
bandit-ledcould some one open a .epub in okular and check .xsesssion-errors for me? https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/1342.epub  <<-- jane austen01:49
bandit-ledokular libepub filling .xsession-errors with cruft .. example https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/HbkrGRkFRR/  host info https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/sYjNpM4hrC/  okular 20.12.301:49
bandit-ledopening the epub i linked adds 25k to my xession-errors01:49
bandit-ledor use any epub you have on your computer or any one from project gutenburg01:50
tomreynbandit-led: i'll try on a freshly installed Kubuntu 21.04 in a bit (just installing)01:58
tomreynhmm this takrs a good while to install the minimal system02:07
bandit-ledkk and your going above and beyoung02:07
bandit-ledbeyond i cant type02:07
tomreyninstallation done, installing updates now.02:12
tomreynanother reboot02:21
tomreynbandit-led: so i opened the file and nothing at all was added to (the existing and recently written to file) ~/.xsession-errors02:27
bandit-ledfigures :\02:27
tomreynbandit-led: i opened it from a temrinal, though, and all the stuff you have in the log went there02:28
bandit-ledcould you try from terminal and see if it outputs to stdout?02:28
bandit-ledkk tY!!02:28
tomreynit's actually to stderr, not stdout02:28
bandit-ledhmm this might be time to change epub from okular to atril or somthing else02:28
bandit-ledtomreyn, ty i noob most things up02:29
tomreynokay if i open the file from the fiile browser (dolphin) then indeed this stuff goes to xsession-errors02:29
bandit-ledhow did you open it the first time desktop?02:30
tomreynokular is installed by default on kubuntu, this makes me think it is assumed to "work ok"02:30
tomreynthe first time i opened it from the temrinal02:30
tomreynso konsole02:30
bandit-ledso its a filemanager stderr issue?02:31
bandit-ledjust throwing things out, no clue what i am saying just bouncing ideas around02:31
tomreyni think the problem is that okular or the libepub library it uses, defaults to outputting a lot of just informational  (II)  log level to stderr02:31
bandit-ledok but why would it log it from dolphin and not terminal02:32
tomreyn(which are then redirected to .xsession-errors if you don't run from a terminal)02:32
bandit-ledsomthing is redirecting the log output?02:32
bandit-ledoops sorry,,, ok looks like a bug report or you think this is wanted behavior?02:33
tomreynwhen you are working on a graphical desktop then there is no stderr, so what's written there is written to xsession-errors instead02:33
tomreynthat's how it's designed02:33
tomreynso that's intentional02:33
bandit-ledbut the extra libepub info probably not intentional?02:34
tomreynbut writing so much to stderr about things that aren't actually describing an error situation but merely informational notes on what's being dsone, should not happen. that's a bad configuration of either ocular or the libepub library02:34
tomreyni feel like i explained this twice now. ;)02:35
bandit-ledubuntu bugreport or upstream?02:35
bandit-ledyou have i am out of spoons so am not thinking properly02:35
tomreynit's clearly a bug in kubuntu, but probably upstream, too02:35
bandit-ledhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spoon_theory if you didnt get my refrence that is offtopic but just fyi if some one else says it02:36
bandit-ledi will post upstream and work from there TY so much for your help02:36
bandit-ledjust some one saying oh i see what you mean helps02:37
tomreynubuntu has been using the same upstream libepub version for years now https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=libepub002:37
tomreynlibepub is part of ebook tools, which had its latest release in 2016 https://sourceforge.net/projects/ebook-tools/02:38
tomreynactually 201202:39
bandit-ledi figure that somthing got turned on in testing and not turned off on install... not correct terms but the idea makes sense?02:39
tomreynbut bug reports dont seemto have been handled since 201602:39
bandit-ledlogging=4 instead of logging =2 in the build options but i couldnt figure it out looking at the source02:40
bandit-ledand no the logging # i used are not correct02:41
tomreynsomehting like this, yes. either the lib is built with too high a log level or okular fails to set it properly when using the lib. but more likely it's the lib's build process setting a bad default02:41
tomreyni think your best option is to report this against debian, then against ubuntu as well, and link the ubuntu bog to debians02:42
tomreynor just do ubuntu if you're not sure it also affects debian02:42
bandit-ledi am going to steal some of your reporting for the bug report if that ok wont use your name02:44
tomreynbandit-led: slightly related bug report https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=359932 makes me think you should indeed be using calibre02:54
ubottuKDE bug 359932 in okular "Okular is very slow at opening some EPUB's" [Crash, Unconfirmed]02:54
tirthmy wifi on kubuntu doesn't have range as it does in windows. wifi: Ralink RT329003:26
tirththis happens on windows also but quick restart of wifi drivers fixes it03:28
=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life
bandit-ledtomreyn, TY again https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=438490 hope this looks ok03:32
ubottuKDE bug 438490 in okular "okular or epub backend logging non errors to stderr and .xsession-errors" [Normal, Unconfirmed]03:32
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manup32bonne journée a tous09:02
krytarik!fr manup3209:09
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manup32thanks for précisions09:10
manup32its time to wake up in quebec 5h am09:11
manup32nice day thanks09:12
manup32coffee time09:13
BluesKajHi all11:40
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itu( hello kitty!       ^^  )13:49
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