
penguin42alas it doesn't seem to take much more than a bit of youtube00:01
penguin42damn, 'memtest86+ does not support EFI systems'00:03
daftykinsyeah the history has gotten pretty murky with that now, in some cases i've enabled CSM solely to boot an old school release00:04
daftykinsi think the non+ version is the more modern00:04
penguin42eww when did it go commercial00:10
daftykinsi know :(00:10
daftykinsooh they have a page on extracting the EFI boot image so you can then copy it onto your ESP00:16
penguin42I wonder if it would make sense for me to try getting one of the low end ryznes with built in gpu 00:34
daftykinshang on, my mate in Exeter might still have the one i got for his build when i thought he needed it to update firmware00:36
daftykinsi could ask him tomorrow if he'd be up for posting it up to you?00:36
penguin42sure, please do00:36
daftykinscool, i will check if he still has it :D00:37
penguin42so it's not good if memtest locks up, right ?00:43
daftykinsnope! what method of booting it did you go for, spare flash drive?00:43
penguin42it ran for about 5mins00:44
daftykinsi've always used the old one to be honest, mostly via legacy boot of 'buntu media for example - only time i had freezes was when somehow the drive prep didn't go well00:45
penguin42I'm just assuming this is the same lockup00:45
zxm-piallo allo10:16
daftykinshappy Saturday \o11:34
daftykinsheh my cat just got treats and is now sounding her battle cry of achievement out on the flat roof above the kitchen, which is visible from my office chair11:35
daftykins"mraw dreamies were had, it is a good day"11:35
penguin42I hate to think what they put in them11:36
zxm-piisn't there some uk cat treat being recalled atm?11:37
penguin42not those though11:37
daftykinsso that's why they were on discount ;)11:37
zxm-piah, dry cat food https://news.sky.com/story/sainsburys-and-pets-at-home-recall-dry-cat-food-products-over-link-to-outbreak-of-potentially-deadly-feline-disease-1233419911:37
daftykinsooh err11:38
daftykinspenguin42: left a message with my pal in Exeter about the CPU, just got to wait until he notices it :D 11:41
penguin42daftykins: Thank you!!!11:47
penguin42my plan for today was to hope it would have come on for a few moments after a nights rest and copy the data off the m.2's - but nope, doesnt want to play11:48
daftykins:( 11:48
daftykinsi buy these cheap "kingshare" brand PCIe slot adapters for M.2 PCIe SSDs, in case you need to get something important using another system11:49
penguin42yep, that was the plan, together with some spare ram11:50
daftykinsif he's game, i can probably ask him to just fish out the chip and ignore the little tiny cooler it came with eh? no doubt the one you have would be much easier to re-use11:52
daftykinsmake it a nice rapid small envelope/jiffy bag thing to zip through the post then11:53
daftykinsEEVBlog upgrade woes: https://youtu.be/MiqxUaWkGYY11:55
penguin42daftykins: Oh yeh, I have a mighty cooler12:00
penguin42daftykins: I just need the expensive fuse12:01
daftykinsomw the crimes against hardware in the above video xD12:04
penguin42just upgrading his previous machine out of f32 then I can move the spinny disks over to it12:17
daftykinshaving a spare came in really handy for me when the PSU bit the dust a bit ago, much rather just boot another than muck around with part swapping when busy12:20
penguin42yeh I do have other machines, like this laptop and my old machine, but my main machine does have some stuff in it's home directory I probably rarely backp12:24
daftykinsi realised that reply might have sounded like a judgement on your drive swapping but i really meant that i was glad not to have to swap in a working PSU just to get back to work :D12:25
penguin42no no, that was fine12:25
penguin42and I'm pretty sure the PSU swap I did in the early hours did show the problem wasnt psu12:25
daftykinsmmm that dmesg output definitely sounded like something more dramatic going on12:26
daftykinsooh i could take a stab at trying to flash this little network camera's bootloader from the backup this weekend, i bought one of these little programmers12:27
daftykinsword is it won't work with the clip-on, so needs desoldering12:27
penguin42fun - doesnt it have 4 convenient looking pads that are near the flash?12:28
daftykinsi did solder on a few wires and having working TTL yeah - it kinda boots to a boot menu but no keyboard input seems to be taken, i didn't see any instructions on how to flash via that12:29
penguin42oh, I meant jtag pads12:38
daftykinsit's kinda funny, i flashed this modified bootloader from a project which lets you adjust the memory allocations so it can do higher quality video, but i think the model i got is sufficiently different that their code doesn't support the NAND12:43
daftykinsi'm hoping it'll revert to its' earlier working behaviour once i restore the backup12:43
penguin42yeh that's what the error seems to suggest isnt it12:44
daftykinsit's so strange that that prompt doesn't take any input, it looks like it should12:46
daftykinsat least nothing gets echo'd on screen12:46
penguin42perhaps it dosnt like your serial ?12:48
daftykinsi can't have any of the 3 wires on wrong to get that far, can i?12:48
daftykinsi was a bit surprised when i guessed right first time12:49
penguin42hmm probably not; is this a little usb-serial bare wire adapter?12:53
daftykinsyeah, i repaired a misflashed Netgear managed switch using it - legitimate FTDI chip in there i think12:56
daftykinscan't be 100% it isn't a knock-off12:56
penguin42ok, you can get some differences if things want 3.3v/5v/1.8v serial I think these days, but shrug12:57
daftykinsah yeah, probably best to hop straight to attacking and restoring the chip :D 12:58
daftykinsi hope their instructions match even if their code didn't xD12:58
daftykinspenguin42: my pal's game, i'll PM you my email if you could send me your address to forward on13:06
daftykinswb ball \o13:12
daftykinsany luck hunting for the virtualisation feature?13:12
balldaftykins: I haven't had an opportunity to reboot, sadly.13:13
ballMight get there this afternoon though.13:13
ballIf I close a few programs, perhaps I can reboot into the CMOS setup program now.13:34
ballI have a build running on something else but I can connect to that from elsewhere...13:35
ballbrb, rebooting.13:35
penguin42ball: Which CPU do you have ?13:35
ballpenguin42: E-35013:36
ball(also have a couple of other AMD chips but not on my desk in working machines.13:37
balldaftykins: You were right!  Found it under "System Security".13:44
daftykins:) yay13:44
daftykinslet the VMing fun continue13:46
* ball nods13:48
ballInstalling Ubuntu Server into a VM now.13:48
ballGnome Boxes seems friendly but I didn't see any network options there.13:49
ball...and I'm not sure how I'd pass devices through to the VM.13:49
ballStill, it's hugely helpful that I can use a VM now.13:50
daftykinswhich kind, USB?13:50
ballThanks daftykins!13:50
daftykinsyou're welcome :) 13:50
balldaftykins: USB disks is what I had in mind.13:50
daftykinsah right, yeah not sure on that for the virt tech you're using13:52
ballI'll have a tinker, anyway.13:52
ballI have to go but I'll be back later, I expect.13:53
daftykinspenguin42: pal just gave word the chip is on its' way 1st class :D14:09
daftykinsi will be curious to see how speedy mainland post is14:10
penguin42daftykins: Oh excellent!14:15
penguin42daftykins: I mean the thing is, if it weren't for the apocalypse I'd get my dad to drive me upto scan with the machine and start buying parts until it wakes up15:04
daftykinsindeedy, not sure how much rules have relaxed up there yet but i'd be in no rush to venture far and wide that's for sure15:05
penguin42daftykins: well, Scotland have banned anyone from Manchester or Salford15:06
daftykinsoh wow, is it particularly bad by you?15:15
penguin42there are covid standing on the corners with coshes beating the immune system out of you15:16
daftykinscor i haven't seen that word in a while! sounds scary15:18
penguin42daftykins: I'm on the border of bury/salford/manchester all of which are over 300 cases/100k in the top ~10 areas15:18
penguin42daftykins: Scan, about 10 miles north of here, is in Bolton which is where the current Delta variant took off15:19
daftykinsah didn't know that part - but yeah i got some monitors for clients off them just the other day15:20
daftykinsonce was they refused to deal with us VAT dodgers15:20
penguin42daftykins: I've been buying off them for about 30 years15:20
penguin42daftykins: I bought my 1st Linux PC off them in 94, a Pentium 9015:28
daftykinswow i had no idea they had that much of a legacy15:29
daftykinssame owner, do you know?15:29
penguin42yeh I think it is15:29
penguin42not that I know them well; I dont buy stuff that often; but when it was back then I did end up seeing the boss since i was buying what at the time was a top end system when they were small and asking all these odd questions about exactly which device it was15:34
daftykins:D nice when they know their stuff15:36
daftykinszxm-pi: now there's a Pi 4 'sink: https://youtu.be/AQjlanEJ85c?t=12815:37
daftykinsah that's a stroke of luck, i just enquired about an iMac on local trade websites and it turns out they're a stone's throw from my parents place, so i can not only sponge for a lift with it, but not put them out too much :D16:10
penguin42ok, sata drives in old machine, can get to critical stuff; - although not the rest of my home directory which are on the RAID1 M.2's16:16
daftykinson my last order i got 2 of those adapter cards just in case i ever need to retrieve someone's data from such drives!16:35
penguin42you see that's why you should get daftykins to do your IT for you16:36
penguin42right, lets see, heatsink compound, M.2 PCIe M.2 adaptor, 4GB bottom end DDR4 Dimm19:16
daftykinsone AMDs like? :D19:17
daftykinsprobably grew out of their memory fussiness by 3rd generation ones mind19:17
penguin42well who knows, corasair vengeance LPX 4GB19:18
daftykinsthat'll do, then :D19:21
penguin42actually, the Corasir Value select 4GB DDR4 is 266619:23
penguin42may as well go for higher clock, more cycles 19:24
penguin42hmm a bargain basement uatx ryzen motherboard is £4019:30
zxm-pithat's a beautiful heat sink. very 50s fins and all :-)21:35
zxm-pii would wonder how well it would do in a warm room. in summer.21:36
zxm-pii think one of the things holding me back with replacing my original pi b is that pi's 3 onwards prefer a heatsink or fan21:37
daftykinsi don't think you'd see much cause to require active cooling if you're not causing sustained load21:39
zxm-pii use a very lite load. but have been thinking of the 8gb pi as a desktop to replace an aging lenovo 4gb laptop that was a 'bargin' a few years ago21:42
zxm-pior even the pi 40021:42
daftykinsmmm it's all about the instantaneous bursts really, until you open a browser xD21:43
daftykinsa good 'sink is always worthy for longevity of the kit!21:43
daftykinshow museum class is the Lenovo?21:43
zxm-pihave found using a tab suspender in firefox really fixes the ram hogginess. set to having 2-3 tabs active and it hibernates the others frees up a tonne of ram and stops use of virtual memory21:44
waveformzxm-pi, the pi400 has *significantly* better cooling than pretty much any other pi4, but the 4gb memory limit is certainly a squeeze with some heavier applications (*cough* pick-a-browser *cough*)21:44
zxm-piyeah the 4gb is the biggest bottle neck on it21:44
waveformwith a bit of zswap it's certainly usable though -- used one as my primary desktop for 6 months during the hirsute cycle21:45
waveformin hindsight I wish I'd known about the tab suspender because I definitely had to limit myself to <20 tabs in firefox (which is ... not my usual number!)21:46
zxm-piyeah, totally changed how i used browsesrs on systems. was closing browers every 2-3 hours or so to free ram. now firefox runs all day no problems21:47
daftykinsa couple of clients shock me the way they use theirs21:48
zxm-pion vivaldi (chromium  in disguise) it helps but not as well. but does reduce number of restarts to free ram21:48
daftykinsthe other day i got bored scrolling through the tab list at one21:48
daftykinstook too long to find the start21:48
zxm-pisave session, close all, do task, reopen session :-)21:49
daftykinswell that one in particular doesn't know how to manage open stuff, so typically you see 20+ of the same thing when looking at the tabs21:50
daftykinsif i'm doing a thing, i just use another usually to avoid their own mess xD21:50
zxm-pithe lenovo claims to be a g50-30 which i got in argos 4+ years ago as end of line if you don't give it a home we're throwing it out half price jobbie :-)22:23
daftykinshrmm i've worked with that line, super duper budget22:25
daftykinsnot sure on CPU though, could vary a lot22:25
daftykinsdrat btw, local trade site iMac sounds like it's a 2009 model, i misunderstood earlier on the phone22:25
daftykinsonly for a client so no huge loss, £800 for the 2017 model one that's listed22:26
zxm-pioh yeah, i used to write the dates of the new argos catalog releases and time my purchases to a few days before release so as to get the bargin basement prices. can't do that now they don't have a catalog :-/22:28
daftykinsyou need to befriend an insider!22:28
zxm-pii don't think they retain staff long enough for that. don't think i've ever been served by same staff twice22:29
zxm-pii can only imagine the hot as hell packed warehouse behind the store front22:30
penguin42zxm-pi: Do you think there internal process and timings is the same, they just dont do the printing?22:34
zxm-pisame but site can still hold old stock till it sells whereas in catalog it wasn't worth space in new one22:35
daftykinsg'night fellas \o22:53
penguin42ooh just moved my 2nd dose earlier by almost a week22:55
zxm-pigetting my 2nd pfizer next friday all going well23:06
penguin42this is moderna, so I'm expecting to feel pretty awful the next day23:32

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