
blackboxswcommunity notice: the rename of cloud-init upstream/master branch to "main" is happening in an hour. The only impact should be that your local git clones will need the following steps:19:20
blackboxswgit fetch upstream    # or 'origin' depending on your config                    19:20
blackboxswgit checkout master                                                             19:20
blackboxswgit branch -m main                                                              19:20
blackboxswgit branch -u upstream/main19:20
blackboxswAll existing PRs should be migrated to target main automatically19:21
blackboxswminor doc PR up https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/92619:58
ubottuPull 926 in canonical/cloud-init "docs: fix stale links rename master branch to main" [Open]19:58
blackboxswrename complete19:58
blackboxswmail sent20:05
=== nicolasbock_ is now known as nicolasbock
blackboxswfalcojr: minor request changes on https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/923#pullrequestreview-68675674720:44
ubottuPull 923 in canonical/cloud-init "Fix DNS in NetworkState (SC-133)" [Open]20:44
blackboxswand approved if you minimally rename handle_individual_nameserver -> _handle_individual_nameserver20:44
falcojrblackboxsw: thanks, got some minor ones for you on  https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/926 also20:53
ubottuPull 926 in canonical/cloud-init "docs: fix stale links rename master branch to main" [Open]20:53
themachineIs this an appropriate place to ask support questions?20:55
blackboxswthemachine: depends, ask away, if someone can help we will, if it's too deep in the weeds I'm sure we can point you to the right place20:57
falcojrthemachine: sure! What's up?20:57
blackboxswif we are looking for account credentials reset... probably not the right place :)20:58
themachineI'm just getting started with cloud-init, working on wrapping my head around things. Currently trying to just get the most basic of debian systems up with a #cloud-config that is only creating a user and setting a pass. My current issue is that the password does not appear to be getting set.20:58
themachineOne moment as I upload my config20:59
falcojrfor sharing configs, probably easiest to use https://paste.ubuntu.com/21:00
blackboxsw+1 generally on your system you could try to first validate no Tracebacks in /var/log/cloud-init.log, you can also double check what the launched VM "saw" as your userdata with the following:21:01
themachineIt's my understanding that the above config should set "testpass" as the password however it does not. Looking at the cloud-init.log though I do see that it does successfully create my user21:01
blackboxswsudo cloud-init query userdata > ud.yaml; cloud-init devel schema -c ud.yaml --annotate21:01
blackboxswcheclking your link now21:02
blackboxswthemachine the first line needs to be #cloud-config21:02
themachinesorry, yes it does have that. Neglected it in my example.21:02
blackboxswand the schema command I mentioned above would alert you to that I think21:02
blackboxswahh ok21:02
falcojrpasswd needs to be hashed21:03
falcojrand you also need a lock_passwd: false21:03
falcojrlemme figure out how to hash the password again :)21:03
themachineI can do the hashing no problem falcojr, thank you though21:03
themachineI was hashing but moved plain while troubleshooting21:04
themachinemy issue is surely the lock_passwd though. Didn't realize it was true by default.21:04
falcojrmain use case for cloud-init is ssh keys, so logging in through console can be a bit of a pain (and possible security risk)21:04
themachineI will be using ssh keys once I'm done.21:04
themachineReally just testing the waters and writing my own deployment script21:04
falcojrI *think* this should do it21:05
falcojrmkpasswd --method=SHA-512 --rounds=409621:05
themachineyup, exactly what I'm using21:06
themachinethe lock_passwd would be my issue, running a test now with that updated21:06
blackboxswexcellent. ok and yeah more docs on hashing here https://cloudinit.readthedocs.io/en/latest/topics/examples.html#including-users-and-groups21:06
themachinethat was it21:09
themachinethank you very much gents21:09
blackboxswhttps://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/923#pullrequestreview-686826690  approved thx falcojr 21:16
ubottuPull 923 in canonical/cloud-init "Fix DNS in NetworkState (SC-133)" [Open]21:16
falcojrblackboxsw: do our launchpad build recipes need to change because of the master->main change?21:29
falcojrI still have no idea how any of the lp stuff works21:30
falcojrI tried to rebuild the daily PPA to pull in my test changes, but it's not building the latest commit. Not sure if there's some sync step I'm missing or if it's forever stuck building the last commit we put on master unless we change it to main21:31
blackboxswfalcor I'll check it out and we can redocument it21:40
blackboxswalso we need to perform the jenkins syncgithub job to get latest commit21:40
blackboxswinto launchpad anyway21:40
blackboxswfalcojr: for reference https://code.launchpad.net/~cloud-init-dev/+recipe/cloud-init-daily-bionic https://code.launchpad.net/~cloud-init-dev/+recipe/cloud-init-daily-xenial etc etc21:41
blackboxswyeah we need to change from master to main21:41
blackboxswjust edit the recipe body at the bottom21:41
blackboxswI'm going through that now 21:41
blackboxswand don't forget our friend https://code.launchpad.net/~cloud-init-dev/+recipe/cloud-init-daily-devel21:43
blackboxswok all updated. I'm kicking jenkins job now21:43
blackboxswhttps://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/923 merged21:45
ubottuPull 923 in canonical/cloud-init "Fix DNS in NetworkState (SC-133)" [Merged]21:45
falcojrahhh, thanks. The mirror job is what I was missing21:45
falcojrI ran the admin one instead21:45
blackboxswfalcojr: https://jenkins.ubuntu.com/server/job/cloud-init-github-mirror/1345/console ok looks like our job can't sync yet with the rename. might have to manually override to allow deletion of "master" branch21:47
falcojryeah, just saw that21:47
blackboxswyeah minor wrinkle. but I'm about to pickup pizza for a 4 y.o. bday party. I can peek later to sort if your EOD too21:47
blackboxswtake care gotta run21:48
falcojrthanks! I'm EOD-ish but got a few minutes to look while food cooks. If not we can look tomorrow21:54
falcojrI'm EOD too22:09
falcojrparide: is this something you can look at tomorrow? We renamed "master" to "main" in cloud-init, and the cloud-init-github-mirror job isn't happy  (see the console link a few messages up)22:10
blackboxswI configured the default git branch in LP to main instead of master here https://code.launchpad.net/~cloud-init-dev/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+edit and then I performed a git push lp --delete master to remove that branch. I have a local copy if needed tomorrow. but I think that should settle the github sync job will test later tonight22:26
falcojroh, so it was just an issue of the LP remote not having the branch? I thought it was local to the machine. 22:30
blackboxswI think it was LP knew it had the branch and that it was default for the project and the fact that the jenkins script was trying to delete it due to the rename22:33
blackboxswso I manually removed the branch name from LP so it shouldn't complain about deleting the default branch now due to the github rename22:34
blackboxswthat said master on LP was 2 commits off of tip of main, so we can recreate if something catastrophic happened22:34
blackboxswconfirmed github sync  job worked  nothing to see here paride :) https://jenkins.ubuntu.com/server/job/cloud-init-github-mirror/1346/23:18

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