[01:03] how do I disable the screen saver ? (ideally by editing a .conf file) [06:25] CarlFK: https://gitlab.com/sch-scripts/sch-scripts/-/blob/main/debian/sch-scripts.gsettings-override#L16 [06:25] One way is to put such a file in e.g. /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/50_sch-scripts.gschema.override and then to run glib-update-schemas [06:28] thanks. eventually I want this done by ansible. I'm sure someone has worked that part out [06:30] Sure, although afaik ansible doesn't provide such automations, it just copies files around. If you want to do it properly, then just create your own settings.deb file [06:30] Then debhelper will automate everything, unlike ansible [20:00] is there a hotkey to do poweroff? [20:39] Ctrl+Alt+Delete ? [22:50] that works. I was hoping to not have to wait 60 seconds but thats better than pulling the power