[00:00] audiocat is it a module called 'x'? What is the exact import error? It's likely either not installed in your venv or socialbot.py is incomplete. [00:00] bobmight5743, the module is called instapy [00:00] its installed in the venv. when i open up ipython i can import it just fine [00:01] audiocat you're probably going to have to look further up the stacktrace [00:01] if you're 100% sure you're in the venv [00:02] ls [00:03] bobmight5743, looks like the venv isn't being activated [00:03] this is my code: source /home/gsb/venv/bin/activate && /usr/bin/python3 /home/gsb/socialbot.py [00:03] bobmight5743, [00:09] bobmight5743, hello? [00:09] audiocat as recommended above have you checked the #!/bin/python at the top of the file/ [00:10] bobmight5743, yes [00:10] still not working [00:10] added #! /usr/bin/python3 [00:10] dunno, have you tried is as not a one-liner? [00:11] bobmight5743, how would i do that [00:11] activating venv [00:11] bobmight5743, i meant syntax-wise [00:12] um let me remember, like `source bin/activate` is off the top of my head [00:12] this should dump you in the venv [00:12] bobmight5743, i know that part [00:12] in your case ` source /home/gsb/venv/bin/activate` or something about maybe [00:12] you said make it "not a one-liner" [00:12] bobmight5743, what would i replace "&&" with [00:12] thats what makes it a one-liner [00:13] nothing, once in venv shell then: `python ./socialbot.py` [00:13] audiocat: oh, this is probably another case where replacing the complicated line with a shell script would be a benfit [00:13] audiocat: my guess... [00:13] $ dash -c 'source ~/.bashrc' [00:13] dash: 1: source: not found [00:13] audiocat: perhaps cron is using dash to execute these, and dash doesn't support bash's 'source' alias, it only supports . [00:14] honestly I'd use docker [00:14] sarnold, you make these suggestions and then you arent around to help debug [00:15] #! /usr/bin/python3 # check this one more time, looks wrong to me, you need to specify 3.7 or something like that. my python is worst then bad btw [00:15] audiocat: aye, I've got a job to do :) [00:15] sarnold, i followed your advice and am getting a new eerror [00:31] can anyone help? https://stackoverflow.com/questions/67978568/activate-venv-and-run-python-script-from-shell-script === MTeck is now known as MTecknology [01:01] haha, I grew up on the same street as Wim. We both had different names then. He's totally right of course. [01:16] Hi I need support cross compiling libxml-security in ubuntu 18.04 (build: amd64, host: armhf), it seems like the configure scripts is trying to run tests (which of course fails) [01:27] bobmight5743, why might my script work locally (i can run it without a 429 error) but not on my digital ocean server? https://prnt.sc/15g0wet === M4he is now known as mahe [02:27] audiocat: dependencies [02:27] Alabalistic, i got everything working [02:27] \o/ [02:28] great === dude is now known as bundtcake [03:05] My volume control only lists 'Dummy Output', but I want to use 0 HDA ATI HDMI according to alsamixer. How do I fix my sound? [03:07] I hear a pop from monitor as its sound is max yet something has it muted. [03:16] why is all my hardware blacklisted!? ;_; ubuntu come on now amdgpu and amd64-microcode why man [03:23] pulseaudio -k && sudo alsa force-reload # might fix weird connection issues [03:44] I did sudo -i to become root. how do I go back to being a user? [03:45] Samian: type ' exit ' . [03:46] thanks [03:46] Samian: :D We are here to help. [04:07] morning [04:19] Hi. I installed PulseEffects. Unfortunately, there is no audio output on my device when selecting PulseEffects(apps) as an output. I have found a handful of resources online, but don't know which to do. [04:19] What steps should I do first when diagnosing this? === Agent is now known as ClownPrince === ClownPrince is now known as Agent === jiqiren2345 is now known as jiqiren === ircuser-1 is now known as chasmo77 === chasmo77 is now known as ircuser-1 === war is now known as Guest9519 [06:07] is that a way to run gnome-shell standalone and network offline??? === LarsErik1 is now known as LarsErikP [06:35] Hm, why is default php package in 20 lts still php 7.4.3? Not 7.4.7? [06:51] packages are normally never upgraded; only security patches and bug fixes are applied [06:53] some packages have excemptions to the rule, but I don't think php is one of them [06:56] hm hm [06:56] !sru [06:56] Stable Release Update information is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates === mIk3_0857 is now known as mIk3_Q === mIk3_Q is now known as mIk3_08 === jakobbg1 is now known as jakobbg [08:57] Some Ubuntu update made it so that systemd is running redshift automatically with its own settings, which I don't want. It reruns it if I kill it. I tried to disable it with `systemctl --user disable redshift.service`, which seems to work, but whenever I reboot it's running again. How do I turn it off? [08:59] I would try systemctl --user mask redshift.service [08:59] I see, that makes it impossible to enable. [09:00] But why is disable not sufficient? What keeps running it? [09:01] disable stops the service from autostarting, if some other service depends on redshift, starting that other service will start redshift too [09:01] or if something like gnome-session explicitly tries to start redshift [09:04] Hi! I need some help debugging some sudo permissions issue. I have Ubuntu 18 running as a guest in VMWare Workstation. Occasionally, I think I lose sudo permissions. If I try do something like `sudo apt update`, I get prompted for password, where it is always rejected. I am still part of the `sudo` and `adm` group, The password is a simple password [09:04] (because I'm using it in a VM for testing. I know i keyed in the right passwd cause it is simple, and I validated that by getting pass the "current password" prompt when i try to change my password with `passwd` command. [09:05] looking at the .service and .desktop files in the redshift package I see nothing that would cause a disabled service to be automatically started :/ [09:06] eraserpencil: have you checked journalctl? [09:07] i see the failed attempts [09:10] not too sure what to look out for [09:22] keyboard problems? wrong layout, dropped/duplicated keys? [09:22] do you get auth failures if you copy and paste the password into the sudo prompt? [09:22] I'm not sure what else to check -- /etc/sudoers? /etc/pam.d/sudo? [09:23] oh! [09:23] copy paste works [09:24] i'm not sure.. in the prompt for password when using the `passwd` command, i could get pass it. [09:24] if i were to log out, I would never be able to log back in (by typing)... copy-pasting: untried. === denningsrogue9 is now known as denningsrogue === jaffach1ef is now known as jaffachief [09:42] how am i to debug the copy-paste issue? [09:45] eraserpencil: compare the pasted with the typed password. Check keyboard mapping etc. then [09:46] check permission of /etc/shadow ... it should be 640 and owner should be root and group should be shadow... i had that issue with logging in problems [09:48] thanks! that was it [09:48] what could have changed it? [09:52] actually, that didnt help. the file changed, but i still cant key in my passwd [09:53] if /etc/shadow had wrong permissions, pasting the right password into sudo wouldn't allow you to log in [09:53] if you saw wrong permissions, maybe there's some runaway background process that changes them back and forth? [09:55] mgedmin: Aha. Is there an easy way to see why the service was starting? [09:56] journalctl maybe? [09:56] Is the graph of service dependencies tricky to query, or dynamic, or something? [09:57] Oh, systemctl list-dependencies [09:57] I don't see anything that depends on it. [09:57] Well, hopefully masking it will be an OK workaround. [09:57] ok, so I needed to paste my pw to change the permissions of /etc/shadow. I changed it, it works. But if I try to `sudo apt update` on any other new shell, I can't even paste my pw in. [09:58] mgedmin: that sounds dangerous. === multi8_ is now known as multi8 === zbenjamin_ is now known as zbenjamin [11:27] Hi. Can someone help me out with Ubuntu 20 cloud-init based unattended server installation? [11:28] webchat7: I have a feeling people in #ubuntu-server migtht be more familiar with this use case [11:28] * mgedmin wonders if there's a #ubuntu-cloud? [11:29] Wasn't sure if I want to go to a team channel [11:31] Unattended installation works ... It's just that cloud-init doesn't do anything afterwards, even if I reset it and remove the file that disables network configuration. [11:32] Hi, if I want to prepare an installation of ubuntu completely customize it and then create an ISO from it, what are my options? === GLaDER33 is now known as GLaDER3 === GLaDER3 is now known as GLaDER === Ursinha is now known as Jorjao === Jorjao is now known as jorjao === jorjao is now known as Ursinha-afk === Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursula === Ursula is now known as Ursinha_ === Ursinha_ is now known as Ursula_ === Ursula_ is now known as Ursinha === rud0lf is now known as test === test is now known as rud0lf === jpe__ is now known as sharperguy [12:00] . === uc50ic4more is now known as uc50_ic4more === uc50_ic4more is now known as uc50ic4more === kinggoddard18239 is now known as goddard [12:15] I've discovered that only one shell is ever allowed sudo access at any one time [12:16] your system is haunted, eraserpencil [12:19] it's reproducible to a certain extent that I know all the VMs I create will eventually run into it. [12:22] i'm not sure i understand your issue too well eraserpencil [12:22] eraserpencil: does 'su' work? [12:24] eraserpencil: also check: 'ls -ld $HOME $HOME/.sudo_as_admin_successful' there might be some issue there. [12:24] walex: su works only in the shell that still could access "sudo" permissions? if that makes any sense === marlinc_ is now known as marlinc [12:26] eraserpencil: what is the problem looks interesting- [12:27] timothyp try debootstrap or mmdebstrap [12:27] i've never heard of any issue like this, it sounds bizarre to me [12:28] tango_uniform_xr: On Ubuntu 18.04 guest in VMWare Workstation, i've observed over the past week that I will not be able to do any `sudo` related activities out of the blue. I've since discovered /etc/shadow had 600 permissions instead of 640, which i've changed by copying and pasting the password. I know if I log out, I'd never be able to log back [12:28] in. I know i have the right password cause I get pass the "current password" check when i try to change it. I am part of the group `sudo` and `adm`. [12:30] walex: 644 permissions, user/group is me [12:31] fwiw ~/.sudo_as_admin_successful is the old location; nowadays sudo uses /var/lib/sudo/lectured/ [12:31] I think? [12:33] Hi all [12:35] also, why would /etc/shadow being mode 600 break sudo? sudo is suid root, it should be able to read /etc/shadow [12:35] eraserpencil: is it possibe that you copy the salted hashed password in /etc/shadow and it's not working any more [12:37] i dont know any of the things im working on touches /etc/shadow, but it dosent explain why only one shell has sudo permissions [12:39] by the "one-shell" behavior, i mean any new shell (new terminal window) can do sudo stuff and no other shells can do sudo stuff. have to wait 15 minutes or so before I'm allowed to use a different shell to do sudo things [12:40] eraserpencil: probably you know that already but in any case https://docs.vmware.com/en/VMware-Cloud-Director/9.7/com.vmware.vcloud.user.doc/GUID-F685A6FB-2291-4A91-9515-9F5EE6C5D7DE.html [12:40] eraserpencil is there anything you use or install that you suspect might mess with pam or sudo, su, shadow etc [12:41] Alabalistic: OOH! no I don't. Thanks for that. New to VMware. [12:41] 15 minutes sounds suspiciously like the sudo tty ticket timeout [12:41] how the hell i can set my custom vhost ? [12:45] mgedmin: Yea, I had that suspicion, leading me to test out the one-shell thing. [12:46] tango_uniform_xr: Not really. I'm messing around with docker, networking, nothing that should affect sudo. === prxq_ is now known as prxq [12:46] ah, i have no experience with VMware [12:47] it should be a linux thing no? [12:47] eraserpencil: I'd be tempted to strace the failing sudo process [12:48] I know that Ubuntu enforces complex password, but through VMWare's interface, I set a simple 5 character password. I won't say which 5 it is. [12:49] How would I do that? [12:49] hmm indeed how [12:50] (1) get a root shell, (2) in a non-root shell do sudo -s, (3) in the root shell do strace -p $(pidof sudo) [12:50] (4) type the password into sudo, press enter, read and interpret strace logs [12:55] eraserpencil, "sudo -k" ... resets the timer ... === shored1 is now known as shored [13:27] hey, I can't install wifi drivers, I get "ubuntu can't install driver pk-client-error-quark could not do media change question as no klass support" [13:27] any idea? [13:28] StephenLynx: can you pastebin; sudo lshw -C network please [13:30] pastebin.com/9R3t6t6N lotuspsychje [13:31] btw, secureboot is disabled. [13:32] StephenLynx: wich ubuntu release and kernel version are you on please [13:35] kernel 5.8.0.-55-generic for the kernel, 20.04 for the ubuntu version, lotuspsychje [13:35] 20.04.2 lts to be more specific. [13:35] also 5.8.0-55-generic, I put one extra dot there. [13:37] !info linux-generic-hwe-20.04 [13:37] linux-generic-hwe-20.04 (, hirsute): Complete Generic Linux kernel and headers. In component main, is optional. Built by linux-meta. Size 2 kB / 18 kB. (Only available for amd64, armhf, arm64, powerpc, ppc64el, s390x.) [13:38] 5.11? so my kernel version is outdated? [13:38] I followed this to get Sublime Text installed. https://www.sublimetext.com/docs/linux_repositories.html ... is there a way to lock it to Sublime Text 3? It has updated to 4 and now it's complaining saying "LICENSE UPGRADE REQUIRED" in the title bar. [13:38] StephenLynx: not sure how you got on 5.8, im on 5.4 kernel here for 20.04 [13:39] i just did a regular install. [13:39] StephenLynx: ah ok, new iso's might result into 5.8 [13:39] !info linux-generic-hwe-20.04 focal [13:39] linux-generic-hwe-20.04 (, focal): Complete Generic Linux kernel and headers. In component main, is optional. Built by linux-meta-hwe-5.8. Size 2 kB / 19 kB. (Only available for amd64, armhf, arm64, powerpc, ppc64el, s390x.) [13:39] ah tnx tomreyn [13:40] jeremy31: you got a git for this one ^ ? [13:40] $ cat /etc/apt/sources.list.d/sublime-text.list [13:40] deb https://download.sublimetext.com/ apt/stable/ [13:40] Is there something else I should put in there that can lock the package version to not go to 4 and stay at 3.x? [13:41] is this a bug on the distro? you asking for a git is making it sound like is your usual "something wasn't enable" issue. [13:41] is not your* [13:41] StephenLynx: realtek chipsets are known to be kernel version itchy, hence why some models might need a git driver test [13:41] right. [13:42] and jeremy31 is our realtek wizard :p [13:42] will you guys need something from me or is this a case of "wait until a patch with support is pushed"? [13:43] StephenLynx: can you post the full output (as well as the command you ran) where this message was returned? "ubuntu can't install driver pk-client-error-quark could not do media change question as no klass support" [13:43] on paste.ubuntu.com [13:43] that was a GUI pop up. [13:43] from the driver thing. [13:44] i can screenshot it [13:44] or I can look for the logs if there is any. [13:44] i see. you should be able to reproduce it it using the "ubuntu-drivers" command [13:44] ok, give me a moment. [13:44] this is on a separate machine, so things take a while [13:45] or on the gui with a screenshot (works, too) if it doesn't work withthe command [13:45] i figure i should run it with sudo? [13:45] yes i think you'll need to [13:45] start with sudo ubuntu-drivers list [13:46] then sudo ubuntu-drivers devices [13:46] then sudo ubuntu-drivers install [13:47] install something or just install? i tried using install with the item from list and it said no drivers found. [13:48] StephenLynx: "install" without parameters will try to install anything that's available for your system. if you don't want this, you'll need to pass [driver[:version] [13:48] nah, there is only one [13:49] no drivers found for installation. [13:49] even though list and devices listed things. [13:49] StephenLynx: what did they list, though? [13:49] a moment [13:51] pastebin.com/Q0aRyeFa [13:51] tomreyn, [13:53] StephenLynx: okay, now: lspci -knns 0000:02:00.0 [13:55] pastebin.com/wsCLMSwy tomreyn [13:56] so 10EC:C821 is the device vendor and product id, it's an RTL8821CE chipset. the driver source is installed but the driver is not loaded [13:57] i remember asking for drivers to be installed when I installed the system. [13:57] and the driver on the GUI says is a free driver. [13:58] i also did disable secureboot and reinstalled the system. [13:58] are you able to reproduce the inital erro rmessage? [13:58] hey, I can't install wifi drivers, I get "ubuntu can't install driver pk-client-error-quark could not do media change question as no klass support" [13:59] huh, the guy says its now loaded. let me try removing the usb wifi adapter. [13:59] the gui* [13:59] and reboot [14:00] nm-applet said there was no adapters when i removed the usb one. so ill reboot and try again. [14:03] now it's working. :| [14:03] tomreyn, any other info I can give you? === nagybogo is now known as etherington [14:04] StephenLynx: if it's working, then i guess it's fine? come back when there are more problems with it, i'd say. [14:04] ok, ty for the help. [14:04] there are very few web search results for the "could not do media change question as no klass support" message, so i'm not sure whether this is actually an error or just a warning. [14:05] thing is, when it showed that, the radiobutton changed to "not use this driver" [14:05] StephenLynx: see whether it's stable, do a speedtest through it etc [14:05] i did a ping on [14:05] and it was fine [14:05] now i already shut it down. [14:05] aha, so it actually built the driver then, but usb mode switch failed or something [14:09] StephenLynx: just for your understanding: this device is not supported by linux directly (linux comes with a huge amount of drivers included), but a separate driver, rtl8821ce (same name as the wireless chipset) needs to be built by your computer for your kernel, whenever the kernel upgrades (this happens every couple weeks as a result of bug and security fixes). [14:10] it's fully automated (through something called 'dkms'), but this is still not as ideal as when you have hardware where the driver is actually included in the kernel (and thus doesn't need to be builöt seperately). [14:10] *built [14:10] yeah, Im familiar with drivers like those. on my other ubuntu machine I had that for my gpu driver. [14:10] this is actually quite common with usb wireless dongles [14:11] yes, it's similar for nvidia proprietary drivers. [14:12] I'm on an Ubuntu focal. I'm trying to open gnome terminals from the shell and controlling their position. I need this to setup when computer boots having different terminals at different places. I'm using `gnome-terminal --geometry 100*100+20+400` like commands but the `--geometry` flag doesn't have any effect. [14:17] Olá [14:18] Gostaria de pôr as janelas gelatinosas . Tenho o ubunutu 20.04 . [14:20] instalar caixa virtual [14:20] What is the channel ubuntu PT-PT and PT-BR . [14:20] alzgh: i haven't tried it, but this might work: https://github.com/arnon-weinberg/session [14:20] Olá ' [14:20] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager#Compiz [14:20] !pt | vant_ [14:20] vant_: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada. [14:21] thanks tomreyn === h1pot is now known as BeneditoSalvador [14:26] Once snap programs packs all of its libraries, will I be able to install a snap program from a local file on a external hdd? [14:27] BeneditoSalvador, you can do that since ages already ... [14:28] BeneditoSalvador, snap download htop ... that downloads two files ... the .snap and the .assert (which is the gpg signature and checksum file for the .snap) ... copy them to your machine, call "snap ack /part/t👋*.assert" ... then "snap install /path/t👋*.snap" ... done [14:28] oh my [14:29] * ogra curses hexchats emoji plugin [14:29] does it still get mounted at boot time like the others snaps even if the hdd is not connected? [14:30] it does get installed like an snap from the store [14:30] Are you asking to transfer a snap offline to a different machine for installation there? Or to install a snap onto a system such that the space it needs is on an external disk that will always have to be present for the snap app to work? [14:30] so the snap file ends up in /var/lib/snapd/snaps ... and gets mounted to /snap [14:33] rbasak: the second option yes [14:33] alzgh: there's also this https://github.com/johannesjo/linux-window-session-manager - but having to install npm just for this functionality seems pretty wrong to me. [14:34] BeneditoSalvador, you'D just move /var/lib/snapd to the external disk and (bind)mount it from there ... [14:36] ogra: thanks, i might try that [14:36] i think we have some forum threads about that at forum.snapcraft.io as well ... with more details [14:39] i will try this method because my pc case is really tiny and i'm running out of space [14:39] can you link me one of this related threads? i was searching for it earlier but didn't find anything [14:45] BeneditoSalvador, i fear my emoji plugin will mess it up ... but here it is: [14:45] BeneditoSalvador, https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/how-to-place-your-snaps-elsewhere-than-var-lib-snapd/7472 [14:46] hah ! [14:46] (didnt mess it up) [14:48] I have an system76 laptop running ubuntu 20.04, and I can't get it to detect my external monitors. xrandr shows the two DP-0 and DP-1 monitors as disconnected. Any idea where to go for further debugging? [14:52] mekhami: ubuntu or pop os? [14:53] tomreyn: ubuntu 20.04. [14:54] mekhami: cat /etc/os-release | nc termbin.com 9999 [14:54] what part of 'ubuntu 20.04' do you not believe? [14:55] 20.04.2 LTS [14:55] have you verified it's not the cables? [14:55] yes. [14:55] how? [14:55] by using a cable that i know works? jesus christ what is going on today [14:55] do you all think i'm a moron [14:56] try assuming the other person is not a moron [14:57] mekhami: No, but generally you start simple then work your way up. You don't assume people are stupid, you assume you don't know who the person is and if they have any gaps in their understanding. [14:57] mekhami: so don't take offense :) [14:57] yes, don't take it personal, please, we just don't know you. [14:58] okay but when i answer something definitively, let's just not assume i don't know what i'm talking about. [14:58] that's "you" as in "your experience" [14:58] mekhami: With a network issue you start at cables and physical things then work your way up to firewalls, sockets and OS nauancies [14:58] nauances [14:58] if i said 'i think it's ubuntu 20.04' then, great reason to double check. === snhardin__ is now known as snhardin [14:59] mekhami: can you show the full xrandr output, as well as the x initialization from journalctl -b, so we can make progress? [14:59] on paste.ubuntu.com, please [15:01] i'll come back to this in a few minutes have a work meeting. [15:06] WHy did #ubuntu not just move to OFTC? [15:07] !ot | jhutchins [15:07] jhutchins: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! === eliocamp7 is now known as eliocamp === ventic^ is now known as ventic [15:30] * jhutchins remembers why he doesn't run ubuntu. === fonet_ is now known as Lantizia [15:31] tomreyn: okay so more information. if i plug directly my laptop into the monitor via HDMI, it works. The problem, I suppose, is the dock that i'm connecting through. [15:32] tomreyn: i have tried two different docks; a 'startech' dock and a dell d6000 [15:32] tomreyn: if you're still available to help me out (and i appreciate your patience while i'm a little tilted by all this) what steps do you need for debug info? [15:36] it seems this thing really just doesn't like displaylink stuff [15:38] mekhami: debugging docks is not much fun, i can anly suggest looking for error message son your logs, and looking those up, and cross testing. [15:39] mekhami: also firmware updates (laptop bios/ec, but also the docks) [15:49] Hey, so some times my icons on the task bar will go into some kind of dragging mode when I click them instead of pulling up the window. Other open applications usually aren't impacted. Would anyone happen to know why the happens or how I could fix it without restarting the application? I'm on 18.04.5 LTS [15:51] I feel like I notice it more often with game-type windows [15:54] WereSquirrel: wireless mouse? IMO that's usually a side effect of short signal interruptions around the time you click on something. [15:58] Everything is wired and it's only the one window anyway. And I've tried pressing both left and right side ctrl, alt, and shift (separately) to try to "unstick" them to no avail either [16:06] WereSquirrel, did you change the default dock position ? === gr33n7007h is now known as Guest9185 === gr33n7001 is now known as gr33n7007h [16:07] okay new question. i tried to change certain settings like mouse sensitivity and bluetooth related stuff by running `gnome-control-center` but it had no effect, and i'm assuming cause i'm not actually using gdm? [16:07] is there a similar configuration option for lightdm? what am i actually supposed to be changing [16:07] i'm pretty sure i'm conflating desktop environment and window manager and all these things in a way that i don't understand [16:09] mekhami, recent ubuntu releases are very well integrated with gdm, but not with lightdm [16:12] figures. i couldn't get i3 to work with gdm. [16:17] I don't believe I've made any modifications to the dock, no === dewwii_ is now known as deww [16:37] Where to find instructions on how to setup clang-11 in ubuntu? [16:48] llvm site gives repo info https://apt.llvm.org/ [16:48] bionic/groovy/hirsute [16:58] oerheks: thanks! [17:12] I have been patching my kernel and getting routinely sabotaged. Why is amd64-microcode and thermald a dependency of the linux-image? Why are certain drivers getting blacklisted upon loading up a secondary kernel? Why does get-edid say that root is not truly root? [17:14] get-edid, of the read-edid tools, to retrieve and interpret monitor specifications using the VESA VBE DDC protocol? [17:15] At one point lza tools got removed and I was getting emergency initramfs warnings [17:15] tomreyn yes [17:15] what would that know about the root user? [17:15] hardly the right tool for the job [17:15] tomreyn: it has to run as root to detect things [17:16] right, it uses real-mode calls, that's why [17:17] tomreyn: probably more their fault I get it, but still I've been bleeding system tools and having key hardware blacklisted [17:19] i'd say look through the patches ubuntu applies and see what could cause the problems you're seeing [17:19] could be apparmor related [17:19] tomreyn: its not the patches but the apt system [17:20] I added a ppa to try out a patched kernel and then my entire system started screwing me at random removing patches from apt and blacklisting hardware [17:20] i have not seen one error message, and not enough details to comment. but also most folks would just use (and support) ubuntu kernels here. [17:20] removing tools* [17:20] i'm running ubuntu 20 and it's just a simple web server right now and my question is can i have it redirect traffic from the public:18080 to another servers private:18080 ? it doesn't have nat or anything, it would be redirecting the traffic to the default gateway and then it would find the private ip host [17:21] tomreyn: I'm supporting ubuntu kernels here too testing upstream patches before release [17:21] kind of a proxy but really just a dstnat port forward functionally speaking [17:21] iam8up: if you just need it for testing, ssh -L / -R [17:22] tomreyn, must be permanent and persist [17:22] tomreyn: but how many users are testing these things if they have to jump through hoops getting flak like this. thermald, microcode, lza tools, blacklisted drivers [17:22] iam8up: proxy then [17:22] it's for a third party application [17:22] tomreyn, so i can't do it with iptables? i'd have to use nginx or something? [17:23] iam8up: is it the gateway device or is there an intermediary one? [17:24] bundtcake, ubuntu machine? it's just a standalone server, there is a router in between but the IP address requests will hit sits on ubuntu [17:24] iam8up: i think iptables can only do port redirects on the same system, ortherwise packets needs to be rewritten, which is no longer the job of a firewall. [17:25] iam8up: formally you would want to implement a vlan with the router, possibly put the server into a DMZ. [17:25] doesn't iptables do nat and such? most of my networking is done with mikrotik [17:25] bundtcake, what would a vlan/dmz have to do with this? [17:25] bundtcake: well you want the webserver machine exposed to the Internet right? [17:25] it already is, it has the public address [17:26] there's another application, on a different proprietary machine, with a private address...i want the public of ubuntu to dstnat to the private [17:26] iam8up: but you want it to escape the dmz so then vlan it access to that other machine exclusively [17:27] there is no dmz or vlan here [17:27] iam8up: I know that is why I said formally that is the procedure used. [17:28] basically i want iptables to redirect to and is ubuntu, is proprietary [17:30] iam8up: yeah pretty sure you will have to configure your router to do that. [17:31] or make it a router [17:31] nat + port forwarding [17:31] tomreyn: he says its not the gateway though. [17:31] it could still nat [17:32] it'll have toi be a separate network then, though [17:32] is this the officially supported ubuntu chat now? [17:32] !chat [17:32] #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! [17:33] oh that would make sense you'd need a local IP to reach that private....that's probably not the way to go [17:33] refer to previous question [17:33] lotuspsychje: that proves nothing, ubottu stalks me in my dreams even. [17:33] nginx as a load balancing tcp gateway would be the tool since it's not a local address [17:34] so I need a driver from kernel 5.9 to run my ethernet adapter. I'm using 20.04 LTS. what do I do? [17:34] nshire: use a hwe kernel [17:34] !hwe | nshire [17:34] nshire: The Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack [17:35] The 20.04 HWE kernel is 5.8 [17:35] iam8up: you are load balancing the webserver as a secondary gateway? Is this a pihole thing? [17:36] If you need 5.9 you have to build your own or experiment with the mainline kernel packages [17:36] how far back do drivers for the new intel igpus go? [17:36] i have a Maschine that has to stay on 18.04 that i want to put a new i5 into [17:36] and use the gpu to hw accelerate [17:36] nshire, official is a broad word, but yes, this is were most people have come instead of the previous network [17:36] nshire: does the manufacturer put out a driver? Can you backport a driver from a newer ubuntu release? [17:37] bundtcake, no there's no HTTP or web server, it's a proprietary application (fiber OLT if you know what that is) [17:37] its a RTL8125B 2.5g ethernet controller btw [17:37] nginx can act as a tcp load balancer/relay from what i'm reading [17:37] I am using a crippled bluetooth tethering setup at about 500kbps right now so I can't google things myself like I would like [17:38] nshire, https://askubuntu.com/questions/1259947/cant-get-rtl8125b-working-on-20-04 [17:38] nshire: 500kbps is more than enough, try a text mode browser like links [17:38] nshire: lynx, w3m all good too [17:38] nshire, https://www.realtek.com/en/directly-download?downloadid=c4676ea8d1adc3c6f28a4ae2c3e2787a for linux kernel up to 5.6 [17:39] get the tarball, open it, sudo autorun.sh [17:40] haha oh no I have to wait for them to email me the link [17:40] nshire: i was told there was linux 5.11 available in focal via -proposed as linux-generic-20.04-edge, but rmadison seems to claim otherwise. you may want to double check this. [17:41] ^ 10k clients, what? [17:44] nshire: did you affect an existing bug or file a new one yet? [17:44] I'm not sure what you mean lotuspsychje [17:45] I switched motherboards and the new network card isn't supported [17:45] so something doesnt work by default on ubuntu, it could be abug [17:45] nshire, what about installing 21.04 ? [17:45] meaning you are part of the community and can help making the devs aware about it [17:46] lotuspsychje, there are drivers included in a new kernel version, but that kernel isn't yet supported by LTS [17:47] a reason more to affect the bug [17:47] I entered my email into the realtek driver download page and they still haven't sent me a link yet. That's not a very good system they have... [17:47] nshire: you missed the message it outputs there [17:48] Machine translation: "The product is connected to the empty, please find the product from the download center page, click to download ICON, can download it normally" [17:49] nshire: can you see if this is you please? bug #1916558 [17:49] Bug 1916558 in linux-firmware (Ubuntu Focal) "Possible missing firmware /lib/firmware/rtl_nic/rtl8125b-2.fw for module r8169" [High, Fix Released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1916558 [17:52] this looks like a follow-up problem [17:52] but it suggests trying the oem-kernel on focal [17:52] which is something nshire could do [17:53] I finally did get the proper drivers from realtek, thanks tomreyn [17:54] before I try installing those, maybe I should try the oem kernel first? [17:54] so you got the 1gbps driver from https://rtitwww.realtek.com/rtdrivers/cn/nic1/r8168-8.049.01.tar.bz2 ? [17:55] the oem kernel should work fine with this hardware. it may break with other hardware [17:55] 2.5g. I don't have a link to it anymore since they send one-time-use links [17:56] it's the "we make vendors happy and make ubuntu hardware certifications happen" kernel [17:56] that sounds.. stable? [17:56] i have no first hand experience, give it a try. [17:57] alternatively, there's also !mainline [17:58] mainline being the very latest kernel version? [17:59] maybe I should minimize my potential issues and just use the realtek driver. I'll do that. [18:02] tomreyn, I just went with the realtek driver. works now. thanks [18:08] https://rtitwww.realtek.com/rtdrivers/cn/nic1/r8125-9.005.06.tar.bz2 also exists, apparently they just haven't linked it properly [18:11] UHHHHH [18:11] https://rtitwww.realtek.com/rtdrivers/cn/nic1/r8125-9.005.06.tar.bz2 also exists, apparently they just haven't linked it properly [18:12] well the good news is I fixed my drivers so it downloaded everything at 1gpbs [18:12] the bad news is it updated itself to the 5.8 kernel [18:12] and now the driver I just downloaded appears to be unsupported [18:12] * nshire facepalms [18:13] tomreyn, bundtcake FYI the nginx tcp proxy solution is super simple, easy, and perfect [18:13] iptables was a bad idea but that comes from my networking brain [18:13] can someone help me with a sanity check? I have a systemd service that in theory should work but I get this error instead https://bpa.st/VUNA [18:14] hello. I love Ubuntu. [18:14] iam8up: glad you worked it out. :) [18:14] hi richart [18:15] yep appreciate the help! [18:15] hi tomreyn. I'm from Peru. And you? [18:15] bancroft it seems like an escaping issue, i guess to avoid that you could put that into a .sh script somewhere in /usr/local/libexec or wherever and point ExecStart= to that instead [18:15] richart: i'm not! :) this is really a *support* channel, though. there are also social channels, such as #ubuntu-offtopic [18:16] ok. [18:16] i'm testing xchat. [18:17] I think xchat was deprecated a decade ago, switch to hexchat [18:18] I believe there are a lot of exploits known for xchat [18:18] tango_uniform_xr: ahh the great escape, I'll look into that thanks [18:18] bancroft yeah escaping in systemd can be annoying, i usually just put stuff in shell scripts and have the ExecStart look at that instead :D [18:19] yes richart your client is over a decade old. highly suggest upgrading to something else [18:20] does anyone know what nvidia's kernel support is like for their newer drivers? [18:20] my new kernel has me stuck at a tiny resolution on my 4k screen [18:24] bancroft: tango_uniform_xr's close -- systemd doesn't use bash to execute things in Exec* lines, it parses the command line itself and directly executes things, so shell tools like redirection and pipes and so on don't work [18:26] sarnold: so I have no choice, bash script or else [18:26] nshire: nvidia-smi to check your driver version loaded, ubuntu-drivers list to see your available drivers [18:27] bancroft: or configure the systemd unit file via StandardError= to discard the output [18:27] bancroft: check out systemd.exec(5) [18:27] nshire: i think you can downgrade to the focal GA kernel, which should continue to be maintained, if https://ubuntu.com/about/release-cycle#ubuntu-kernel-release-cycle is correct [18:27] that one should also work with nvidia [18:27] nshire: usualy ubuntu seeks your proper resolution to use, we see some users benefit scaling options [18:29] nshire: ...but i guess -oem and -hwe kernels should also support nvidia proprietary drivers as long as you install them as ubuntu provided packages. [18:34] appears I am on HEW [18:34] *HWE [18:34] linux-generic-hwe-20.04 is already the newest version ( [18:38] nshire: you install those using "ubuntu-drivers" [18:45] *test* [18:45] I don't know why I didn't think of this earlier, but USB tethering is great. ahhh finally 120mbs symmetric. [18:45] hah [18:45] makes this slightly less painful [18:46] I was really dying inside being capped at 500k [18:57] huh. despite what the website says, the RTL8125B drivers do work with kernel 5.8. I just had to re-run the installer === halves_ is now known as halves [18:57] that was painful. === nshire_ is now known as nshire [19:10] nshire: welcome back, how are those network drivers handling? You doing any other tweaks? [19:11] works great now. the site says it only supports kernel 5.6, but I'm on 5.8 and it works fine after rerunning the installer [19:11] Client: HexChat 2.14.3 • OS: Ubuntu "focal" 20.04 • CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 3800X 8-Core Processor (2.19GHz) • Memory: Physical: 30.6 GiB Total (27.7 GiB Free) Swap: 2.0 GiB Total (2.0 GiB Free) • Storage: 3.2 TB / 5.0 TB (1.8 TB Free) • VGA: NVIDIA Corporation AT-2500TX/ACPI @ Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] Starship/Matisse PCIe Dummy Host Bridge • Uptime: 20m 8s [19:12] hmm that video adapter doesn't look right... [19:13] nshire: drop me a pastebin of your specs or bootlog and I will give it a looksy. I got nvidia on my laptop. [19:14] is there a terminal command for that? [19:14] nshire: sudo dmesg > dump.txt [19:16] running an rtx 3060 [19:16] nshire You can also use a couple flags like dmesg -l warn or crit/emerg. Journalctl has some fancier logs for checking your system service daemons [19:17] hmmm kernel taint messages from nvidia [19:17] nshire: that is standard means its proprietary [19:18] oh [19:18] https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/qYhyKMctWs/ [19:19] doesn't look like anything is really wrong in there [19:19] nshire: make sure you check /etc/modprobe.d/ to see if any of your hardware or drivers have been blacklisted. I ran into a problem with that previously. [19:20] ah crap I need an ubuntu one account for that [19:22] I don't think I see anything important in blacklist.conf [19:22] https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/8wDX45vfBd/ [19:22] are these default entries across all systems or were they automatically set for mine? [19:24] nshire: those look like the default. the surrounding config files would be for custom changes. [19:24] "# ugly and loud noise, getting on everyone's nerves; this should be done by a [19:24] # nice pulseaudio bing (Ubuntu: #77010) [19:24] blacklist pcspkr [19:24] " [19:24] Launchpad bug 77010 in One Hundred Papercuts "Overuse of system beep without volume control" [High, Fix Released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77010 [19:25] sorry forgot about linebreaks [19:27] nshire: yeah I sometimes enable that just so I can use the classic beep command. I wonder if you can play midi chiptunes off the motherboard. I would make my system boot up sounding like an ice cream truck. [19:28] nshire: sudo update-pciids may help with getting a more correct hardware detection [19:28] well, display names rather [19:30] I imagine that needs a system reboot to work properly.. brb [19:31] Client: HexChat 2.14.3 • OS: Ubuntu "focal" 20.04 • CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 3800X 8-Core Processor (2.19GHz) • Memory: Physical: 30.6 GiB Total (29.3 GiB Free) Swap: 2.0 GiB Total (2.0 GiB Free) • Storage: 3.2 TB / 5.0 TB (1.8 TB Free) • VGA: NVIDIA Corporation GA106 [GeForce RTX 3060] @ Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] Starship/Matisse PCIe Dummy Host Bridge • Uptime: 47s [19:31] cool! thanks [19:32] nshire: why you keep pasting that in, is it your chat client? [19:32] yeah its a function of hexchat [19:32] *plugin [19:32] https://github.com/hexchat/hexchat/blob/master/plugins/sysinfo/sysinfo.c [19:33] nshire: I just run irssi, has great plugin support if you are into it. [19:34] nshire: don't you even fake that you just did a 1 sec reboot. [19:35] nshire: did you reload the kernel in some manner? [19:35] full reboot [19:35] I'm assuming it said client timeout? [19:35] yeah [19:36] I don't know if hexchat interprets the acpi shutdown signal properly/at all [19:36] I don't get reboots that fast even when cloud computing on VPS [19:36] s/second/minute/ [19:36] so it doesn't have time to send the shutdown signal, it just gets killed and then the connection times out [19:36] yeah it must have hanged [19:37] I have about a 7 second boot time to windows, ubuntu is longer since I need to mash f12 and select the right drive [19:38] nshire: I sometimes run irssi over tmux on my server and ssh into it. I tried setting it up to send me a notification if someone calls my name out. [19:39] there is probably a smaller irc proxy/daemon I could use and keep irssi on my native system. [19:39] I had a python script that searched my logs for mentions and pinged my phone [19:40] hexchat dings, flashes the window, and gives a notification popup [19:56] After upgrading to hirsute, I am seeing more artifacts with my cursor. I move it somewhere and a full or partial version of it can lag behind. [19:57] It's hard to capture in a print screen screenshot, as screenshot does not show a cursor at all. [20:00] Ologn, the "screenshot" utility that is preinstalled has the ability to capture cursor, and you can set a time delay to have your cursor in the screenspace [20:02] Anyone got an opinion on congestion control algorithms? I see the default is bbr2 now, very interesting. === m0nkey_ is now known as DavieDavieDave === DavieDavieDave is now known as m0nkey_ [20:25] I pressed A, S, Up and Right at the same time during GRUB [20:25] Would that do anything? It bootedinto Ubuntu [20:25] Which is default [20:26] also theselected option === Kill-Animals is now known as kill-anirnals === kill-anirnals is now known as Kill-Animals [21:47] i just upgraded from 18 LTS to 20 LTS, system has perl 5.30 installed, HexChat2.14.3-3 is trying and failing to load libperl.so.5.26 for the perl plugin. worked fine on 18 LTS. i've tried completely removed and reinstalled HexChat. no luck - anyone have any suggestions? [21:51] GEttR: maybe try removing hextchat-perl [21:51] hexchat-perl [21:54] ive removed and reinstalled that as well and it shows up to date in dpkg-query hexchat-perl:amd64 2.14.3-3 [21:57] rename the ~/.config/hexchat folder [21:58] rename, then restart hexchat? [22:03] GEttR: do you have an outdated perl.so in ~/.config/hexchat/addons ? [22:04] no luck oerheks [22:24] GEttR: /join #hexchat - they should know where it looks for addons / plugins. one of those locations will have the old perl module. [22:25] out of scope but quassel irc is great, [22:25] tomreyn - thanks im sat in there too [22:26] Alabalistic - does it have perl scripting by any chance? [22:28] no idea where to check it [22:28] no worries. ill look it up [22:37] 0xf86b808405f5e10082520894f7fe578c81788a551e6c3efa54501f463ce26af7880de0b6b3a76400008026a0a8d1d37b06c4eed8d4e705da3041a3cb97f5eb385ba66935992b00164fa8506fa024823ffda3cc412262a154d9c2153b81cf3428f7255dd6b9206fe187de8a9220 [22:37] (apologies, pasted something in my buffer without meaning to!) [22:38] did you just leak your bitcoin wallet [22:41] haha! if only i were so unfortunate... it's an encoded string that i'm guessing has been kept in my tmux buffer. i think i'm going to have to unbind that key to paste, since i seem to have mixed it up with the copy key a few times.