
=== William is now known as Conna
=== rud0lf is now known as test
=== test is now known as rud0lf
xu-irc6wi did something very stupid: sudo deluser $(USER)13:39
xu-irc6wIs there a way to restore?13:40
xu-irc6wi am not in the sudoer list anymore13:40
diogenes_xu-irc6w, so what user you're now?13:41
xu-irc6wi am now on a different system13:42
xu-irc6wthe user i deleted still exists, but is not a member of any group anymore and not in the sudoers list13:43
diogenes_xu-irc6w, try this: https://itectec.com/ubuntu/ubuntu-i-accidentally-deleted-administrator-account-and-the-other-accounts-are-asking-root-password/13:44
xu-irc6wThanks very much, i can be super user again 13:52
xu-irc6wAny idea which other thinks need to be restored13:53
xu-irc6wlike default groups13:54
=== snhardin__ is now known as snhardin
xu-help49wHi There! can I install xubuntu using netboot?20:08
oerheksxu-help49w, sure, if you have a local netboot service21:05
xu-help49wI have one installed for othr linx, but can u gide me a bit about where (or how ) i can get boot.pxe file. i'm not clearly understand how all that work afound21:08
spicyCebollaafter updating to xubuntu 21.04, my panel items are constantly prompting me to uninstall them.  there are 30 "Wrapper 2.0" windows all asking "Are you sure that you want to remove Whisker Menu?" screenshot: https://imgur.com/kTEruGZ.png This may be due to losing power during the upgrade, then having to chroot in and run dpkg configure -a23:30

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