
shubjeroBit of emergency here but does anyone know how I can obtain Neutron 16.3.0 packages for Ubuntu Bionic? 16.3.1 is not an option for us00:16
oerhekswhich series? https://launchpad.net/neutron/+packages00:25
shubjerooerheks: Ussuri00:29
shubjerooerheks: the Ubuntu Cloud Archive time manages backports of OpenStack releases for various distributions of Ubuntu. For example, the last supported release of OpenStack on Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic is OpenStack Ussuri00:32
shubjeroAfter that you must move to 20.04 before you can upgrade to Victoria and beyond00:32
shubjerothe Ubuntu Cloud Archive team*00:33
oerheksyeas. i would upgrade, but you might have a reason  not too.00:35
shubjeroMoving to Ubuntu 20.04 is another huge huge deal. We're just trying to get a stable Ussuri on 18.04 before we start working on a plan beyond that00:59
patdk-lapmy 18.04 upgrades to 20.04 have been completely painless06:24
maretwhat's recommended way to format nvme drives in raid from XFS to ext4 if I am need performance(xfs seems to be unstable for me) ? I am planning to use mkfs.ext4  , I am just not sure what parameters to send if I have 3x 2TB nvme drives, if any06:25
patdk-laphow is the raid setup?06:25
maretwhat do you mean?06:27
patdk-lapyou said you had raid06:27
maretI have raid 0 using mdadm06:28
maretand its xfs and I want to try ext4 while keeping as much of perfomance as possible06:29
patdk-lapyou cann't put ext4 ontop of xfs06:29
patdk-lapyou would have to reformat it06:29
patdk-lapwhat chunk size did you configure the raid as?06:31
maret512 and yeah I plan to reformat06:32
maretI was thinking abouty turning lazy load off because I want to do performance test right away06:33
maretfyi here are details https://paste.debian.net/1201489/06:34
patdk-lapdo just add, -E stride=128,stripe-width=384 to your mkfs.ext4 command06:35
patdk-lapfor me I normally do like, mkfs.ext4 -T largefile -E stride=128,stripe-width=384 -L testingfs /dev/mdx06:36
patdk-lapbut largefile, small, or whatever depending on how large your avg filesize/4 is going to be06:37
maretbtw this is for chia cryptocurrency which does a load of writes if thats make any difference06:37
patdk-lapno, only how large the files are06:37
patdk-lapif it's only making like 4 files06:37
patdk-lapuse largefile406:37
patdk-lapit gives you more usable space06:37
patdk-lapbut less total number of files can be on the disk06:38
maretalso I got a tip to mount the drive using noatime,nosuid,nodev,nofail,barrier=0,commit=120,data=writeback,x-gvfs-show which I guess goes to fstab, right now I am mounting the drive with plain mount06:38
patdk-lapyep, always use noatime and you will want to disable the journal, barrier I think does that06:38
patdk-lapthe others don't matter so much06:38
maretbtw i've checked the files generate on the drive and they are somewhere from 80MB. to 900MB06:46
maretwhat about lazy loading?06:47
maretbudlight btw what about other parameters like noatime and barrier=007:49
BraveheartBSDDo hardware raid drives have issues with ext4? An 8tb drive has died with 'superblock' errors08:35
enycBraveheartBSD: i see have answered you in new place ;p09:04
BraveheartBSDThank you09:08
BraveheartBSDI'll remake that raid using uuid's and hopefully it will work better09:09
enycBraveheartBSD: or labels, if appropriate09:09
enyc  LABEL=braveheartraid1   or whatever can be used if you e2label the ext4's09:09
enycbut you have to be careful labels are unique09:10
BraveheartBSDYeah, fstab changing things threw me09:10
pikaro_Hi! On Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS, looking at ip addr I see that my IPv6 address is autoconfigured as 2001:db8:dead:beef::/64. IOW, the server is receiving a prefix but not assigning itself an IP. why is that the case, and what is this configured "address" for? it doesn't seem to respond to all addresses under it which was my first guess. is it possible to just have it append its EUI-64? I wouldn't10:10
pikaro_like to manually configure it as static - there's currently no Netplan file and this is a Docker server so the possibility of breaking something is high.10:10
enycpikaro_: if its' literally that addres you quoted that is an example address only11:56
enycpikaro_: ::/64 is just a routing / "all routers" address,  any static usable address should normally not have 0:0:0:0 in the last 64bits  as this is special address basically11:58
pikaro_enyc, no, it's the actual prefix provided by the hoster11:58
enycpikaro_: check bth  ip -6 ro  and ip -6 addr11:58
pikaro_and yeah that's what confused me so much...11:58
enycpikaro_: do you have any ipv6 routes?11:59
pikaro_that just shows the same address, plus its link-local one11:59
enycpikaro_: e.g. default via fe80:: smething or other link-local ?11:59
pikaro_yes, I do, a default route via the provider that's also correct as per docs11:59
enycpikaro_: i'd imagine smething config-wise is affecting the address allocation11:59
enycpikaro_: e.g. whats' going on with  /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/all/accept_ra   and other similar togles per-interface (not just "all") and other related controls12:00
pikaro_yeah the "something" is my problem, I've never set up IPv6 on Ubuntu :/ I'm primarily used to Debian and CentOS12:00
pikaro_But good to know this is not a normal condition.12:00
enycdepends upon the  neworkmanager / systemd net config / /etc/config/network  and so on  what is being used and what it is doing12:01
pikaro_no choice but to drill down then12:01
enycpikaro_: in part I'd be tempted to compare with a new ubuntu 20.04 instead12:01
enycpikaro_: deb11 LTS to come out soon anyhow12:01
databenderGot two focal machines, one is set as a local repo (we limit internet access), and I've got a test client updating off of it, but I keep getting errors during the update about amd64 c-n-f metadata not being found. 16:25
databenderalso seeing minimal packages available, but I've allowed everything but the source links16:26
databenderwhat could be going on here?16:26
Guest38i have a .bin file, when i run it, it says setup has detected that the required package 'rpm' is not installed, what do i do?16:29
tomreyndatabender: sudo apt-get update    should tell what it's trying to do and how it's failing to do so.16:29
tomreyndatabender: there are debug options for it, see apt.conf(5)16:31
tomreynGuest38: find a compatible build.16:31
databenderyeah, that's when I'm getting the metadata errors.  I'll check out the debug options16:31
tomreyndatabender: feel free to share the full output (indicating any redactions where they took place), on a pastebin16:31
Guest38hmmmm... where to get the debug logs16:33
Guest38this one /var/log/debug ?16:33
tomreynGuest38: i wasn't talking to you about debug logs.16:34
Guest38oh thats sad.. :(16:34
tomreynGuest38: what's the software you are trying to run there? have you checked for a variant or version of it that's compatible to your ubuntu release?16:35
Guest38acronis. https://sg-cloud.acronis.com/bc/api/ams/links/agents/redirect?language=multi&channel=CURRENT&system=linux&architecture=64&productType=enterprise&login=a63b3b3a-f2ce-4f90-b480-cfad875817b916:36
tomreynthis answers question one of two.16:39
databenderhere's my paste: https://pastebin.com/xAzvYX4u16:39
tomreynso i guess your local mirror is incomplete16:40
databenderit gets some stuff, but I find nothing if I search for apache2 for instance.  Here's my mirror.list: https://pastebin.com/Vw2Gvtui16:41
databenderYeah, I figured that, just can't figure out what I'm missing (and I'm a newb here, recently switched from CentOS and kind of figuring it out.)16:41
tomreyndoes     curl -I http:/    suggest that the file exists?16:43
tomreynwhich software interprets the mirror.list file?16:44
databenderNope, throws a 404; shouldn't this be included in the focal-updates main?16:44
databenderapt-mirror, right?16:44
tomreyni see16:45
tomreynhttp://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/focal-updates/main/cnf/Commands-amd64.xz does exist16:45
tomreynand you're saying that16:45
tomreynhttp:// does not exist?16:45
tomreynif so, then your mirror seems to not mirror things properly, yet16:46
tomreynon the other hand, maybe you don't need the c-n-f metadata at all16:46
databenderYeah, I just figured that there was some link between the 404 errors and the lack of available packages when I use apt-cache16:47
databenderI just don't know what else I can mirror other than backports, proposed and source; figured (most) everything would be available in the main focal links16:48
databenderI'll try pulling proposed and backports and see if it clears up.16:49
tomreynbug 182575516:49
ubottuBug 1825755 in apt-mirror (Ubuntu Groovy) "apt-mirror in all versions (including disco and last from github) doesn't mirror Commands-* files" [High, Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/182575516:49
databenderwell, that explains that part; just need to figure out where they keep all the software I'm missing.  16:50
tomreynmy experience with the various mirroring scripts has always been that they're always broken one or the other way. but then i last tried this some 10 or so years ago.16:51
tomreyntry asking in #ubuntu-mirrors (after reading the channel /topic) as tho which approach they recommend for a private mirror.16:52
databenderRight on, I appreciate the help!16:52
tomreynyou're welcome 16:52
sigvtomreyn: we use debmirror on Focal.18:47
sigv(not a part of #ubuntu-mirrors so I am not sure of the state of the discussion there, but wanted to share.)18:48
sigvneed some command-line configuration flags - what distros you want to pull and some more things are helpful, but generally 'works'. :) 18:48
tomreynsigv: so you're not running into bug 1825755, as databender does?20:27
ubottuBug 1825755 in apt-mirror (Ubuntu Groovy) "apt-mirror in all versions (including disco and last from github) doesn't mirror Commands-* files" [High, Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/182575520:27
tomreynoh wait, debmirror isn't apt-mirror20:28
sigvtomreyn: that bug is for `apt-mirror` -- so we are not running into it, by using `debmirror`.20:28
tomreynyeah sorry20:28
sigvtomreyn: the respective cnf bug for debmirror was LP: #182125120:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1821251 in apt-mirror (Ubuntu) "please add cnf support to debmirror" [Undecided, Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/182125120:29
tomreynright, i had spotted that one, too20:29
tomreynyou say "was", but this looks unfixed?20:29
tomreynah, no it is fixed for debmirror20:30
sigvyeah, the same issue was filed as the same bug number on multiple packages. somewhat misleading here, as the underlying code is different, but hey.20:30
sigvif i link it directly, maybe it picks up debmirror status? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/debmirror/+bug/1821251 20:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1821251 in apt-mirror (Ubuntu) "please add cnf support to debmirror" [Undecided, Confirmed]20:31
sigvnot ubottu does not.20:31
tomreynneither ubottu nor your web browsers' title bar20:31
sigv$ debmirror -a amd64,i386 -d focal,focal-security,focal-updates,focal-backports -s main,universe,restricted,multiverse --nosource --passive --method=http -h archive.ubuntu.com -r ubuntu --keyring=/usr/share/keyrings/ubuntu-archive-keyring.gpg /opt/debmirror/ubuntu20:32
sigvthat is what we run on Focal as of now, it seems. I think `-r ubuntu` is not needed, others might be no-op'ish too.20:32
sigvbut it works so I haven't bothered touching it too much. :) 20:32
tomreyni'll happily tell databender if i ever see them againaround here AND (less likely) remember about it.20:33
tomreynor you could memoserv them20:33
sigvoh my. I just realized I pinged the wrong person. -_-20:33
tomreynit was of interest to me as well20:33
sigvtbh, i would suspect.. most "real" mirrors (a la audience of #debian-mirrors) just FTP the whole thing20:34
tomreynsigv: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors/Scripts20:36
sigvrsync protocol. touché.20:37
sigvlearned something myself!20:37
tomreynonly a partial improvement over ftp20:37

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