
brycehvorlon, bdmurray question on britney...  if I run packages with all-proposed=1 they pass, but they don't seem to then transition.  Is 'all-proposed=1' "good enough" to get things to migrate, or do I have to run a retrigger with specific package versions of each dependency?04:19
brycehspecifically, I'm trying to figure out wtf needs to happen to get symfony to migrate.  I keep rebuilding/repatching/retriggering things but it seems resistant to going through.  I'm running out of ideas.04:20
vorlonbryceh: if you mean runs like https://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/results/autopkgtest-impish/impish/amd64/d/doctrine/20210618_021356_3d27e@/log.gz the problem is the trigger doesn't mention symfony at all07:03
vorlonbryceh: you likely want retry-autopkgtest-regressions --all-proposed --blocks symfony (which I've now just run)07:04
brycehvorlon, ah thanks, I didn't know about --blocks07:05
vorlonum.  well, I *tried* to run it, but something seems to be wrong now with my cookie handling. >_<07:08
vorlonugh I'm logged out of autopkgtest.ubuntu.com and can't seem to get logged back in07:11
vorlonbryceh: so, if retry-autopkgtest-regressions works for you, you'll want to do the above07:11
vorlonoh hey NOW I'm logged in07:12
brycehok, I'm looking.  '--blocks' says "rerun only those tests that were triggered by the named package".  It's not evident what that implies specifically...07:12
vorlonapparently login redirect was failing because I was trying to use a retry link with multiple triggers. >_<07:13
brycehretry-autopkgtest-regressions's code docs are a bit spartan07:13
bryceh$ ./retry-autopkgtest-regressions --all-proposed --blocks symfony07:17
brycehreturns empty07:17
brycehOTOH, running this I get some actions:07:19
brycehstirling:~/src/ExcusesKicker/excuses-kicker$ ./scripts/excuses-kicker symfony07:19
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: livecd-rootfs (focal-proposed/main) [2.664.23 => 2.664.24] (desktop-core, i386-whitelist)08:12
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New source: openjdk-18 (impish-proposed/primary) [18~2-0ubuntu1]08:13
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted golang-code.rocketnine-tslocum-cview [amd64] (impish-proposed) [1.5.4-1]08:16
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted libpod [arm64] (impish-proposed) [3.2.1+ds1-2ubuntu2]08:16
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted libpod [ppc64el] (impish-proposed) [3.2.1+ds1-2ubuntu2]08:16
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted libpod [s390x] (impish-proposed) [3.2.1+ds1-2ubuntu2]08:16
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted libpod [amd64] (impish-proposed) [3.2.1+ds1-2ubuntu2]08:16
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted libpod [riscv64] (impish-proposed) [3.2.1+ds1-2ubuntu2]08:16
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted libpod [armhf] (impish-proposed) [3.2.1+ds1-2ubuntu2]08:16
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted openjdk-18 [source] (impish-proposed) [18~2-0ubuntu1]08:16
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted nvidia-graphics-drivers-390 [source] (bionic-proposed) [390.143-0ubuntu0.18.04.2]08:29
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: linux-gcp (focal-proposed/main) [5.4.0-1044.47 => 5.4.0-1045.48] (core, kernel) (sync)08:46
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: linux-signed-gcp (focal-proposed/main) [5.4.0-1044.47 => 5.4.0-1045.48] (core, kernel) (sync)08:46
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: linux-meta-gcp (focal-proposed/main) [ =>] (core, kernel) (sync)08:46
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: linux-restricted-modules-gcp (focal-proposed/restricted) [5.4.0-1044.47+2 => 5.4.0-1045.48] (kernel) (sync)08:46
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: linux-restricted-signatures-gcp (focal-proposed/restricted) [5.4.0-1044.47+2 => 5.4.0-1045.48] (no packageset) (sync)08:46
utkarsh2102I am not sure if I understand this https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses.html#phpunit08:48
utkarsh2102phpunit seems to be blocked by php-league-html-to-markdown/4.10.0-2 on s390x but 4.10.0-2build1 was uploaded and it is in -release & passes on s390x if one checks the history on s390x08:49
utkarsh2102since a new php-league-html-to-markdown is already in -release, should phpunit not run against that? And we already did the re-triggers, so I am wondering why is it being held back?08:50
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted software-properties [source] (hirsute-proposed) []09:06
laneyutkarsh2102: they need to have a trigger on phpunit, if it's migrated to -release you should just be able to click the retry button?09:06
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted software-properties [source] (focal-proposed) []09:07
utkarsh2102laney: thanks, can you please re-trigger for me: https://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/request.cgi?release=impish&arch=s390x&package=php-league-html-to-markdown&trigger=phpunit%2F9.5.4-109:08
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted software-properties [source] (bionic-proposed) []09:08
utkarsh2102thank you! And I suppose that should be enough to get it migrating, so it's just a matter of waiting for an hour or two?09:09
utkarsh2102laney: gotcha, that failed & this was long known, thanks! I'll add hints.09:14
utkarsh2102s/long known/long failing on s390x/g09:15
laneywell it does look like the new phpunit makes it fail ...09:16
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted simplestreams [source] (hirsute-proposed) [0.1.0-30-g3cc8988a-0ubuntu1.21.04.1]09:16
laneyi.e. we're finding a regression, no?09:16
utkarsh2102laney: it is actually the incompatibility on s390x, not a "real" regression, though09:20
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted simplestreams [source] (groovy-proposed) [0.1.0-30-g3cc8988a-0ubuntu1.20.10.1]09:21
utkarsh2102laney: hey, can you please merge https://code.launchpad.net/~utkarsh/britney/+git/britney/+merge/404374? TIA!09:36
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted livecd-rootfs [source] (focal-proposed) [2.664.24]09:55
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted linux-gcp [sync] (focal-proposed) [5.4.0-1045.48]10:01
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted linux-restricted-modules-gcp [sync] (focal-proposed) [5.4.0-1045.48]10:01
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted linux-signed-gcp [sync] (focal-proposed) [5.4.0-1045.48]10:01
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted linux-meta-gcp [sync] (focal-proposed) []10:01
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted linux-restricted-signatures-gcp [sync] (focal-proposed) [5.4.0-1045.48]10:01
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: openjdk-18 [s390x] (impish-proposed/universe) [18~2-0ubuntu1] (no packageset)10:06
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: openjdk-18 [amd64] (impish-proposed/universe) [18~2-0ubuntu1] (no packageset)10:49
xnoxFYI! Uploading canary package for Zstd compression change in .deb https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/hello/+bug/192384511:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1923845 in zeroinstall-injector (Ubuntu) "Please compress packages with zstd by default" [Undecided, New]11:05
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: openjdk-18 [ppc64el] (impish-proposed/universe) [18~2-0ubuntu1] (no packageset)11:48
seb128hum, does anyone has an idea why impish ubuntu daily started failing on wed12:29
seb128checking the log it seems like the [ -e main/conf/uuid.conf ] check is failing?12:30
seb128in daily-live12:30
seb128seems like the unmkinitramfs call on the initrd fails with a cpio error12:43
seb128what's going on?12:43
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted openjdk-18 [amd64] (impish-proposed) [18~2-0ubuntu1]12:47
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted openjdk-18 [s390x] (impish-proposed) [18~2-0ubuntu1]12:47
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted openjdk-18 [ppc64el] (impish-proposed) [18~2-0ubuntu1]12:47
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: openjdk-18 [armhf] (impish-proposed/universe) [18~2-0ubuntu1] (no packageset)12:52
xnoxseb128:  zstd compression by default.12:56
xnoxseb128:  zstd not installed?12:56
xnoxseb128:  can you please tell me where you see this error?12:56
seb128xnox, https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/cd-build-logs/ubuntu/impish/daily-live-20210618.log12:59
seb128xnox, same error on server, https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/cd-build-logs/ubuntu-server/impish/daily-live-20210618.log13:00
seb128xnox, or canary, https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/cd-build-logs/ubuntu/impish/daily-canary-20210618.log13:00
xnoxsil2100: laney: how does one request for new packages to be installed on ubuntu-cdimage? what release does it run on? does its initramfs-tools support zstd? and if it does, does the host have zstd package installed?13:03
ograprobably 16.04 .... the buulders have traditionally been very conservative in the past (not sure that changed)13:04
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted openjdk-18 [armhf] (impish-proposed) [18~2-0ubuntu1]13:05
xnoxogra: they have been upgraded multiple times recently and moved to new hardware. pretty sure it is focal host.13:05
ograah, that would be nice13:05
xnoxogra: if you don't know for sure, please don't speculate.13:06
ograi just remember nusakan and that was always rather on an ESM release13:06
xnoxyou have not been active ~ubuntu-cdimage for a while now?13:06
xnoxnusakan is not the host in use anymore13:06
ograi know13:06
seb128xnox, I'm curious but which upload or infra change trigger that behaviour change?13:06
xnoxseb128:  https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/initramfs-tools/0.140ubuntu6 impish builds generate zstd compressed initrds by default now. But the debian-cd repacking code, and making matching uuid.conf in the .disk/ on the iso and inside the initrd runs wherever ubuntu-cdimage runs. As it needs to be able to extract the uuid from the initrd and put it on the iso.13:08
seb128xnox, ah, males sense, I checked the upload on the 15th but didn't go back far enough, that was one day earlier just was a blit slow to migrate13:09
seb128xnox, it's something to keep in mind for next initramfs changes, making sure the image builders can deal with the change13:09
xnoxseb128: it looks like it cant'.13:12
xnoxnot sure if i should upload livebuild to ovveride compression back to lz4 whilst I sru initramfs-tools, or if i should revert the default in the initramfs-tools for now.13:12
xnoxor install impish version of initramfs-tools on cdimage host13:13
seb128let's wait for someone from ubuntu-release to be around before deciding anything13:16
julianklaney: investigating apt regressions in hirsute, I guess we need to set "always-include-phased-updates" option inside autopkgtest, as I guess it's now applying it, and that's the reason apt-source ubuntu-advantage-tools is failing in https://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/results/autopkgtest-hirsute/hirsute/amd64/u/ubuntu-advantage-tools/20210618_132205_96afa@/log.gz13:28
xnoxseb128:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/initramfs-tools/+bug/193254213:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1932542 in initramfs-tools (Ubuntu Focal) "Add support for zstd" [Undecided, In Progress]13:28
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: initramfs-tools (focal-proposed/main) [0.136ubuntu6.5 => 0.136ubuntu6.6] (core, i386-whitelist)13:28
xnoxi will need/want SRU regardless, so at least i have prepared that.13:28
seb128xnox, thx13:29
julianklaney: I'm trying to reproduce on staging, but it seems to hang13:29
cjwatsonxnox: ancientminister is 20.04, initramfs-tools 0.136ubuntu6.5, zstd package is not installed13:32
cjwatsonxnox: that version of unmkinitramfs doesn't support zstd, so I think a fix will need to involve an initramfs-tools SRU to at least add minimal extraction support there13:34
sil2100xnox, seb128: it's running on 20.04 but I don't see zstd installed right now13:37
sil2100Oh, yes, cjwatson was first!13:38
seb128Coling just said that yes :)13:38
juliank--shell-fail shells not having job control, then you press Ctrl+C, and it kills the VM, is just a bad debug experience13:38
seb128installing zstd should be enough to fix the builds right?13:38
sil2100New packages are usually installed by requesting them via IS I think13:38
cjwatsonseb128: No, because unmkinitramfs's xcpio function still won't attempt to call zstdcat13:39
seb128ah, right13:39
cjwatsonsil2100: or by depending on them in an SRU, if that seems appropriate13:39
seb128any workaround we can do to get images building again until that SRU goes through?13:39
cjwatsonIMO the correct approach would be to revert until focal's unmkinitramfs is confirmed to be able to cope13:40
cjwatsonBut if that isn't possible then I suppose could ask IS to manually install zstd and hack debian-cd to call zstdcat | something rather than unmkinitramfs13:41
utkarsh2102hey, can someone please TAL at https://code.launchpad.net/~utkarsh/britney/+git/britney/+merge/404374? Thanks!13:48
utkarsh2102it'll help phpunit migrate, finally13:48
xnoxcjwatson:  juliank: please install zstd + need sru-accept of my initramfs-tools upload13:50
xnoxcjwatson:  i don't like hacking debian-cd.13:50
cjwatsonxnox: Won't be me, I'm just advising from memory :)13:51
xnoxcjwatson:  i can upload live-build into impish to override initramfs compression to lz4 for now.13:51
laneyjuliank: we discussed that in #ubuntu-devel earlier. setting the option sounds good, it's one place you always want the new stuff, to make sure it's what is tested13:58
laneydo it13:58
laneyalso, I think you can revert the grub hack too while you're there13:58
julianklaney: I'm adding the phased stuff to setup-testbed, as the phasing code is not ubuntu-specific (albeit debian does not use it)13:59
laneysounds good, make sure to forward it13:59
julianktest running now on https://autopkgtest.staging.ubuntu.com/running14:00
juliankI think it runs at autopkgtest time, not image build time14:00
juliankwhich would be convenient14:00
juliankif this runs at all14:00
laneywhat is "it"?14:00
julianklaney: setup-testbed14:02
juliankseems to have worked14:02
julianklaney: is there an official way to pull the repo on prod?14:06
juliankI think it pulls it in a timer?14:07
juliankI don't know14:07
laneyjuliank: action update-sources14:09
julianklaney: probably won't work as there's a local hack in there14:11
laneyin where?14:11
juliankoh but it did14:11
julianklaney: on cloud worker14:11
laneywhy are there local hacks?14:11
juliankI don't know14:11
laneywell revert it, commit it on the branch14:11
juliank-    if ! timeout 5m nova reboot --poll "$SRVUUID"; then14:11
juliank+    if ! timeout 2m nova reboot --poll "$SRVUUID"; then14:11
juliankit's not one of my things14:11
laneyno idea14:11
laneykill it14:12
laneyjuliank: will you retry the failures?14:25
julianki have14:25
laneyN I C E14:25
laneysil2100: alright, gonna attempt to deploy your thing now14:28
laneyjuliank: how should we keep track of what is deployed? like if I update staging from this branch14:29
laneytag when pushing a charm to the store?14:29
julianklaney: hmm14:30
laneythen you can use juju status to see the revision, and look that up in git14:30
julianklaney: I push to staging before I push to the branch, so there's that14:30
laneydon't :p14:30
laneyor I guess a tag doesn't need to be on any branch does it14:30
julianktags are on commits, not branches14:31
laneyso you can just push the tag14:31
laneylet's try to do that14:32
=== fnordahl_ is now known as fnordahl
laneyjuliank: what do you think about putting "channel: edge" for the workers / web for staging?15:43
julianklaney: that switches the default channel when pushing the charm? sounds like a superb idea to me15:48
laneythat's the idea15:49
laneyso you can use mojo for this15:49
julianklaney: new workflows :D15:54
laneygetting semi modern *cough cough*15:56
bdmurrayhey there autopkgtest people - I'm looking at https://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/packages/t/thin/impish/amd64 and it passed in the end of April but now fails. Looking at the package it setups up a webserver listening at and when trying to access that it gets a squid proxy page16:02
brycehbdmurray, is its web server actually up and taking connections when the access attempt is made?16:08
brycehbdmurray, the Thin::UnixConnection shows, could it be accessing in error?16:11
bdmurraybryceh: it passes for me locally16:12
laneydo you have a proxy locally?16:14
bdmurrayNope, but the same version of the package passed in late April and isn't now.16:16
laneyPlenty in the archive will have changed since then though16:16
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted gupnp [source] (focal-proposed) [1.2.4-0ubuntu1]16:22
* laney fixes some things in the private branch ;-)16:53
laneysome more16:57
laneyright, now it's running17:00
laneysil2100: you can try that now17:01
laneythere's one bug in the charm - it didn't write the updated web config, we need to fix that somehow (add another flag?)17:01
laneyand I didn't test the worker side17:01
laneyalso some of those bugs were real brown paper bag ones, should fix the testsuite :/17:01
julianklaney: Does setup-testbed run automatically on a local machine if I run autopkgtest?17:38
julianklaney: I definitely have to SRU _something_ to make local autopkgtests work in hirsute and newer17:38
juliank(when using VMs)17:38
juliankI see the -build- scripts run it, which is probably good enough17:40
juliankI need/want to fix chrooty/containery stuff too this cycle17:41
brycehif any @ubuntu-archive are around, we could use help processing https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/twig-extensions/+bug/193296720:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1932967 in twig-extensions (Ubuntu) "Please remove twig-extensions from Impish" [Undecided, New]20:49
jawn-smithI still think this is a flakey test, especially when looking back at the historical results on hirsute. Is any core dev available to try this again? https://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/request.cgi?release=impish&arch=arm64&package=opensaml&trigger=glibc/2.33-0ubuntu821:52
jawn-smithplease and thank you21:52
=== mwhudson_ is now known as mwhudson
bdmurrayjawn-smith: I clicked it22:19

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