
=== E_Eickmeyer is now known as Eickmeyer
=== Rhvs is now known as MeltedLux
=== MeltedLux is now known as md_5
=== md_5 is now known as Rhvs
PaulePantersarnold_: Somebody replied already on the bug, and I got the answer. Thank you!08:06
=== utkarsh210225 is now known as utkarsh2102
shubjerocoreycb: Do you know if its possible to pull Neutron 16.3.0 from any Ubuntu repositories? I hit that nasty 16.3.1 bug which causes all L3 agents to remain in standby so I managed to find and install some .deb's for I think Focal for 16.0.0 and that's working but I think it may be the cause of some other less serious issues now11:56
utkarsh2102shubjero: hey, also consider opening a bug, preferably? 12:21
shubjeroutkarsh2102: yeah there's already a bug submitted from early may, I marked bug as im affected and added comments12:28
utkarsh2102oh perfect, thank you!12:28
shubjeroat this point id just like 16.3.0 published somewhere so i can use it instead of some random 16.0.0 deb12:28
shubjeroI'm using this now: neutron-common                         2:16.0.0~b3~git2020041516.5f42488a9a-0ubuntu212:28
shubjeroutkarsh2102: this is the bug I hit: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/neutron/+bug/192786812:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1927868 in neutron (Ubuntu) "vRouter not working after update to 16.3.1" [Undecided, Confirmed]12:30
shubjeroReal ugly. Takes the whole openstack deployment offline12:30
shubjeroI had tested my openstack upgrade over a month ago which at the time was 16.3.0 and then we had some further scheduling delays so by the time i got to do prod, 16.3.1 was out and I forgot to re-test.. my fault there but since for some reason old versions are not retained I was not able to just easily specify a version of neutron and thus had to scramble during our upgrade to try and find a12:32
shubjeroversion that was available and worked.12:32
=== Poster` is now known as Poster
=== ikonia_ is now known as ikonia
coreycbshubjero: this one? https://bugs.launchpad.net/cloud-archive/+bug/183202114:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1832021 in neutron (Ubuntu Bionic) "Checksum drop of metadata traffic on isolated networks with DPDK" [Medium, Fix Committed]14:44
=== Serge is now known as hallyn
mnasiadkafnordahl: Is there an option to get newer OVN packages in UCA? I'm interested in 21.06 which has this commit - https://github.com/ovn-org/ovn/commit/127bf166ccf4a2509f670c48a00b0340039f20d215:09
ubottuCommit 127bf16 in ovn-org/ovn "northd: Support flow offloading for logical switches with no ACLs."15:09
=== smoser1 is now known as smoser
ox4e44Hi all , Anyone knows if the future version of Ubuntu server will be having ZFS as the root level of file system as a default or option during the installation ? Right now it is possible but the out of the box experience is pretty ish regarding this option. Right now the version of Ubuntu 21.04 now support ZFS on root by default. 17:00
shubjerocoreycb: Sorry, was away for a bit. No not that one, this one: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/neutron/+bug/192786817:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1927868 in neutron (Ubuntu) "vRouter not working after update to 16.3.1" [Undecided, Confirmed]17:17
shubjeroway nastier17:17
shubjerocoreycb: Do you know how I can install via apt or perhaps download deb files for Neutron 16.3.0 for bionic Ussuri? 16.3.1 and 16.3.2 take down my entire openstack deployment17:44
coreycbshubjero: that's not fixed by this by any chance is it?17:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1929832 in neutron "stable/ussuri py38 support for keepalived-state-change monitor" [High, In Progress]17:48
shubjerocoreycb: I don't think so. Symptoms seem different, but definitely in same ballpark. The issue I have is none of the L3 agents for a router enter an active state. So I'll have 3 L3 agents for a router all in standby and therefore is unreachable from a network perspective. I did try installing the neutron packages from the proposed repo '16.3.2-0ubuntu3~cloud0' but the issue persisted.17:51
=== sarnold_ is now known as sarnold
coreycbshubjero: does this appear to be related? https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1928466 I'm just trying to see if anything upstream has already dealt with this.19:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1928466 in neutron "Allowed address pairs aren't populated to the new host with DVR router" [Medium, Fix Released]19:37
coreycbI'll move discussion over to the bug19:38
shubjerocoreycb: i dont think so, we dont even use DVR19:45

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