[05:21] good mornings everyone [05:25] * hibana just making sure that IRC is still alive and that #ubuntu-za has not become the weather channel [05:26] inetpro: waar is die mense? [05:28] lol [05:28] \o/ yay, iemand is wakker [05:29] goeiemôre oomiKilos [05:29] you going crazy [05:29] môre inetpro [05:30] have to shake things up a bit too wake you up [05:31] s/oomi/oom/ [05:32] jy jaag te veel [05:32] * inetpro s fingers tripping over the small keyboard [05:32] op die foon? [05:33] yep, still enjoying the warm blankets [05:33] skelm [05:33] hard work messaging on a cell [05:35] poor superfly and WrathOfAchilles getting scorched on the other side while we freeze up here [05:37] That's why they invented air conditioners... [05:38] wonder what it's like on the other side by pavlushka and psydroid, but they sommer decided to go on AWOL [05:40] superfly: you saying tomorrow will be 41°C? [05:40] Yessir. [05:40] ouch! [05:42] good thing you got that aircon serviced [05:43] And Sunday, and Monday, and Tuesday. Wednesday will be 39, Thursday 39, Friday 38, Saturday 38, and then Sunday will be 40 again. Summer is here! [06:42] have a nice weekend superfly, and get ready for making that apple cider again, based on your videos and recent photos it looks like you will have yourself a nice harvest there [07:04] lovely hot weather but so far away [07:04] hi superfly [09:23] http://www.fsf.org/news/fsf-and-gnu-move-official-irc-channels-to-libera-chat-network [09:24] interesting statement [09:24] IRC is here to stay [12:53] hehe [12:53] but very quiet [14:18] wb Danie10 [14:20] Kilos: it's only quiet here because you're not giving us challenges to solve :-D [16:05] ...No A/C.