
ograheap, nope, they are typically the exact same packages (unless something could not be made to build on arm for whatever reason)08:48
heaphello, i installed kernel linux-source-5.8.16-sunxi but i cant see headers for that kernel, isnt that weird?17:12
heapi mean its armbian ubuntu 17:12
ograthere is no "armbian ubuntu" ... there is ubuntu and there is armbian 🙂17:12
ograwe dont have a sunxi kernel package in the archive ... so you should ask this in an armbian forum/channel/mailig-list ... 17:13
heapisnt that odd17:16
heapthere is kernel and no headers17:16
ograyeah, not sure what armbians way of dealing with that is though and if they require a packager to provide a header package ... 17:22
Mekaneckarmbian isn't supported here heap18:26
heapso is it possible to download or build that kernel headers?19:25
ikoniaahhh good the channel survived the move19:39
ikoniaI'm using the ubuntu 20.04 raspberry pi image on a pi4, the /forcefsck empty file is not forcing an fsck, is there something different due to the pi boot process that stops this working, how can you force an fsck on boot without changing /etc/fstab19:40
ograikonia, i dont think there is anything special at that stage of the boot 19:58
ograit should theoretically still work unless it has been dropped for the whole of the distro19:59
ograikonia, you could try to tell systemd to do an fsck by adding "fsck.mode=force" to cmdline.txt20:05
ikoniainteresting idea20:29
ikoniafrom what I've read on the systemd unit files, it should still work 20:29
ikoniabut for some reason it doesn't on the pi's 20:29
ikoniaI'll try the cmdline.txt20:29
ograthere is nothing special with the Pi in that regard ... 20:30
ikoniathat was my thinking also....but then it didn't work on 6 pi's 20:30
ograthe weird bits are before the kernel loads ... anything after is "just ubuntu"20:30
ikoniayup, once it hits the kernel boot it should be normal20:30
tomreynfwiw /forcefsck generally no longer works20:30
ikoniatomreyn: oh really ?20:31
ikoniawhen did it get pulled ?20:31
ikoniait's still referenced in the unit files20:31
tomreynat least from what i'Ve gathered during tests.since systemd20:31
* ogra knew why he wrote "unless it has been dropped for the whole of the distro" above 🙂20:31
ograi wasnt sure though20:31
tomreyn"fsck.mode=force" does work, though20:32
ogra(and given 90% of my time is nowadays spent on Ubuntu Core i'm not really up to date with the rest f the distro 20:32
ikoniaI'm keen to try ubuntu-core 20:32
ikoniaI've kept away from it due to lack of use cases, but I think I actually do now20:32
ograwell, be aware that *everything* is a snap there 20:33
ograif you want an app, you need it snapped20:33
ikoniaogra: yeah, that's one of the things I'm not comfortable with, but perhaps need to get comfortable with20:33
ograit is totally awesome once you got used to it ... 20:36
ogra(and indeed i'm *totally* unbiased 😛 )20:37

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