[12:51] Hello [12:52] I wanted to install Lubuntu and just wanted to confirm, is the website lubuntu.net or lubuntu.me [12:52] lubuntu.me is the Lubuntu site.. [12:52] [telegram] lubuntu.me is the official website. [12:52] Ah thanks [12:53] if unsure, don't ask google (which offers many), but go to ubuntu.com, or https://ubuntu.com/download/flavours which will send you to official flavor sites [12:53] Oh, I didn't knew that they had a section for that on the Ubuntu website, been a while since I visited :P [12:54] that page is a list of the flavors, ie. official pages for official flavors.. It's under Canonical control (ie. company behind Ubuntu) so it's controlled.. if you look even lubuntu.me is under Canonical control [12:55] Is Lubuntu is just Ubuntu with LXQT right [12:55] it's an official flavor, yes the biggest difference is GNOME is replaced by LXQt, apps are LXQt efficient (rather than the GNOME ones) etc... [12:55] Ah that's perfect for me [12:56] Lubuntu LTS comes with 3 years of full support; Ubuntu comes with 5 years (for packages from 'main' repository though) [12:56] Got only 4GB RAM and I don't really like Gnomes design either, so Lubuntu seems quite nice [12:56] the lubuntu.me will have links to discourse, manual & more for you [12:57] Thanks a lot mate, I'll install in a few minutes :D [12:57] good luck, have fun - and don't forget the manual is there & is actually really good & useful ! === felix is now known as Guest2261 [20:46] the installer hangs durring grub installation. this appears to be consitant accross all ubunto installer based distros how can i manually by pass