[15:01] nhaines: oh wow!! that.... is looking like a wild time :-D thanks for doing that!! [15:02] heh, shows what I know! I must've had to join since I installed the beta version which supports audio + GUI apps (70% sure that's still in beta, but now I'm thinking I should double check!) [15:02] Flannel: howdy!!! how're you hanging in?? [15:04] Yasumoto: I took inspiration from the XFree86 -> X.org transition, the OpenOffice.org -> LibreOffice transition, and so on. I read the logs and I clearly recognized where rasengan was headed. (Spoiler alert: everything I imagined happened over the next week.) [15:05] And yes, the audio + GUI stuff in WSL is still Windows Insider for now! [17:12] nhaines: 👏 (how's the emoji support on most IRC clients? that was the clapping hands emoji :-D ) [17:12] Yah, seems like a wild time [17:13] also.... _so much has happened_ in the last few years! Pretty amazing. Finally pulling my head up and checking stuff out again, which has been fun. I've been funemployed the last 3 weeks, and 1 more week before the new gig [23:19] Yasumoto_: That emoji didn't go through, although I've seen them before, at least on Freenode, so they *should* work in theory... [23:19] It's always strange for me to see emojis in IRC though.