
enycbut nobody here except ubuntulog ;/06:44
arj_enyc, I might be too dumb, but I am now on the libera servers and it is still somewhat empty07:33
enycarj_: yes i noticed... it must be a forgotten sub channel07:36
enycarj_: i tried to ask in #ubuntu-kernel where is right place ;p07:37
arj_lol :D Thank you!07:37
enycarj_: certainly #ubuntu here will NOT be empty =)07:37
enycalas you may have one of those fiddly problems where nobody jumps out at you with answer ;/07:37
arj_enyc, do you by any chance know how I can start a kernel from an initramd's busybox?07:37
enycno, you start kernel from grub07:40
enyckernel loads and loads initramfs07:40
enycgrub loads BOTH kernel and initramfs into ram07:41
enycthen kernel boots and mounts initramfs, etc.07:41
enyc"08:41 < seb128> launchpad bug report?"07:41
enycI'm being tod you may want to make a bug report   but nobody looking at where to fix manually07:42

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