[09:32] ok, i am officially an idiot :D [09:32] * sakrecoer[b] uploaded a video: (5148KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/basspistol.org/MdkEttAPrdxXvALbicaavTXr/VID_20210617_113153_431.mp4 > [09:32] that mixer that "died" ..... [09:33] well... erhm... i am happy to repport it... ehrm..... i magicaly fixed it! \o/ [09:33] see video file above for more information on "fix" [09:34] many thanks for looking into my issue OvenWrks sorry for the noise [16:12] I did something strange and now my font looks odd. [16:13] I still have an Emacs instance where everything looks correct. But Vim and new Emacs instances look funny. [16:13] And this is strange b/c on Emacs I define the font. Is it maybe antialiasing? [16:13] My scroll wheel keeps accidentally changing things whenever I open system preferences. [16:19] Compare this: https://imgur.com/ZZJKstE.png [16:20] And this: https://imgur.com/XG3y0Gv.png [16:20] sup. [16:20] The first one is correct. Second one looks cramped down. [16:36] Hmm. The most reliable change I think is to change antialiasing to slight instead of medium. [16:38] la