
shubjeroHey all, my entire cloud is down because of this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/neutron/+bug/192786800:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1927868 in neutron (Ubuntu) "vRouter not working after update to 16.3.1" [Undecided, Confirmed]00:40
shubjeroAny way to get the 16.3.0 packages?00:40
sarnoldshubjero: yeah, launchpad has them all https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/neutron/+publishinghistory00:41
shubjerosarnold: hmm, how can i grab these with apt?00:42
sarnoldshubjero: if it's still listed on https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/neutron then you should be able to apt install neutron=version_number_here  .. but if it's not referenced by any of these, then it'll probably have been reaped from the mirrors and isn't reachable via apt commands any more00:43
shubjerosarnold: I don't really understand how to roll back without the package being published on a repository00:47
shubjeroAt the very least 16.3.1 needs to be pulled from app repositories immediately00:47
shubjerothis bug puts entire openstack deployments offline00:47
shubjeroI  had tested 16.3.0 but by the time i installed prod 16.3.1 had been released and i didnt test it00:48
shubjerothis is terrible00:48
sarnoldshubjero: wget <url> ; dpkg -i ./neutron_whatever.deb00:48
shubjeroI am running 18.04 bionic with cloud archive repo for ussuri00:49
shubjeroi dont see where these deb's are hosted on launchpad00:49
sarnoldhmm that's strange, there's nothing listed under ussari here https://launchpad.net/cloud-archive/+packages00:54
sarnoldI wonder where those live00:55
sarnoldmaybe if you use ubuntu-bug neutron   to file a bug on neutron, the bug itself willhave breadcrumbs to where the packages live00:55
shubjeroim trying 16.3.2 from the proposed repo00:57
shubjeroi have no idea why ubuntu prunes previous versions from repositories so agressively00:57
shubjeroits dangerous00:57
shubjerodoes not appear to be fixed in 16.3.2 :(01:07
shubjerosarnold: I was able to find debs for 16.0 that seem to work at http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/n/neutron/ I installed them manually and neutron l3 agents are now coming alive01:56
shubjeroi need a stiff fucking drink01:56
sarnoldshubjero: woot01:59
shubjeroHopefully I can chat with coreycb tomorrow and let him know my late night fun02:00
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PaulePantersdeziel: I will do it, but SYSRQ is not really needed in QEMU/KVM environment. But it’s probably the easiest solution.05:25
BraveheartBSDI have ubnuntu server installed, how do I access the 12gb share?07:58
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uluntu1I have set up isc-dhcp-server over Ubuntu server 20.04. Isc-dhcp-server starts well. But when I plug a network cable to link the server to the switch, I get the following message: network failed - Connection activation failed. Problem described here: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1345088/ubuntu-server-20-04-set-ip-isc-dhcp-server-network-failed11:50
rbasakuluntu1: "network failed - Connection activation failed" -- where does that message appear?12:19
uluntu1@rbasak: It appears on the server. On client side no display message but same sign.12:25
rbasakuluntu1: I don't understand. Where and how does it appear? Is your server actually a desktop?12:31
uluntu1@rbasak: yes server is a Desktop12:48
rbasakuluntu1: the desktop assumes that your network will be "roaming" by default, which generally won't work if you want to run a DHCP server. Normally you'd configure your network and IP statically on the DHCP server. I'm not sure how that interacts with Network Manager (that's typically a desktop-only thing) especially when you log out of the desktop session, etc.12:51
rbasakuluntu1: I'm sure what you want can be achieved, but trying to do it on a desktop makes things much more complicated.12:51
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PaulePanterHow can I reassign https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/procps/+bug17:21
sarnoldPaulePanter: can you rephrase your question?19:27
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DK3/j/join #centos20:13
ra 21:40
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