
alex911kzHi all03:02
alex911kzРусско говорящие есть тут?)03:02
alex911kzХэй гайс03:02
ubottuПожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.03:05
alex911kznice cool03:19
=== genii is now known as genii-core
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=== blue_penquin[m] is now known as Guest1880
xu-help43whi. can anyone help?07:32
guivercxu-help43w, if you have a xubuntu support question, just ask it and people will answer/help if/when they're able to07:34
xu-help43wWi-Fi connection often falls off. help please set up. Network controller: Ralink corp. RT3290 Wireless 802.11n 1T / 1R PCIe07:45
guivercxu-help43w, what release are you using?07:54
xu-help43w lsb_release -a 07:56
xu-help43wUbuntu 20.04.2 LTS07:57
guivercxu-help43w, I have no experience with rt3290 sorry, but this may help - https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/690368  (ie. it's likely what I'd try; it's not ideal as ralink don't support it..)08:02
guivercyour other alternative is maybe someone else can try here (be patient) or try #ubuntu as it's a generic question; not xubuntu specific08:02
pikapikaxu-help43w, I remember it being suggested to disable MAC randomization11:25
pikapikaI don't know how relevant that advice is today, but you can still give it a try11:26
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=== E_Eickmeyer is now known as Eickmeyer
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=== blue_penquin[m] is now known as Guest4534
=== TheMaster is now known as Unit193
=== hi is now known as Guest9242

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