=== not_phunyguy is now known as phunyguy === not_phunyguy is now known as phunyguy === genii is now known as genii-core [11:53] slyon: your recent upload for python-pbr breaks; the package is no longer installable: `update-alternatives: error: alternative path /usr/bin/python3-pbr doesn't exist`; it works fine on 5.5.1-0ubuntu1 but breaks on 5.5.1-0ubuntu2 [11:54] icey: hey, slyon is aware and -ubuntu3 is already upload and waiting on AA to process the removal of -ubuntu2 upload. [11:54] basically, the fix is on its way :) [11:55] utkarsh2102: ack thanks :) I was wondering why my uploads yesterday built fine for me but then broke up launchpad :-P [11:56] icey: heh, yeah, we're having this sorted in #ubuntu-release, in case you're interested/ [12:06] thanks for the pointer utkarsh2102 - always fun to watch :-D [12:06] now it's just a waiting game :) [12:06] yep! === ddstreet_away is now known as ddstreet === Ussat_ is now known as Ussat === utkarsh210231 is now known as utkarsh2102 === genii-core is now known as genii === utkarsh21028743 is now known as utkarsh2102 [17:15] Hi. On Ubuntun 18.04 (Bionic Beaver), there is a package linux-image-kvm depending on linux-image-4.15.0-1008-kvm, but that has files from 2018. [17:15] What is the correct package for QEMU/KVM? [17:16] linux-image-virtual? [17:17] Also not it: -rw------- 1 root root 8249080 Apr 24 2018 vmlinuz-4.15.0-20-generic [17:17] PaulePanter: linux-image-virtual should work well [17:18] PaulePanter: have you run 'apt update' recently? [17:18] PaulePanter: https://packages.ubuntu.com/bionic-updates/linux-image-virtual shows [17:20] I guess, I am missing bionic-updates in my sources.list. [17:20] sdeziel: Sorry for the noise. [17:20] PaulePanter: even -security should have it though [17:21] I didn’t have that either. [17:22] Tried to manually install Ubuntu into a VM using adapted grml-debootstrap, which only supports Debian until now. I forgot about these separate lines. [17:22] What’s the add-apt-repository chant for that? [17:24] apt-add-repository 'deb https://debian.charite.de/ubuntu bionic-updates main' would also do that. [17:26] PaulePanter: grep -o '^ *[^#]*' /etc/apt/sources.list on an 18.04 system i have here: https://termbin.com/ygt8 [17:27] that's a desktop, but shouldn't matter. backports would normally be disabled. [17:27] tomreyn: Thank you. I’ll pick the appropriate ones from these. [17:28] you're welcome === not_phunyguy is now known as phunyguy [20:01] Hi. The package *procps* seems to make some assumptions, which are not true for *linux-image-kvm* for example, causing `systemd-sysctl.service` to fail. [20:01] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/procps/+bug/1931630 [20:01] Launchpad bug 1931630 in procps (Ubuntu) "Linux images for virtual machines with unset `CONFIG_MAGIC_SYSRQ` cause `10-magic-sysrq.conf` to fail" [Undecided, New] [20:25] I'm not sure why that -kvm flavor was built without CONFIG_MAGIC_SYSRQ contrary to other flavors [20:35] sdeziel: we've seen a LOT of kernel config issues with -kvm, 99% of the time, it's just human error, some change falling through the cracks [20:35] sdeziel: feel free to file a bug against linux-kvm asking for it to be aligned with -generic, that's what I've done every time I've hit one of those [20:36] (efi, nft, netfilter and a couple more configs were also misaligned with generic causing some issues in the past) [20:37] yeah, that matches my very short experience with this flavor [20:37] PaulePanter: you might want to move the bug to linux-kvm asking for it to be aligned with the other flavors [20:55] anyone know what the benefit of using the 'aws' named kernels on EC2 vs say just regular 5.8 ? [22:07] Phibs: i think the named kernels are optimised for the specific providers and might even include some stuff that otherwise might not be available in general use kernel [22:07] nod [22:07] just curious