
OvenWrksEickmeyer[k]: thankyou for pkging controls... debugging14:13
OvenWrksUSB plugging and unplugging does not seem to work in 21.1014:15
OvenWrksHuh, it seems the dbus message we monitor has changed... at least we still get some kind of message. I am guessing this is why the arch users where not getting display updates.16:36
OvenWrkschanging the parsing of the dbus return fixes it... but, I am pretty sure it would no longer work in LTS. Also, it is obvious that teh dbus return string is "subject to change" anyway... so, new plan.16:56
wonkoIs it a standard system dbus message?16:58
wonkobecause that being subject to change is kinda shitty16:58
OvenWrkswonko: I do not know if it can be considered "standard", I monmitored the system dbus while plugging usb devices in and out :)16:59
wonkoThat seems like a fairly standard action16:59
wonkothat should hopefully not change on a whim, no?16:59
wonkowho's driving this bus, anyway? :-P16:59
OvenWrksactually redhat17:00
OvenWrksIt is ok. While it would be nice to be able to get the new/former device directly from the dbus string, I can rather look for usb devices that have a card number and do not have a PID and are not "hidden"17:02
OvenWrksAnd the opposite for removed17:03
OvenWrksThe forced gnome sytle on all gnome applications is really bad!17:07
EickmeyerOvenWrks: Just saw this. The joys of an ever-changing API.18:34
EickmeyerOvenWrks: The biggest problem I see is that it won't be backwards-compatible with 20.04 if we completely change the code rather than sniffing for differences.18:34
EickmeyerOvenWrks: Another problem I've seen is that when I stop JACK I get about 7 qasmixer instances opening.18:36
OvenWrksEickmeyer: what I am doing is just using the dbus message to tell me I have to do something. I then look in /proc/asound/ to find out what has changed...18:38
OvenWrksEickmeyer: the QASmixer thing sounds like you have not upgraded to 2.1.67 yet18:38
OvenWrksthat did happen in .6518:38
OvenWrksBut runnung impish here I can't make that happen18:39
OvenWrks(with .67)18:39
EickmeyerOvenWrks: I'm definitely on .67.18:43
EickmeyerI'll try to see if I can reproduce the problem.18:43
EickmeyerOvenWrks: Can't reproduce, false alarm.18:44

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