
=== genii is now known as genii-core
xu-help60wHi guys! installed xUbuntu! All the time wi-fi falls off. Help me fix please04:28
xu-help60wHi guys! installed xUbuntu! All the time wi-fi falls off. Help me fix please04:43
xu-help60wHi guys! installed xUbuntu! All the time wi-fi falls off. Help me fix please04:44
=== blue_penquin[m] is now known as Guest6543
=== Guest6543 is now known as blue_penquin[m]
xu-help60wHi guys! installed xUbuntu! All the time wi-fi falls off. Help me fix please05:10
xu-help60wSorry. Contacting the address?05:55
=== genii-core is now known as genii
abckbHi I am on Xubuntu 20.04 . My laptop hibernates fine when not many apps are open, but fails (fan keeps spinning) when firefox with a few tabs are open. RAM size = 8GB, Swap partition size = 12GB. Please help!16:40
tomreynabckb: is this a single swap partition? if not, what size is the largest? is it actually a swap partition or a file?16:57
abckbHi tomreyn. Yes this is the only swap. And it is an actual swap partition, not a file.16:58
tomreynabckb: you should boot with something along the lines of...16:59
ubottuTo get a more verbose log of the boot process, remove "quiet" and "splash" from the kernel boot parameters and add "debug systemd.log_level=info". For info on editing kernel boot parameters, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/KernelBootParameters16:59
tomreynthat way you should get to see some output on screen shile the system is preparing to enter hibernation16:59
tomreynmaybe there's a problem occurring after logging has been halted17:00
tomreynalso inspect the logs though,  journalctl -b -1   for the last but one boot. records starting with "PM:" indicate power management state changes17:01
abckbOkay. I have the journalctl output of the time when it tried to hibernate but failed. Would that help?17:01
tomreynmaybe, depends on whether the problem occurs before or after it stopped logging17:01
tomreynbut it surely doesn't hurt to look at it.17:02
tomreyna bios update often helps with power management issues, too17:02
abckbI updated BIOS to latest v.1.8 (from v1.5) just a few days ago.17:05
tomreyni assume "disable-unwanted-wakeup.sh" is yours?17:05
abckbEarlier it was waking up and discharging battery very fast even after successful hibernation17:06
tomreynit's good to point out custmizations you made when you're asking about functionality not working as expected17:07
tomreynmaybe this would help you:17:07
ubottuIf your system is unstable or power management does not work well and logs show ACPI issues, you can try to make the Linux kernel pretend it was Windows during boot (which can help on hardware which was only tested with Windows): http://iam.tj/prototype/enhancements/Windows-acpi_osi.html17:07
tomreyni can't tell from the log what's going wrong17:08
abckbI shall see the diff in logs when hibernation succeeds and fails17:09
abckbThanks a lot tomreyn,  I am gonna try your ideas17:13
tomreynyou're welcome 17:14
abckbHi tomreyn I came back to say thanks again. Your ACPI windows thingy seems to be working fine so far. Hibernated and woke up a few times with heavy apps open. Worked everytime! Thanks a lot.17:46
tomreynabckb: that's nice, you're welcome. TJ came up with this, though, i just learnt from him. ;-)18:03
abckbyou people are heroes :)18:10
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