
zxmpizoinkd you've taken a wrong turn00:24
daftykinsah did you come a cropper to my already deleted link?00:25
daftykinsok if i PM a private link? too lazy to repost :D00:26
zxmpinah, it's ok, just in case it was a wonky link00:46
daftykinsmaybe i'll repost at roll-call in the morn00:48
daftykinsloooong day today, first visit to a new client... found a family of 4 sharing the 20 Mb ADSL2 service, of which they're getting 800:49
m0nkey_Freenode just imploded.00:50
daftykinsmmm, seems a bit purge is coming00:50
m0nkey_I took a screenshot.. https://twitter.com/DavieDavieDave/status/140459666876760473900:51
daftykinsi'm gonna quit if it does00:51
m0nkey_I've already set my client to not autoconnect00:51
daftykinsTIL who you work for, le famous game studio, neat!00:52
m0nkey_yeah, initially i had a hard time keeping it a secert00:52
m0nkey_but once you know my real name, i'm not that hard to find00:53
m0nkey_for one, my name will start appearing in credits.. my name is already out in the freebsd community, so whatever.00:54
daftykinswould you be unable to answer if i asked how derp game devs are? assuming you encounter tales of first line support, even if not directly00:55
daftykinsprobably best not to in a logged chan at least xD00:55
m0nkey_to be honest, not really. most of what i manage is self service. 00:56
daftykinsah har00:56
m0nkey_have to occasionally interact with a dev, but typically it means fixing something they cant do themselves00:57
m0nkey_and as the description says.. i'm a sysadmin :)00:58
daftykins*nod* hidden back, away from the great unwashed!00:58
m0nkey_yeah, i don't see "the crunch"00:59
zxmpiif a sysadmin sees a crunch things are as bad as they can get01:00
daftykinsor my cat got into the treat cupboard again01:02
zxmpicat burgalars got the name for a reason :-P01:03
m0nkey_i watched our forward announcement over the weekend, i'm pretty hyped for FarCry6 .. my kids can't wait for the new Mario Rabbids01:06
daftykinsthe latter puzzles me, seems like a bad artist trying to draw famous things01:07
m0nkey_the rabbids game?01:12
m0nkey_creative license, obviously. lol01:12
daftykinsok i have to get to bed, g'night gents \o01:26
m0nkey_ta ta01:27
Myrttioh my sweet Gaia and all the deities. they've really done freenode in06:01
* zxmpi shuffles deck chairs around the deck06:09
m0nkey_Myrtti: Watching Freenode implode in slow motion is sad, but rather entertaining.10:27
m0nkey_And the lead dev for InspIRCd has said that the new operators of fn will be banned if they ask for support https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=2749568311:06
m0nkey_I'm going to unlock one of your memories.. http://cyber.dabamos.de/88x31/18:00
m0nkey_I've been using Ubuntu in a VM for a while now for work, maybe it'll be time to move it onto real hardware .. https://www.theverge.com/2021/6/15/22535123/microsoft-windows-11-leak-screenshots-start-menu18:11
=== m0nkey_ is now known as DavieDavieDave
=== DavieDavieDave is now known as m0nkey_

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