
=== Mamarok_ is now known as Mamarok
valorieI see none of in the chan so far uses matrix21:05
valoriesomehow I need to get the matrix chan identifier number if we want it bridged, which I think we do21:06
valoriesame with the other three21:06
Mamarokcome on, one could at least expect council members to know how to use an IRC client...21:06
valoriei have the IRC chans on the spreadsheet of those to be bridged but dunno how to find that info21:06
MamarokI only use Matrix when I have no alternative21:07
valorieMamarok: sure, however matrix is more convenient on a phone21:07
valorieme too21:07
valoriemy tests were disappointing21:07
Mamarokyes, but there is plenty of things I would not want to have to do on a phone, it is tiny and cumbersome21:07
Mamarokit is NOT a replacement for a tablet or laptop or PC21:08
valoriecompletely agree21:08
RikMills"<Mamarok> I only use Matrix when I have no alternative"21:11
RikMillscompletely agree21:11
RikMillsplus if I need to check IRC on a phone, I am probably needing to take a break ;)21:11
valoriewhile traveling/at Akademy was where I used it21:30
valoriewell, back in the day, Telegram21:30
valorieI would prefer to deprecate that but....21:31
MamarokI removed Telegram here, telling all my "friends" I had there I was to be found on Signal, those who care are there, too -)21:38

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