
synaptSo can someone check into something for me; Today apparently on http://ppa.launchpad.net/rabbitmq/rabbitmq-erlang/ubuntu/ there was a package release for erlang 24.x and it seems to have 100% borked my bionic's ability to install erlang now; https://paste.st-projects.com/33f4kzox0br1cx112lvb21:27
synaptI've tried changing repos, tried explicitly installing 23.x again ( https://paste.st-projects.com/33f4kzox0br1cx112lvb ), but as far as I can tell earlier today when an ansible deployment was run, apt/dpkg updated 23 to 24 and 100% broke stuff21:28
synaptrelevant dpkg logs; https://paste.st-projects.com/5gpfgapb7yrbo5s4yku721:29
sarnoldI'm surprised the rabbitmq people don't have rabbitmq in that same ppa21:40
sarnoldthat'd probably help them spot problems like this before it happens21:41
synaptWell a lot of it used to be centralized on uh, bintray I think it was, but they just shut that down a while back and these were the two repos that seemed to be setup otherwise as the replacement21:51
synaptThe only problem I can tell is whatever happened in that 23 to 24 upgrade borked my apt entirely cause I can't even install erlang from other repos, but I can't tell how or why.  I even went so far as to try a --purge with no success21:52
sarnoldsynapt: there's a ppa-purge tool in a ppa-purge if you just want to return to the ubuntu-packaged erlang21:55
synaptWell we never used the ubuntu packaged one to begin with, cause we needed at least v21 for rabbitmq, so we were just invoking the launchpad/bintray one which up until today was v23 tops.  v24 is apparently a pretty fresh release21:59

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