
=== E_Eickmeyer is now known as Eickmeyer
juliankqueues are empty :D07:56
juliankI see failures "Could not connect to ftpmaster.internal:80 (, connection timed out" again, will investigate :/07:57
cjwatsonjuliank: see ~is-outage on mattermost08:01
cjwatsonyou will get that when ftpmaster is actually down ...08:01
juliankcjwatson: oh, well, I can't see that from ~is-outage :D08:03
laneyheh, yeah, not going to get very far if ftpmaster.itself is not available08:05
laneyjuliank: did you see that the error rate dropped off, what's up with that?08:09
laneyif you go to 7 days and select arm64 normal/abnormal only08:09
julianklaney: it's an absolute number and we finished the queue08:10
laneyI mean it dropped off at like the start of Saturday08:11
laneylike something about the later tests didn't cause so many errors08:11
laneymaybe when we finished the SRUs?08:11
juliankor less load on the cloud from builders?08:12
julianktyping sever instead of server when typing server delete kind of makes sense08:15
laneyjuliank: wdyt about the shim bug dann pointed out on devel@, does that seem feasible to you?08:50
julianklaney: I replied to him08:52
julianklaney: maybe in the wrong email08:52
julianklaney: the shim bug is waiting for review08:53
juliankI cannot comment on whether they are related08:54
juliankdoesn't _seem_ like it08:54
juliankthe shim one is null pointer dereferencing at exit boot services; we crash _after_ that08:55
juliankalso we crash in older releases without the broken shim :D08:55
juliankso I could comment after all08:55
laneyah yeah, just saw it after I asked you :D09:00
=== utkarsh210225 is now known as utkarsh2102
laneysil2100: heya, to deploy your private branch to staging...11:32
laneydo we need to get swift users created?11:32
laneyshouldn't the X-Auth-Token config be a dict user -> token?11:33
laneysorry, maybe I forgot some details11:33
sil2100laney: let me get back to you in a few minutes!12:20
laneysil2100: ack, going for lunch now anyway12:23
sil2100laney: ok, so regarding this: so from the POV of the workers and the ADT infra, the only thing that's should be needed credential-wise is the X-Auth-Token, since that's enough to get access to the results (user not needed here)12:25
sil2100laney: a separate user might be needed indeed as this is passed for instance via the 'swiftuser' request parameter, to decide which user to add read access to the results12:26
sil2100laney: that being said, I think we could temporarily just use X-Auth-Token of the staging main swift user12:27
sil2100laney: it can be a separate user for security, in case the token somehow leaks out or something and such a separate-user token will in theory have much less powers over the whole database12:28
utkarsh2102sil2100: hello, I am another hints MP whenever you have time?12:28
utkarsh2102no rush, though.12:29
utkarsh2102(cf: https://code.launchpad.net/~utkarsh/britney/+git/britney/+merge/404113)12:29
utkarsh2102ugh, s/I am/I have/g :)12:29
sil2100utkarsh2102: hey! Reviewed o/12:32
utkarsh2102sil2100: awesome, thank you! though I added "all" intentionally because it's gonna be a problem for all architectures, at least until ruby3.0 transition, which is waiting on the Debian archive.12:34
utkarsh2102I suspect, someone will need to add the hints again for the next versions for s390x. So I just wanted to save the time others might spend because it's going to be unrelated.12:35
utkarsh2102anyhow, would you still want me to change to specific version instead? I'd be happy to! :)12:35
utkarsh2102s/all architectures/all versions on s390x/g12:38
sil2100I'd prefer us bumping it knowingly than risking us forgetting about it and just missing out real failures on this architecture12:43
utkarsh2102sil2100: gotcha, +1 then, fixed the MP! \o/12:48
utkarsh2102thanks a bunch! :D12:48
laneysil2100: I was trying to make it fit in with what you do in the worker, when uploading a private result - you grant access to the named swiftuser there13:46
laneyso we should be using the X-Auth-Token for that user on the reading side I guess13:46
laneywe don't need to make one for staging, fair enough, but it does probably need the ability to take multiple users13:47
laneyshouldn't be too hard to modify that, I can do it if you want13:50
laneyI guess just container -> token should be fine13:51
=== blue_penquin[m] is now known as Guest7585
sil2100laney: hm, that can be a good idea I suppose!14:13
sil2100laney: I mean, right now the X-Auth-Token can be simply the one from the main swift users that the workers use to upload results, as it should have read access to all the containers14:14
sil2100(as the owner)14:14
sil2100The swiftuser parameter is more so that the X-Auth-Token from the britney side of ESM or any other users (so outside of the ADT infra) can access it with their own X-Auth-Token14:15
* laney nods14:17
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: lvm2 (groovy-backports/main) [2.03.07-1ubuntu3 => 2.03.11-2ubuntu4~ubuntu20.10.1] (core, i386-whitelist)14:21
=== Guest7585 is now known as blue_penquin[m]
laneysil2100: crap, I just read that X-Auth-Tokens are valid for 24 hours typically14:25
sil2100Wait, but you can't set the date?14:27
laneyI didn't find something that says you can14:27
laneydid you?14:27
sil2100Since when I created test ones they were only valid for an hour, but it felt like something that's configurable (forgot to check)14:27
laneyI just read https://docs.openstack.org/zaqar/queens/user/authentication_tokens.html and it says "Applications should be designed to re-authenticate after receiving a 401 (Unauthorized) response from a service endpoint"14:28
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: sanlock (groovy-backports/universe) [3.6.0-4build1 => 3.8.2-2~ubuntu20.10.1] (i386-whitelist)14:28
sil2100"Authentication tokens expire after a time period that the authentication service defines. When a token expires, use of the token causes requests to fail with a 401 Unauthorized response. To continue, you must obtain a new token."14:30
sil2100This was such a good idea, too bad I didn't actually dive into the expliration time last week14:31
laneyI didn't notice either /o\14:33
laneythinking about if there's a way round this14:33
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Packageset: Removed libclc from i386-whitelist in impish14:51
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-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Packageset: Added libreoffice to i386-whitelist in impish14:51
sil2100I think we just need to switch to the full-credentials approach14:51
laneynot very thrilled by that14:54
laneywe could probably try to get a read-only user, and grant to 'swiftuser' and that one14:55
laneyor the swiftuser can go away in that case maybe14:58
* laney is asking IS for input14:58
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: apt (hirsute-proposed/main) [2.2.3 => 2.2.4ubuntu0.1] (core, i386-whitelist)15:06
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: python3.8 (focal-proposed/main) [3.8.5-1~20.04.3 => 3.8.10-0ubuntu1~20.04] (i386-whitelist) (sync)15:20
sil2100As said, the swiftuser part was just to make sure that the ESM britney instance doesn't have to host like the main ADT SWIFT credentials, since that has all write and read access to everywhere15:28
sil2100This way the ESM britney has a swiftuser user that has read rights to the given container and is all fine. On the ADT side we can use the main creds as those are there anyway15:29
sil2100(for the workers)15:29
laneyyeah for uploading that's what'll happen15:34
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: gcc-10 (focal-proposed/main) [10.2.0-5ubuntu1~20.04 => 10.3.0-1ubuntu1~20.04] (i386-whitelist) (sync)15:35
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: gcc-10-cross (focal-proposed/main) [6ubuntu3 => 6ubuntu4] (i386-whitelist) (sync)15:36
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: gcc-10-cross-ports (focal-proposed/universe) [5ubuntu2 => 5ubuntu3] (i386-whitelist) (sync)15:38
laneysil2100: have you got a sketch of the proposed-migration side?15:40
laneyI'm worried that it'll need access to keystone15:40
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: gcc-10-cross-mipsen (focal-proposed/universe) [2+c1ubuntu1.1 => 2+c1ubuntu1.2] (no packageset) (sync)15:47
sil2100laney: you mean sketch of using the whole SWIFT credentials instead of X-Auth-Token?15:51
laneysil2100: yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhh15:53
laneylike I don't know how you can pass those from a random external server15:53
laneyI wonder if you tried it already and it worked15:53
laneyI think maybe you *have* to use the X-Auth-Token there ...15:54
laneyhopefully I'm not right 😬15:54
sil2100hm, well, so I was using swiftclient and was only testing it against canonistack locally, via VPN15:54
sil2100And it worked fine with my local config, so I assumed we could do the same if we're on the same network?15:54
laneyI think they fw will block access to keystone15:55
laneylet me check from snakefruit15:55
sil2100Can't we modify the fw rules in that case? Man, I really liked the idea of X-Auth-Token, I don't feel like getting back to full creds :<15:55
laneyhuh ok it works from there, whyyyYYYYY15:55
sil2100laney: as for the branch, I can revert the X-Auth-Token changes and push that to a separate branch for review/test if anything15:58
laneyyou can do a 'git revert' and push it on top if you want15:58
laneywe can rebase them both away later on15:59
rbalintsil2100, i'm trying to queue https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/4583 , but it seems there is a token error https://bileto.ubuntu.com/static/britney/ust_log_2021-06-14_16:30:01.txt16:49
rbalintsil2100, could you please check it?16:49
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sil2100Oh no, hmm17:50
sil2100rbalint: oh, so you want to trigger ust for that silo, yes?17:52
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-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: acorn [amd64] (impish-proposed/universe) [8.0.5+ds+~cs19.19.27-2] (no packageset)23:19
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