
juerghapw, mainline builds of 5.10 stopped working with 5.10.36: https://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v5.10.36/06:52
juerghapw, 5.11.20 has problems too. Something changed around May-11.06:54
juerghoh 'no space left on device'06:55
apwthose happen from time to time, sadly07:24
juerghapw, can they be retriggered?07:33
apwjuergh, yep07:36
apwcjaushe4ka (N,BFTL), issue fixed and affected builds resubmitted.08:08
apwjuergh, retriggered the OOD builds08:08
tomreynthanks cascardo10:25
juerghapw, ack. ta. there's still some funkiness. the retrigger tried to build i386. and riscv64 status is 0 but no packages. for example: https://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v5.10.42/.11:15
juerghoh. was I too early?11:15
tomreynto me, it looks as if v5.10.42 riscv64 built fine, but the upload failed13:19
tomreyn(no errors on the log, though, for what i could tell)13:19
apwjuergh, both i386 and riscv end up being empty because the main kernel only builds linux-libc-dev for them14:20
apwjuergh, we really don't build and i386 kernel, riscv we do, but out of a different package14:20
apwjuergh, not the one we pick the packaging from at least14:20
apwjuergh, so ti would have make only one package, one which is filtered intentionally, and then the then empty result published14:21
apwjuergh, and the log agrees `dpkg-deb: building package 'linux-libc-dev' in '../linux-libc-dev_5.11.0-20.21+21.10.1_riscv64.deb'.`14:21
apwjuergh, for i386 it tried to b14:22
apwjuergh, for i386 it tried to build in impish-i386 which isn't a thing.14:22
xnoxjuergh:  if you want riscv64 builds for mainline, we should move riscv64 kernel configs from linux-riscv to src:linux & src:linux-unstable. And then linux-riscv will simply have toggles changed in arch.mk to build riscv64 only.16:04
xnoxand the stock ones should have control snippets to build for riscv, but not actually do it, by disabling it in per-arch mk configs.16:04
xnoxand make mainline builds turn those back on.16:04
xnoxif we actually want riscv64 mainline builds.16:05
tomreyncascardo: rmadison tells me that:  linux-generic-hwe-20.04-edge |   | focal-proposed   | amd64, arm64, armhf, ppc64el, s390x17:36
tomreyn(i don't actually have a 20.04 here to check it on)17:37
cascardotomreyn: try linux-generic-hwe-20.04-edge-wip, it should roll into linux-generic-hwe-20.04-edge soon19:53
cascardonote that dkms packages from focal might fail to build, in case you rely on any19:53
cascardothey should get fixed in the next weeks19:53
tomreynthanks cascard0 22:17

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