[00:22] This group is as quite as I don't even know what [00:38] A support channel which is quiet is actually a good thing, since it means either people aren't having problems, or the problems thay do have are easily solved without seeking assistance here [01:14] same reason that it is good for EMT's/FireFighter's to be bored [02:43] Hi [02:47] Hello [02:48] Hi [02:50] Is there any one here who have a couple of minutes over and an erge to help out with some file/disk issues? [02:50] urge* [02:51] Can this bot reply on messages? [02:52] Explain away :) (re @IrcsomeBot: Is there any one here who have a couple of minutes over and an erge to help out with some file/disk issues?) [02:52] yes, ask your queries. (re @IrcsomeBot: Is there any one here who have a couple of minutes over and an erge to help out with some file/disk issues?) [02:53] it is a bridge bot between telegram and kde irc channels (re @Flooding: Can this bot reply on messages?) [02:53] it is a bridge bot between telegram and kde's irc channels (re @Flooding: Can this bot reply on messages?) [02:53] Aha [02:53] Should I msg or can I just type like this? [02:54] It was 20 years ago I used IRC :D [02:54] Ask in here. (re @IrcsomeBot: Should I msg or can I just type like this?) [02:55] ask here itself, just like you are talking now (re @IrcsomeBot: Should I msg or can I just type like this?) [02:55] Ok [02:56] Seems it can't do a reply on telegram messages. (re @ri5h46h: it is a bridge bot between telegram and kde's irc channels) [02:57] yes it can't [02:57] When I made my partitions for Kubuntu I also formatted a disk. And the choise of mounting type for said disk I wanted didn't exist in the installer [02:57] So now Kubuntu has Hijacked a whole disk as /tmp [02:58] It's 120GB [02:58] Also should it have been KRC or KIRC instead of IRC? (re @ri5h46h: it is a bridge bot between telegram and kde's irc channels) [02:58] Also shouldn't it have been KRC or KIRC instead of IRC? (re @ri5h46h: it is a bridge bot between telegram and kde's irc channels) [02:58] why? IRC if fine. (re @Flooding: Also shouldn't it have been KRC or KIRC instead of IRC?) [02:58] KDE's logic (re @ri5h46h: why? IRC if fine.) [02:58] KDE's logic (re @ri5h46h: why? IRC if fine.) [02:59] i would suggest close the installer and wipe your disk once again. (re @IrcsomeBot: It's 120GB) [02:59] use cli. [02:59] Guess it would confuse new users if it were called that. (re @Flooding: Also shouldn't it have been KRC or KIRC instead of IRC?) [02:59] I have that wonderful problem with ACPI when I install [02:59] 21.04 have never worked [02:59] yes some new users get confused, that how is a bot replying to them. [03:00] oh. (re @IrcsomeBot: 21.04 have never worked) [03:00] This time I installed 20.10 and then ungraded [03:00] it's actually not doing a reply, and that's confusing too (re @ri5h46h: yes some new users get confused, that how is a bot replying to them.) [03:00] it's actually not doing a reply, and that's confusing too (re @ri5h46h: yes some new users get confused, that how is a bot replying to them.) [03:00] it's actually not doing a reply, and that's confusing too (re @ri5h46h: yes some new users get confused, that how is a bot replying to them.) [03:01] Your answer comes twice [03:01] Now three times [03:01] Edit counts (re @IrcsomeBot: Your answer comes twice) [03:01] Try tagging a user instead then. (re @Flooding: it's actually not doing a reply, and that's confusing too) [03:01] How do I tag a user? [03:02] type my username like this " @ri5h46h " and send [03:03] @ri5h46h Oh, got yah [03:03] yes, i got a notification. [03:03] @ri5h46h :D [03:04] 👍 [03:04] @ri5h46h It goes much better for me with the installs if I choose to Try first and then install [03:05] @ri5h46h It must download some extra drivers or something [03:07] @ri5h46h I have looked online how to move /tmp but they are all abit different than my situation and I don't understand the commands that good so I can't really implement them [03:10] @murdock86 Hi there Sir [03:10] @murdock86 Do you happen to have the time and the skills I need? [03:20] @mutte please run this command and paste the link: df -lh | pastebinit [03:21] df -lh | pastebinit [03:21] yes, run that in the terminal [03:21] I just did [03:21] Or in a terminal in Konversation? [03:21] in a konsole window... [03:22] Oh, ok [03:22] yest, terminal window [03:23] @DarinMiller https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/skhTpqtt9X/ [03:23] you might need to install pastebinit: sudo apt install pastebinit [03:23] @DarinMiller Will do Sir [03:24] your link worked... reviewing now... [03:24] @DarinMiller How did you know I wanted all that to be installed? [03:25] UNinstalled [03:25] @DarinMiller UN-installed [03:26] I am trying to understand what physical drives exist in your system so that I can suggest how make the changes you requested. [03:27] please run: cat /etc/fstab | pastebinit [03:28] @DarinMiller https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/qXhymM2pNy/ [03:29] @DarinMiller It looked like installing pastebinit would uninstall akonadi but those processes are still running :( [03:29] ? pastebinit is working fine so no need to install it. [03:30] @DarinMiller The upgrade also moved EFI/Boot from my sdb1 to sda1. I need to move it back some how [03:30] @DarinMiller It just seems to me that akonadi records a lot of stuff [03:31] @DarinMiller I don't think akonadi came with the install. I think it installed when I installed KMail. But I'm not gonna use that anymore [03:31] oh, i always install in the same way (re @IrcsomeBot: @ri5h46h It goes much better for me with the installs if I choose to Try first and then install) [03:33] @ri5h46h The installer often crash for me even if I do it like that. But I found out that if you just leave it for a bit the installer actually keeps installing stuff [03:33] @ri5h46h So serveral times the installment worked [03:34] oh got you. [03:36] And now run this command: mount | grep sd | pastebinit === Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life [03:36] @DarinMiller Disk 1,2,4 are SSD:s But I'll run the command [03:37] @DarinMiller https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/BjNgnzH79V/ [03:38] I am trying to figure out why you have 2 swap partitions. I think we can safely comment out the tmp partition from the /etc/fstab file. But I am trying to understand if anything else should be fixed. [03:38] @DarinMiller Entry #18 in my fstab [03:39] @DarinMiller What is that exactly [03:39] brb.... [03:40] @DarinMiller Ok thats nice of you. The reason is that my first plan was to install 3 different Ubuntus and try them out seperatly [03:40] @DarinMiller But I had so much fun and so much trouble with the first so I never installed the others [03:41] @DarinMiller If it wassn't for having some important files on sda3 on Windows and the major disk after that I would have formatted it [03:45] No unfortunatly, im pretty new to this myself. (re @IrcsomeBot: @murdock86 Hi there Sir) [03:45] @murdock86 No worries, I found a guy! [03:45] ok one last command before we "fix" things: lsblk | pastebinit [03:46] @DarenMiller https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/vqBGdMfGHP/ [03:47] mutte : actually mentioning an user's username again and again on telegram sends a notification, so avoid doing that everytime. [03:48] Oh I'm sorry I thought theese were direct meassages [03:49] if you have telegram with you, you can join us on it at @kubuntu_support . [03:50] No I don't I'm sorry [03:54] OK, given that is your current drive partition and configuration: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/vqBGdMfGHP/ [03:54] use this site to specify (edit) the layout to your preference: https://paste.ubuntu.com/ [03:54] Then we can determine if we can accomplish the layout without re-installing. [03:55] @DarinMiller Awesome, thank you [03:55] @DarinMiller What are the loops? [03:56] Ignore those, the OS sets those on boot. [03:56] @DarinMiller I'm not touching them. I'm just a curious man :D [03:57] https://askubuntu.com/questions/381211/what-is-the-loop-partition-in-ubuntu [03:57] @DarinMiller The only reason I want to move GRUB back to disk 2 is that I'm farily certain it is going to be overwritten by Windows when I install that [03:58] In your case, they are snap installations... [03:58] @DarinMiller Oh ok I see [03:59] @DarinMiller And hardware probes [04:00] I suspect the hw-probes allow you snap sessions to communicate with your physical devices, but I am guessing on that part... [04:01] @DarinMiller No I did some probes for Linux Hardware and Fwupd [04:01] @DarinMiller I installed HW-Probe my self [04:03] Did you install hw-probe from here? https://github.com/linuxhw/hw-probe [04:04] @DarinMiller I don't think I need to fill in the pastebin, the scheme you sent is correct so I only need to mark sdb1 as /boot/efi and copy the grub. I don't now how to access a partition if Linux didnt made it visible [04:04] @DarinMiller Yes from there [04:10] I have never moved a /boot/efi partition except during install. This link describes the process, but requires adapting the commands to fit your partitions and *buntu: https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/111845/how-to-move-efi-and-boot-partitions [04:12] I have access to EFI - shell so I can move text around. I think that as long as I can flag the disks correct I can just copy the GRUB text [04:12] Need to confirme that GRUB is still left on sdb1 first [04:12] Almost done with pastebin [04:13] Also, I recommend commenting out line 13 in your /etc/fstab file as you probably do not need a dedicated /tmp partition that is ~112GB. [04:14] I agree :D [04:15] I have stayed away from editing that file. [04:15] I think I should burn Kubuntu 21.04 on a USB stick before doing anything to the boot [04:16] you might need to use partition manager to set the boot flag /dev/sdb1 [04:16] @DarinMiller https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/RWF2WJqnW6/ [04:16] Yes! always have backup plan :) [04:16] @DarinMiller Yeah maybe. Kubuntu won't let me. It just swiches back when I do [04:18] @DarinMiller I have had so much fun trying out Ubuntu. I started around two weeks ago and been sitting infront of the computer almost 24/7 [04:18] @DarinMiller I've only used Windows before [04:18] :) I know the feeling. So much to learn!!! [04:20] @DarinMiller Yeah! I do feel that of the once I've tried I like Kubuntu the most. It suits me to have options for customizing alot [04:21] @DarinMiller But boy did I get my butt handed to me in the beginning. There are a few more rules to Linux than Windows [04:21] Are you dual booting? You have several unmounted large partitions. [04:22] i.e. sda3, sdb3 and soon sdd1 [04:23] @DarinMiller I was in the beginning but then I had an unfortunate accident. I was trying Clover for boot manager. And I had just booted it without installing or anything. And an option said "Press space for more info about your selection" [04:23] LOL [04:24] @DarinMiller Well, it did give me the info not to hit space again [04:25] @DarinMiller So since I did not set it up at all I apperantly tried to boot Windows as a Mac just right after Clover just scuffed Windows bootmanager aside [04:27] Oh, youre also on Telegram. I didn't noticed. Have I given you a whole bag of notifications too now? [04:28] before trying to following the instructions on that website, run this command: sudo parted -l | pastebinit [04:28] I want to see if sdb1 is recognized as a /boot/efi partition [04:28] Am I removing a hook with that? [04:30] No, that does not change anything, just shows drive layouts. i.e. here is mine: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/NbMkMbhTmt/ [04:30] I've written it down so I won't forget. I have been up all night so I'm not sure if I'm gonna do it without some sleep first [04:32] You have a pinch more space than I [04:34] Here is my fstab file: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/WhkNt9kVvw/ [04:35] Thats a handsome one that [04:35] The last line in mine, does that have anything to do with a USB stick? [04:36] Somehow Ubuntu started reeeeally hating on one of mine so It's unusable still. I might have fixed it yesterday I have'nt checked yet [04:36] note, I have my /home on it's own partition. Thus, if I ever accidentally mess up my installation, I can re-install my root "/" partition without formatting my home partition. Thus I don't lose my setup. [04:38] I had that as well at first but the layout of the filesystem will all sym links and quirks I tend to mess it up that a complete reinstall dosent matter :D [04:38] I also mount other drive on /data (configured during install) to point to my spinning hard drive. [04:39] I use my mechanical drive as backup for Windows [04:39] So yes, I recommend you remove all partition from all drives, and decide how you want to access each drive. [04:40] BUT ONLY kill partition if all important information is backed up elsewhere. [04:41] Yeah I need to empty the next to last partition on sda first and I'm abit afraid of making the files inaccessible from windows after that [04:42] I'm afraid the ownership won't be right [04:42] I was thinking about making a boot USB with an OS indepentant file manager of some sort and move the files [04:43] Ubuntu has made me paranoid XD [05:03] @DarinMiller Thanks for your help. I have som stuff to do but I'll pop in later [05:05] You are very welcome. Not sure I helped very much, but hopefully we will patch up your setup as needed. [05:07] @DarinMiller I'ts gonna be fine. :D [06:02] Good morning [06:08] morning [06:08] /names@IrcsomeBot [06:08] 'morning [06:08] ''morning [06:38] curious === jay is now known as Guest2283 [09:48] The discover in the ppa now has the upstream patch that allegedly fixes this (re @gilbertoferreira: Hi there! Anyone else with this "problem"? Everything is up to date, but the discover notification is there in the corner and doesn't come out. Kde 5.22.1) [10:01] hey :) [10:02] test [10:02] thats better [10:15] bittin: found new server? [10:15] enyc: testing Konversation so was changing settings [10:16] bittin: aah ok [10:16] decided to try out Kubuntu during https://akademy.kde.org/ instead of https://awesomewm.org/ on Ubuntu for 2 weeks [10:16] alas many kubuntu or kde people are stuck in old freenode irc ;-( [10:16] wondering if all kde pointers updated etc [10:17] bittin: in particular, does ubuntu-provided "Konversation" package still offer irc.freenode.net by default at all ???? [10:17] enyc: nope RikMills has fixed that :) [10:17] bittin: also SRU to existing LTS releases? [10:17] thats a good question i am on impish so not sure but i think so, let me find the bug [10:18] bittin: cheked on packages.ubuntu.com -- seems so [10:18] LP: #1929378 [10:18] enyc: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/konversation/+bug/1929378 [10:18] Launchpad bug 1929378 in konversation (Ubuntu) "[SRU] default network should be switched to irc.libera.chat" [Medium, Fix Released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1929378 [10:18] * Switch default network to irc.libera.chat (LP: #1929378) [10:18] yes [10:18] found it =) [10:18] so Focal, Groovy, Hirsute and Impish [10:18] but not bionic-updates [!!] [10:19] 18.04LTS not uncommon out there [10:19] 18.04 is EOL for Kubuntu [10:19] RikMills: oooh interesting ok [10:20] if someone wants to volunteer to fix anyway, that would be great [10:20] especialy now since freenode 'died' [10:21] atleast they dropped my Freenode account for me [10:21] :D [12:47] Hi all [12:52] Yeah! This morning I get about 30 updates and after a reboot everything is ok. (re @RikMills: The discover in the ppa now has the upstream patch that allegedly fixes this) [13:13] hello on Kubuntu 21.04 I can't turn off my notebook. [13:13] ksmserver-logout-greeter crashing [13:13] Any solution? [13:19] elmismomismo, try: systemctl poweroff [13:24] Guys [13:25] Someone resolved the problem of upgrade notifications in the new plasma? [13:26] thanks but i want a solution to shut down, reboot from system not from terminal (re @IrcsomeBot: elmismomismo, try: systemctl poweroff) [13:26] The discover dev made a fix, and this has been applied to our packages. (re @amieltransman: Someone resolved the problem of upgrade notifications in the new plasma?) [13:26] I believe there was a patch to Discover for upgrade notifications. [13:27] I will check it [13:27] Thanks === user217_____ is now known as user217_ [15:01] Hello. I get 'stegsolve' running before I try to run most of my apps. Is anyway to fix this ? [16:05] 7PH4 [16:58] KDE is having a Super Tuxkart evening in 33 minutes === ahso1 is now known as ahso