[10:31] . [11:01] .. [11:05] hi pavlushka [11:05] ... [11:07] inetpro: hello [11:07] nice to see someone keeping the channel alive :-) [11:07] * pavlushka was waiting to process "..." [11:07] inetpro: I thought you were doing it. [11:09] * inetpro can't be all alone here [11:09] oom Kilos still on hybernation? [11:10] there's all the comfy people here just being afk atm I think [11:11] I joined a few busy channels again the other day and it's nice to see irc still being so active, but wow, it's just too much for me [11:12] #ubuntu-offtopic is hot, I just lurk there and laugh [11:15] also #ubuntuforums is fun, I don't lurk there [11:17] sounds good pavlushka, how many users are in #ubuntuforums? [11:18] a few and as ubuntuforums is old, so are the users [11:18] * pavlushka excludes himself [11:35] 🤣 [11:39] pavlushka: is there a command to see the topic of a channel and how many users are in it, without joining first? [16:59] ubuntuforums 17 atm [16:59] including chanserv [17:00] and its not a help channel, but an open chat channel looks like. ask unit193 [17:00] hi guys [17:09] when it is cold like this i enjoy staying under the blankets [17:09] day and night if necessary [17:16] sitting by the pc still hurts [18:27] Kilos: take it easy sir, hopefully you'll be up and running around like a young man again soon [18:27] sooner or later i will. have a good night guys. [18:28] nag oom [18:42] night night [18:56] good night pavlushka