retriever/trunk/view/head:/archive_tools.py#L5322:45
xnoxhm, maybe that is reading the archive indexes22:46
xnoxok it uses apt-ftparchive so should be fine to publish.22:46
xnoxas long as we don't start compressing upstream archive metadata with zstd22:46
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: mutter [ppc64el] (impish-proposed/main) [40.1-1ubuntu1] (desktop-core, desktop-extra)23:19
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: mutter [amd64] (impish-proposed/main) [40.1-1ubuntu1] (desktop-core, desktop-extra)23:20
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: mutter [arm64] (impish-proposed/main) [40.1-1ubuntu1] (desktop-core, desktop-extra)23:24

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