[16:11] Hey, does anyone know any admins on this network? #midpix has spammed three other networks that I'm on that channel pointing here. [16:11] I'm only on four networks [16:12] Someone also pointed out it could be a false flag trying to get it shut down. [16:21] Scary_Guy: not personally no [16:22] I suppose it doesn't exactly matter. I just wish people would take steps to restrict who shows up on networks/in channels. [16:33] gatekeeping on IRC? Perish the thought. :) [16:33] IRC is the ultimate gate, no keeper needed :P [16:34] Don't get me wrong, I do like the wildwest feel. However the other two networks I'm on with sleepy IRCOPS are getting hammered with spam. [16:34] Fortunately (or unfortunately) it's the most activity those channels have seen in a while. [16:35] So it's not like they're interrupting any huge chat. [16:35] Just feels like we're getting violated and can do fuckall about it.