
=== E_Eickmeyer is now known as Eickmeyer
fenrishi .. anyone notice about this issue on 21.04 ? https://ubuntuhandbook.org/index.php/2021/04/workaround-nautilus-admin-not-working-ubuntu-21-04/06:18
fenrisall gvfs in hirsute is already latest .. but if still having error06:32
=== utkarsh210225 is now known as utkarsh2102
utkarsh2102LocutusOfBorg: hey, can you do some re-triggers for me w/ some triggers, please?09:25
utkarsh2102cf: https://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/request.cgi?release=impish&arch=amd64&package=ruby-rails-html-sanitizer&trigger=ruby-loofah/2.10.0-1&trigger=ruby-rails-html-sanitizer/1.3.0-209:25
utkarsh2102for arm64: https://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/request.cgi?release=impish&arch=arm64&package=ruby-rails-html-sanitizer&trigger=ruby-loofah/2.10.0-1&trigger=ruby-rails-html-sanitizer/1.3.0-209:26
utkarsh2102for armhf: https://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/request.cgi?release=impish&arch=armhf&package=ruby-rails-html-sanitizer&trigger=ruby-loofah/2.10.0-1&trigger=ruby-rails-html-sanitizer/1.3.0-209:26
utkarsh2102for ppc64el: https://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/request.cgi?release=impish&arch=ppc64el&package=ruby-rails-html-sanitizer&trigger=ruby-loofah/2.10.0-1&trigger=ruby-rails-html-sanitizer/1.3.0-209:26
utkarsh2102for s390x: https://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/request.cgi?release=impish&arch=s390x&package=ruby-rails-html-sanitizer&trigger=ruby-loofah/2.10.0-1&trigger=ruby-rails-html-sanitizer/1.3.0-209:27
utkarsh2102I've uploaded a fix for ruby-rails-html-sanitizer w/ newer API  of loofah, so it should migrate after this^09:28
utkarsh2102s/uploaded/got uploaded to Debian/g :)09:29
utkarsh2102awesome, thank you!09:56
utkarsh2102LocutusOfBorg: all passed (as expected), thanks, again!09:57
* mwhudson waves https://code.launchpad.net/~mwhudson/ubuntu-seeds/+git/ubuntu/+merge/404107 around under any core devs noses10:51
mwhudsonrbasak: merci10:59
cipherboysergiodj: Cool, thanks! I'll take a look this afternoon :) That should help me a lot!13:29
sergiodjcipherboy: awesome, let me know how it goes :)14:31
ogramitya57, i see you are the one person that seems ot care for the packaging guide, would you be able to update https://packaging.ubuntu.com/html/communication.html to point to libera ? (still says irc.freenode.net)14:35
mitya57ogra: yes, I can do it14:36
ograawesome !14:36
ogra(poerhaps a grep -R for freenode across the tree would also be a good idea 😉 )14:36
=== Serge is now known as hallyn
toabctlsil2100, could you have a look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/livecd-rootfs/+bug/1930686 plase? I think it's ready for moving from -proposed to -updates...15:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1930686 in livecd-rootfs (Ubuntu Bionic) "Do not include /dev device node filles in OCI rootfs tarballs" [Undecided, Fix Committed]15:41
sil2100toabctl: hey! Sure! Per the SRU policy there is a 7 day aging period before we can release a -proposed SRU to -updates15:52
sil2100That being said, livecd-rootfs is a bit of a special thing15:53
toabctlsil2100, isn't 7 days over?15:53
sil2100Since it can't really break users15:53
sil2100No, it was accepted on the 8th from what I see15:53
sil2100Anyway, I can handle it anyway as well, there's not much merit in letting it age longer anyway15:53
toabctltrue (and sorry for the of-by-one error on my side)15:54
waveformrbasak, have you got a moment to have a look at the last comment on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/update-notifier/+bug/1836475 ? I'd like to have another stab at getting it SRU'd15:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1836475 in update-notifier (Ubuntu Focal) "[SRU] update-notifier-common weekly cron job runs at the same time for all computers across the globe" [High, Triaged]15:54
smoser1bdmurray: do you have thoughts on hallyn's lxc SRU bug 1923232 . Is the lxc autopkgtest there sufficient to mark as 'verification-done' ? if not, what else would you like to see?16:01
ubottuBug 1923232 in lxc (Ubuntu Focal) "SRU of LXC 4.0.6 to focal (upstream bugfix release)" [High, Fix Committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/192323216:01
=== smoser1 is now known as smoser
bdmurraysmoser: I'll have a look today16:03
smoserthank you.16:14
rbasakwaveform: I commented on bug 1836475. Does anyone specifically object to using a random delay for the SRU as a simpler fix less likely to hit user customizations? vorlon, any opinion, as you wanted to avoid a random delay earlier in the bug? Was that just for the development release or did you have an SRU in mind there as well?16:18
ubottuBug 1836475 in update-notifier (Ubuntu Focal) "[SRU] update-notifier-common weekly cron job runs at the same time for all computers across the globe" [High, Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/183647516:18
=== plars_ is now known as plars
petrjhmm, on focal i tried to create a userspace riscv environment using: `apt install debootstrap qemu-user-static; qemu-debootstrap --arch riscv64 focal ubuntu-riscv64`17:04
petrjit errors out like `chroot: failed to run command '/debootstrap/debootstrap': Exec format error`17:04
petrjany ideas what am i missing?17:05
cjwatsonDo you have binfmt-support installed?17:05
petrj`binfmt-support is already the newest version (2.2.0-2).`17:06
cjwatsonSeems to get past that stage for me FWIW17:08
cjwatsonMaybe check with "update-binfmts --display qemu-riscv64" that that binary format is enabled?17:09
cjwatsonBut I'm about to be called for dinner17:10
petrjreproducible with just `docker run ubuntu:focal sh -c 'apt update && apt install -y debootstrap qemu-user-static; qemu-debootstrap --arch riscv64 focal ubuntu-riscv64'`17:11
petrjah, thanks cjwatson! that was indeed the problem. the binary format was disabled so i had to run docker with priv and still enable it explicitly after the install.18:06
petrj`docker run --privileged ubuntu:focal sh -c 'apt update && apt in stall -y debootstrap qemu-user-static; update-binfmts --enable qemu-riscv6; qemu-debootst rap --arch riscv64 focal ubuntu-riscv64'`18:06
mitya57ogra: https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-packaging-guide-team/ubuntu-packaging-guide/trunk/revision/70718:10
mitya57The website will get automatically updated within a day.18:10
* ogra hugs mitya57 18:11
=== sarnold_ is now known as sarnold
petrjhmm, libomp5 and libomp-dev are missing from riscv64 (focal).20:00
petrjtracking down source repo suggests it comes from https://salsa.debian.org/pkg-llvm-team/llvm-toolchain/-/tree/11/debian20:01
petrjis that correct?20:01
petrjapparently there is no explicit exclusion or inclusion of any architecture for libomp*. does it mean someone here with superpowers can trigger the riscv64 build. if you are such person, please do! :)20:06
cjwatsonYou're probably looking at a newer version, since focal was released a year ago and stable releases only get selected updates.20:07
cjwatsonFor a relatively experimental architecture like riscv64, you might be better off using a newer non-LTS release.  That said, riscv64 doesn't have a libomp5 binary in impish either; it's clearly not just a matter of triggering a new build.20:08
cjwatsonhttps://salsa.debian.org/pkg-llvm-team/llvm-defaults/-/blob/experimental/debian/control shows an explicit architecture list for libomp*.20:09
cjwatsonAh yeah, you were looking at the wrong repository.20:10
cjwatsonBut in any case https://salsa.debian.org/pkg-llvm-team/llvm-toolchain/-/blob/11/debian/control shows explicit architecture lists for libomp* too.20:11
=== mfo_ is now known as mfo
petrjah thanks cjwatson. i will send an MR adding riscv64 in architecture list. i have heard that it works (still waiting on gentoo packages webpage update to confirm this)20:25
vorlonrbasak: looking back, my objection there was not to the notion of a random sleep, but to an implementation that introduced random sleeps inside of cron.weekly.  I think that holds for SRUs as well as for devel.21:05

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