
usuarioWhat to do after install lubuntu?02:04
tewardyou'll need to ask an actual question - what do you mean "what to do after installing lubuntu"?02:05
usuarioAny tricks?02:06
tewardtricks for... what?  You're not being specific enough about your goals.  Now that you've got Lubuntu installed, just use it?02:06
usuarioBut some distros has a post installer. Things like install properties drivers or something else...02:08
usuarioOk. Thanks for help. I just trying IRC, I though this kind of tech was dead.02:10
lubot[telegram] <teward001> Typically speaking, the installer is pretty smart to install those if those're needed, but if everything's working fine on your system you don't need to install any updated drivers or anything02:11
lubot[telegram] <teward001> IRC is still present it's not 'dead' yet02:11
usuarioAny chance to connect this channel by telegram or discourse?02:13
usuarioSorry for my english, is my awfull. Bye!02:14
usuariomy = very***02:14
=== justaguy is now known as newbie_quassel
newbie_quasselI'm just trying out Quassel IRC on Lubuntu 20.04. I have the system showing the correct time in the taskbar but Quassel timestamps everything as UTC time04:08
newbie_quasselany ideas?04:08
=== E_Eickmeyer is now known as Eickmeyer
lubot[telegram] <cmb11195> So i think I figured out what happened with my lubuntu install. And it’s not a correctable error, or it’s way beyond my understanding to correct the error.10:07
lubot[telegram] <cmb11195> Dracut is an android terminal. My whole system was rewritten based on an Android kernel. That why when I rebooted the system it dropped into dracut.10:09
lubot[telegram] <cmb11195> I’m trying to submit a bug report using apport Ubuntu-bug now10:29
lubot[telegram] <kc2bez> Did you get it figured out? If not have a look at this link https://phab.lubuntu.me/w/bugs/ (re @cmb11195: I’m trying to submit a bug report using apport Ubuntu-bug now)11:43
lubot[telegram] <cmb11195> No I haven’t. Now I’m going through apport report of release-update. Seeing a couple of items the report has marked bug. The one I’m looking at now says ACPI BIOS Error (bug): could not resolve symbol [\_SB.WLBU._STA.WLVD], AE_NOT_FOUND (20201113/psargs-330)11:54
guiverc@cmb11195; ubuntu-release-upgrader is what would upgrade a hirsute (21.04) system to impish (what will be 21.10 on release), I see many ACPI errors in your bug report's dmesg; a kernel issue makes more sense to me that ubuntu-release-upgrader but I didn't read your intent & issue (appeared more to be request for help/support but was unclear sorry)12:20
* guiverc was responding here only because I recalled seeing mention of it ^; I touched bug report without my lubuntu 'hat' on12:22
lubot[telegram] <cmb11195> I only marked Ubuntu-release-upgrader because running apport with install or installer marked for scan returned no reported errors. Should I resubmit new report with kernel marked as error. It’s more like a plethora of errors than just any single problem.... memory leak(s), Won’t reboot into bios/efi, no system tools menu, programs crashing, no recovery mode... only asks for password for sudo command on first sudo entry. Example ( sudo12:31
guivercyou can change the package from ubuntu-release-upgraded to linux (linux=kernel).. if you have issues I can help anyway  (if it's before I head to bed etc)12:32
guivercit may help if you stick to a single issue though (ie. it needs to be clear what the bug report is about - I couldn't work it out for example)12:34
guivercI was reading it as a ubuntu-release-upgrader bug, without regard to discussions here.. 12:34

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