[09:33] allo allo [09:52] time of day [09:58] o/ [14:19] happy weekend! [15:58] * penguin42 yaaawwwnnns [17:29] cor, busier Saturday than usual... went and picked up another TV to replace the damaged one at the clients farmhouse [17:30] old one has been pronounced by McCoy - https://i.imgur.com/WdH7vc3.jpg [17:34] what had they thrown at it? [17:36] a pet had walked around the back and tipped it forward, which deformed the bezel a bit... but the panel was intact until the fella himself tried to push it back into place xD [17:36] *crack* [17:37] https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-south-yorkshire-57452871 vaccinations at the crucible; you'd think injections with a snooker cue would be hard [17:37] daftykins: Oops [17:38] sinking in the pink has a whole new meaning! [18:05] hopefully they watched the matrix at least once on that screen :-P [18:06] hehe [18:07] i'd best get to the supermarket! [20:41] I wish we'd had this weather for the eclipse which I saw nothing of [20:41] when was that? [20:44] Thursday [20:44] before noon [20:45] it was solid cloud here [20:46] not sure when i surfaced, that day xD [20:47] * penguin42 was working, so awake - I moved a meeting with my boss out of the way for that one