
kimseDoes anyone here have experience with seamlessly mounting SMB shares using ntlmssp on recent Ubuntu Desktop ?00:38
kimseI wish to have a common mount point for all users logged in (Like when mapping network drives on Windows) (multiuser?)), but I can only get pam_cifscreds to store credentials when logging in using SSH not via when logging via the desktop.00:41
oerheksi think you want NTLMv2 .. https://superuser.com/questions/1377726/windows-7-ntlm-not-authenticating-properly-with-ubuntu-18-0400:43
kimseorkid: thx for your reply, but I don't think that link is relevant here. Also ntlmssp is NTLMv2. I have no problem mouting with sec=ntlmssp and manually providing my credentials.00:49
user_how can i mount a FAT32 usb stick *not* read only ?00:54
SysGhostfrom the command line, you can use udisksctl mount -b /dev/yourusbdrive00:56
SysGhostbut if it mounts read only by default, there's a reason for it. Usually a damaged file system00:57
retro-64Kand i found a topic here on the askubuntu about it: https://askubuntu.com/questions/251206/mount-usb-drive-with-write-permissions-for-everyone-or-specific-user00:57
retro-64Kyeah, that thing happened to me once.00:57
retro-64Kwith an old floppy disk lol00:58
retro-64Ki have 2 floppy disks stored on a tiny box on one of my drawers.00:59
retro-64Ki'm thinking abut making a floppy disk collection, though.00:59
=== M4he is now known as mahe
bundtcakeI'm trying to run a few commands are boot and I'm not sure how. On most systems there is an /etc/rc.local but I'm reading that it has to be enabled, but its giving me a lot of lip service here.01:27
bundtcakeat boot*01:27
bundtcakePerhaps I will just let Cron handle this.01:28
jpmhbundtcake: @reboot in the crontab file is a simple and easy way to go01:34
jpmhhow do I list zombie processes at the command line?01:35
Bashing-omjpmh: - ps aux | grep 'Z' - >> - pstree -p -s <PID> -.01:37
jpmhBashing-om: I have "top" telling me that there is 1 zombie . I had already tried 'ps aux|grep -i defunct' and also 'ps -aux |grep Z' and neither show anything other than my actual grepcommand01:44
bundtcakejpmh: pmisc package has killall command if you need it. (at least I think with this distro)01:44
webchat21tomreyn, I have plenty of free diskspace, just not in /boot.  The Update I am trying to run needs 141M in /boot to run,  I only have 134M available.  So I cleaned up old images using sudo apt autoremove --purge per Ubuntu KB.  I am still stuck at 134M of freespace in /boot and this security update will not run.01:45
jpmhbundtcake: r u suggesting that for my zombie?  If so, the issue I really have is I want to know what process I have that is leaving the zombie. I am generally VERY careful to avoid creating them01:45
Bashing-omjpmh: Sorry - if ps does not see it, I do not know what else to advise :(01:48
jpmhand since ps aux has been suggested - can someone remind me WHY am I doinf aux - the man page does nottell me and I guess itis just muscle memory after 30 years of *nix that causes me to do it01:49
jpmhBashing-om: ty - yep - it is weird01:49
SysGhosttry " ps -elf | grep Z " instead01:49
SysGhostaux might not list the stat field01:49
jpmhSysGhost: the header for the aux does show a stat and I do see the stat I expect for all ptocesses listed01:50
SysGhostI just have my lszombies alias set to that01:51
jpmhSysGhost: I hope I never get to a point where zombies are common enough that I need that, :)01:51
jpmhso, can someone remind me what the aux swicth, without the - (minus) is doing01:53
bundtcakejpmh man ps01:53
jpmhthe manage tells me that -aux and aux are not the same01:53
jpmhbundtcake: I did look at man and as I say, it warns me that they are not the samebut does not otherwise mention ps aux01:54
bundtcakejpmh: it looks like a formality that other shells would not interpret equally.01:54
jpmhbundtcake: but what does it actually do.  I have been typing it for so long that that is what I do, but I don't rememmber why and man does not help me01:55
bundtcakejpmh: it does option a, u, and x on the ps command01:56
jpmhbundtcake: and remember it specifically says that aux and -aux are different01:56
bundtcakejpmh: says it has to do with bsd syntax down in the examples.01:57
bundtcakejpmh: the thing about bsd is that its very precise with standards compliance what with originating in a lab and all.01:58
jpmhbundtcake: so r u saying that they DO operate the same and they are just elling me in the man page that I should be doing the -ux method?01:58
bundtcakejpmh: its basically PRNDL or manual far as I can tell.01:59
bundtcakejpmh: like on my system I use several shells, dash, bash, zsh, and if you want things to run smoothly you adopt a formal approach to things.02:02
toddcwelcome tri02:25
jpmhfor  those who attempted to help me with the zombie issue.  TY so much.  I have resolved it.  The problem is/was xscreensaver is creating zombies and then reaping them.  So, they are there when I do top and gne by the time I do the ps02:35
Bashing-omjpmh: \o/ - Good that you come back and tell :D02:41
jpmhBashing-om: well, just in case anyone ver looks through the archives. Now I need to look at the xscreensaver and find why it is not reapng it's children a little  quicker. Mainly though I am relieved that it is not my code that is bad02:43
r3muxdhello, i'm trying to figure out why including algorithm on clang with C++20 gives me an extremely weird error ( https://pastebin.com/94YKPVfj ) on 21.10 and i have no idea where to start03:04
r3muxdmy bad, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/DWyQ82P6XW/03:04
r3muxdi'm pretty sure it's a bug but i'm not sure if i should file it against clang or libstdc++-10-dev03:06
NuclearMonsterhi, I installed ubuntu server for raspberry pi 64bit on my raspberry pi 4 4GB a few hours ago, and despite waiting and using a keyboard or ssh I cannot log in05:43
NuclearMonsterthis is with ubuntu server 21.0405:43
NuclearMonsterI'm using username: ubuntu and password is also ubuntu as per everything I've read05:43
NuclearMonstergonna try reformatting the microsd05:53
toddcNuclearMonster: I did a Pasbian lite a few days ago and had the same issue Stalled while resizing sdcard so I rewote the card and then used gparted to resize the second partition to the full size of the SD then I booted and worked fine05:56
toddcRaspbian lite05:56
NuclearMonsterthere's t his warning about cloud-init on this page https://ubuntu.com/tutorials/how-to-install-ubuntu-on-your-raspberry-pi#4-boot-ubuntu-server05:57
NuclearMonsterlucky it's there or I wouldn't have known about that variable someone threw into the works05:57
NuclearMonstertoddc: huh, I'll have to check out resizing the partition, maybe it's the imager that is broken05:59
Dude42how do i send a file05:59
NuclearMonsterlike a paste or share a file with another person\05:59
NuclearMonsterlocally or remote05:59
Dude42share a file with another person05:59
Dude42on here06:00
NuclearMonsterI like https://wetransfer.com06:00
NuclearMonsterwell "like"06:00
NuclearMonsterit is a functional web app06:00
Dude42i see a button on here that says send file06:00
NuclearMonsterare you using a web irc client or something06:01
Bashing-om!paste | Dude42 2-06:01
ubottuDude42 2-: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.06:01
Dude42im using xchat06:01
NuclearMonsterxchat will probably just use the old dcc protocol06:01
toddcI have not used that I usually use https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/06:01
NuclearMonsterwhich most other irc users can't use06:02
NuclearMonsteruse one of the services linked above06:02
NuclearMonsterif you want to keep the file somehwat private, use dropbox or something06:02
Dude42no ones using xchat in here06:04
NuclearMonsterdo you just want to send a file to a random person06:04
Dude42maybe a pic file to a person06:04
NuclearMonsteryeah if you want to send bad things to people you'll probably get banned06:04
Dude42no not a bad pic06:05
NuclearMonsterand dcc won't work because nobody has anything set up to use it in 202106:05
NuclearMonsterdoesn't matter that it's xchat06:05
NuclearMonsterwow I reformated and this time I could log in06:06
NuclearMonsterthanks cloud init06:06
toddcNuclearMonster: as long as It works who cares how you got there!!06:08
IvoCavalcantehi people, general package maint question:06:32
IvoCavalcanteis there an easy way to list all installed packages and their respective sources (main, universe, restricted or multiverse) ?06:33
IvoCavalcantethis doesn't get stored on dpkg db, AFAIK06:33
=== audiocat is now known as audioburn
=== audioburn is now known as audiocat
kubast2Hey, how can I use the remote desktop feature of ubuntu, but still keep it encrypted, and connect with it from a windows machine08:54
kubast2the one included in gnome isn't compatibile with: tightvnc, ultravnc, vncviewer; does it work with anything but tigervnc?08:55
kubast2which is a linux only software which I would have to port on their desktop to windows or something08:55
=== Tanuki is now known as raccoon_dog
lotuspsychjekubast2: a lot of users use remmina now for remote desktop08:56
kubast2there's a remote desktop feature/screen sharing feature that uses tls+password+vnc apparently; huh08:56
kubast2isn't remmina rdp only?08:56
kubast2I did use freexrdp because I had some issues back in 2018 with it in my uni, but other than that I think it got better08:56
lotuspsychjekubast2: be careful with vnc products these days its a potential security risk to use, the protocol/ports gets hammered bad08:57
kubast2oh supports even spice I see08:57
kubast2lotuspsychje I don't share my computer to a wider network, but yeah there's no saying what other apps do08:57
lotuspsychjekubast2: another popular way, is ssh, ssh X or tunnel vnc with ssh08:57
ubottuVNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX08:57
kubast2yeah I am over wifi need to connect locally, I left the power hungry computer upstairs in my office and sit downstairs otherwise08:58
lotuspsychjekubast2: remote support for short jobs, you could try teamviewer, but not reccomended to leave on 24/7 neither08:58
sixwheeledbeastI recall using remmina with vnc over ssh08:59
kubast2I did try X2GO once but it wasn't viable for local networks09:00
kubast2I don't remember how badly/well vnc worked really09:00
kubast2I might setup livestreaming over https via ssh, and then setup kde connect to get remote control, but then I need to find a way to remote control over a desktop09:02
kubast2because kde connect works from phones control09:02
kubast2and it is low enough latency for mouse+keyboard access09:02
kubast2I would guess x264/vp9 compression and decompression should work well09:03
kubast2fuck it there's no way, and using teamviwer to roundrtip to teamviewer servers is too insane09:04
=== EriC^ is now known as EriC^^
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=== denningsrogue2 is now known as denningsrogue
Guest888I am troubleshooting something here, and I hope someone here can help me. I have a PC without any OS installed. It has 3 disks in it, and I have a reason to believe that GRUB 2 is installed on one of the disks where there should be none because it's only used for storage.10:00
Guest888I would like to inspect that disk to see if GRUB 2 does exist on it, and if so have it removed without destroying the user data on there. What kind of tools would I need for this? Can it be done from a Ubuntu Live USB?10:01
Guest888I used to have both Ubuntu and Windows on this PC at one point. Then at some point, something went wrong and I ended up with one or two GRUB instances, one of which is in a completely wrong place (wrong disk).10:03
sixwheeledbeastStuff like this you would use a live image yes10:14
Guest888OK. Is it possible to remove GRUB from the wrong disk without affecting my files on it?10:27
Guest888I will not need it for booting anything since I don't have any OS at the moment. I just want to remove it so I have a clean slate then I will do a fresh installation.10:28
=== Pryka1 is now known as Pryka
Guest35Hi there11:21
Guest35Let's see if anyone can help me11:21
Guest35Whenever I try sudo apt update I get this: Err:9 https://deb.torproject.org/torproject.org focal InReleaseTemporary failure resolving 'deb.torproject.org'11:22
srcGuest35: the first thing would probably be to see your /etc/apt/sources.list11:33
Guest35deb [arch=amd64] https://deb.torproject.org/torproject.org focal main11:34
Guest35This was the only line existing11:34
Guest35Then I tried this: https://support.torproject.org/apt/tor-deb-repo/11:34
Guest35But I'm unable to save the file (no root privileges idk why)11:35
Guest35I would have reinstalled Ubuntu, but the prob is that I did it several times 10 days ago and the problem with Tor was appearing on and on11:38
Guest35even in different laptops, my Ubuntu 20 couldnt even access torproject.org11:38
Guest35Last week someone helped me solve that prob in Github but something seems to be missing11:39
srcyou can't run apt update as far as I know without root11:39
tango_uniform_xrGuest35 have you tried changing dns servers? it sounds like an issue with resolving deb.torproject.org11:40
Guest35yes I do sudo apt update with the above result11:40
srcGuest35: if you do $ sudo vim /etc/apt/sources.list11:40
srcor whatever your editor, you will be able to save changes11:40
Guest35tango uniform I changed them in wifi settings, then I went back to auto11:40
Guest35sudo: vim: command not found11:41
tango_uniform_xruse nano if you haven't learned vim11:41
Guest35ok it gave a lot of info11:42
tango_uniform_xroh, have you tried visiting https://deb.torproject.org/torproject.org/ in the browser?11:42
tango_uniform_xrapt is complaining about network, so we can try to figure out if it's an apt problem or a network problem11:45
Guest35ok how?11:46
tango_uniform_xrvisit the said URL in your web browser11:46
Guest35How do I check it?11:46
tango_uniform_xrdid it work?11:46
Guest35I reach that site11:46
ogratry: ping deb.torproject.org11:47
ogradoes that get replies ?11:47
Guest35This one: ping: deb.torproject.org: Temporary failure in name resolution11:48
ograso your network serup is messed up on the cmdline11:48
ogrado you use a proxy server for your browser ?11:48
tango_uniform_xrmaybe the web browser is using DNS over https11:48
tango_uniform_xrsince some are doing that by default now11:48
ograah, or that newfangled thing, yeah 🙂11:48
Guest35I dont use a router but my hotspot phone11:48
tango_uniform_xri'm using adguard dns and it's resolving fine for me11:49
Guest35Tango: last week everybody suggested me to set up DNS over HTTPS11:49
tango_uniform_xryou mean for system or browser?11:50
tango_uniform_xrin the newer firefoxes, i think it's set by default now11:50
tango_uniform_xrnot sure about chromiums11:50
ograeither way, you will need a proper DNS setup for the system11:51
Guest35I do use Firefox n Tor11:51
Guest35Ogra, how do I change it?11:51
tango_uniform_xrwhat dns resolver is the default in ubuntu? i use systemd-resolved11:52
ograno idea how you changed it in the first place ... normally your hotspot should have provided you the settings automatically11:52
ograubuntu does too ...11:52
ograand then it depends ... CLI installs use netplan to set it up, desktop installs network-manager11:52
Guest35Well it seems I have the right one according to this site: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1244860/dns-issues-after-upgrading-to-20-0411:55
tango_uniform_xrsounds like resolved11:55
Guest35$ ping -c 2
Guest35PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.11:56
Guest3564 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.076 ms11:56
Guest3564 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.051 ms11:56
Guest35--- ping statistics ---11:56
Guest352 packets transmitted, 2 received, 0% packet loss, time 1030ms11:56
tango_uniform_xryou can change the config through /etc/systemd/resolved.conf, though i have problems with network manager overriding if i don't explicitly set "don't obtain dns info" for every single individual connection profile11:57
ograwell, you should better use network-manager to not end up with a non-default config11:57
ograelse people supporting you in the furture will have a hard time11:58
tango_uniform_xri'm still using network manager, i just have to tell it to behave11:59
ograGuest35, and 127.0.0.X address just points to yourself ... indeed you can ping your own PC from your own PC11:59
ograCueball, more interesting is where the dns on your local PC points to that you contact through ...12:00
ograGuest35, try: resolvectl status | grep "Current DNS"12:00
ograoops, sorry Cueball, that wasn't addressed to you12:00
Guest35resolvectl status | grep "Current DNS"12:00
Guest35  Current DNS Server:
ograso that points to some device on your LAN12:01
ogracan you check on your phone if that is the IP of your hotspot ?12:01
Guest35Idk, it is the same number I got in my WIFI settings info12:01
tango_uniform_xroh, does *any* address resolve? `dig duckduckgo.com`12:01
pra81hello to all12:01
pra81after changing my ssh port i cannot access ssh using ubuntu on my vps12:02
tango_uniform_xrGuest35 after looking through what we've discussed, it looks like we haven't determined if your system DNS is working at all, so try that12:03
Guest35The IP address on my phone is
Guest35after dig duckduckgo.com12:09
tango_uniform_xrlooks like dns is working12:09
tango_uniform_xrcan you show me `resolvectl`?12:10
tango_uniform_xrGuest35 have you tried changing the dns server setting to a different one?12:16
tango_uniform_xrthrough network manager, you can try changing it to, that's what i'm using and it resolves, maybe it'll work for you12:17
Guest35I tried last week using something I found on forums:; but It was even worse as Ubnuntu soppet uptades12:17
Guest35(I only changed it in WIFI settings)12:18
tango_uniform_xrthat's just localhost and not at the local resolver, so that will break it, try the one i said12:18
=== Chunkyz-RPi is now known as iAMASP4rk3y
=== iAMASP4rk3y is now known as jailbreak
Guest35Im reading lots of issues with Network Manager in Ubuntu Software12:20
Guest35But I cna try12:20
Guest35It does not launch12:21
VMGuy234Does it show an error? Do you get a notification?12:22
ledeni[m]Guest35: use google ones and
Guest35Should I set DNS settings to Manual and enter those numbers?12:24
ledeni[m]Guest35: yes12:24
ledeni[m]Guest35: like ' ;'12:26
Guest35same error: Err:16 https://deb.torproject.org/torproject.org focal InRelease12:27
Guest35  Temporary failure resolving 'deb.torproject.org'12:27
ledeni[m] Guest35 do you use tor settings for your browser12:28
Guest35Idk what you mean12:29
tango_uniform_xrthis is an apt error ledeni12:29
Guest35so nothing to do with DNS?12:29
tango_uniform_xrsorry, that's not what i mean12:29
Guest35If a reinstall could solve the issue, I'd rather do it instead of wasting your time12:30
tango_uniform_xri meant they're having an apt issue not a browser issue, we already figure out that browser can resolve the address so it must be using DNS over HTTPS or something12:30
tango_uniform_xrthis is the support channel, there's no rules against using support channel for support :)12:30
Guest35My TorBrowser works, my Firefox too12:30
Guest35How do I create an account in here?12:36
ograGuest35, https://libera.chat/guides/registration12:37
Guest35thx I bet Imma disturb you  lot xD12:38
ledeni[m]Guest35: one question did you ever have apt update working?12:38
Guest35It works fine unless for the de.torproject.org stuff12:38
=== Guest35 is now known as Fosko
ledeni[m]Guest35:   can you give cat /etc/apt/sources.list | nc termbin.com 999912:54
FoskoIt gives back: https://termbin.com/ilmr13:01
ledeni[m]Fosko: you are Guest35  ?13:04
ledeni[m]Fosko:  ok you need  add ' https://deb.torproject.org/torproject.org focal InRelease' to sources.list13:09
FoskoIts what Im trying to do, but when I add this line to the tor file it says that I have no permission to save that file13:11
FoskoAny way to do it from terminal?13:11
FoskoI already had this line in my sources list : deb [arch=amd64] https://deb.torproject.org/torproject.org focal main13:16
BluesKajHi all13:16
FoskoHi there13:16
ledeni[m]Fosko: open software & update -- other software -- add ' deb https://deb.torproject.org/torproject.org focal main'13:16
ledeni[m] * Fosko: open software & update -- other software -- add '  https://deb.torproject.org/torproject.org focal main'13:17
Foskoits already there13:19
FoskoI edited from Binary to Source but got the same error after running apt update13:21
=== Trieste_ is now known as Trieste
VaniaPyHi i'm trying to deploy K3s cluster in Vagrant on Ubuntu with curl -sfL https://get.k3s.io | sh -13:30
VaniaPyand i'm getting bash curl command not found13:30
VaniaPyhow can i install it inside  vagrant?13:31
=== linsux is now known as linrox
Guest888What software can I use to locate the disk where GRUB is installed? I don't have any OS installed now, but I have reason to believe that there is some old GRUB bootloader left over on one or more disk.13:47
Guest888I don't want to repair anything, I just want to get the location of GRUB if it's hiding somewhere, have it removed so I can get a clean slate and then go on with a new OS installation.13:48
BluesKajcheck your disk(s) partitions for uEFI boot13:50
Guest888How do I do that?13:57
sixwheeledbeastgparted with a live image13:57
BluesKaj!gparted | Guest88813:58
ubottuGuest888: gparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php13:58
Guest888Ok Gparted is running on Ubuntu live system. How will it look like if GRUB is present on one of the disks? Am I looking for the "/boot/efi" in Partition column?14:05
TJ-Guest888: here's a partially tested shell fragment to do it: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/dMVF8MjfxH/14:14
p0indextergparted should be showing mount point on partitions14:15
JayDoubleuI have a AX200 intel wifi card. I'm trying to get it working with 5ghz in AP mode but no luck. Shows no IR when I run iw list. I managed to get it working once on a single channel when reinstalled network manager but no lock since. Any ideas?14:17
TJ-JayDoubleu: what tool are you using to create the AP?14:19
TJ-JayDoubleu: has NM tried to manage that interface or did you disable it from touching the AP interface?14:21
JayDoubleutried using also nmcli and forcing band=a but this didnt work either14:21
Guest888is it possible to add a ppa on ubuntu live ?14:21
JayDoubleufirst I uninstalled the nm entirely and that didnt work, then I installed nm and it unlocked few channels so it worked on hostapd but after reboot all channels are in No-IR14:22
Guest888I tried to install Grub Customizer.14:22
TJ-JayDoubleu: that's because you've not set the region / country14:22
jeremy31JayDoubleu: does this command show correct country code>  iw reg get14:22
TJ-JayDoubleu: what does "iw reg get" report?14:22
TJ-JayDoubleu: I'd guess NM initially helped because it obtained the region code from an AP it connected to as a client and set that in the kernel, which then allowed the device to Initiate Radiation (IR) on the channel set in hostpad (unless you've hostpad configured to do ACS (Automatic Channel Selection - channel=0)14:24
JayDoubleuwell now I am on a fresh ubuntu install with network manager enabled. It shows the correct country code14:25
JayDoubleuI can also see few frequencies available for 5ghz14:25
JayDoubleunow how do I make it work with hostapd.. Or is there something better for wifi hotspot in bridge mode that would work with nm14:26
JayDoubleuwhen I'm trying to make hotspot with band A it returns below14:28
JayDoubleunmcli device wifi hotspot ifname wls16 ssid "test-ap123" password "123456789" band a14:28
JayDoubleuError: Connection activation failed: (11) 802.1X supplicant took too long to authenticate.14:28
weqWhat sort of autentication method does you network utilize for 802.1x ?14:33
JayDoubleuno clue, its a fresh ubuntu install14:34
weqThis is something the network supplies. Not the OS.14:34
JayDoubleuI am trying to create network, not connect to existin gone14:34
weqWhy are you using 802.1x then?14:35
JayDoubleuIm not using anything, it throws that by default when running `nmcli device wifi hotspot ifname wls16 ssid "test-ap123" password "123456789" band a`14:35
TJ-JayDoubleu: check the log "journalctl -u NetworkManager -n 50" for last 50 messages14:36
TJ-JayDoubleu: if hostapd service is also active it'll conflict with NM's wpa_supplicant14:37
JayDoubleuat this point now I dont even have hostapd installed.14:37
JayDoubleuThis was my attempt to make wifi hotspot with 5gh using network manager14:38
TJ-OK, I thought so, but wasn't sure14:39
TJ-JayDoubleu: will it work with "band g" ?14:41
JayDoubleuband g works fine :|14:41
JayDoubleuit just seems to have issue with 5ghz :/14:42
TJ-OK, so that suggests the same issues hostapd had - not able to initiate radiation unless it has the correct regulatory code set14:43
TJ-JayDoubleu: have you done/tried "iw reg set GB" first?14:44
=== EriC^ is now known as EriC^^
JayDoubleuI have, yes14:50
JayDoubleuhow on earth it managed to change to DE now ?14:50
PeGaSuSso, my laptop just fall off the table and requested a manual fsck. how likely is that the drive is unrecoverable, since fsck is running for 780s already?15:02
oerhekswe deal with facts, so 50%/50% ?15:05
TJ-JayDoubleu: some devices have firmware pre-programmed with a region but I'd think you'd have seen that alreadu if it were the case15:07
PeGaSuShttps://i.imgur.com/qFflyl8.jpeg >> one of the many many errors15:07
PeGaSuSapparently after a `fsck /dev/sda5 -y` and a long wait time it is starting to boot, but seems stuck at the boot screen15:11
oerheksPeGaSuS, did you use a live iso for fsck?15:12
JayDoubleuhmm iw reg reload seems to be doing ok with reseting it back to GB15:12
PeGaSuSerm, no? *dies*15:12
PeGaSuSI don't even remember where I put the damn usb stick15:13
PeGaSuSto try to boot from a live ISO15:13
PeGaSuS this is just amazing. the only USB that I have has Ubuntu server instead a desktop release...15:19
PeGaSuSI have an external drive with Linux Mint (Ubuntu based) installed. is it possible to run `fsck` from there?15:23
jhutchinsPeGaSuS: How big is the drive?15:23
jhutchinsPeGaSuS: If it's ext4 it should be fine.15:24
PeGaSuSthe internal HDD is around 750Gb. the external drive is partitioned with around 300Gb for Linux Mint and the rest (700Gb) as NTFS15:25
=== Nokaji_ is now known as Nokaji
PeGaSuSI assume this is a good thing: https://pastebin.groundzero.icu/view/raw/f91c7e60 ?15:30
PeGaSuSor probablly not: https://pastebin.groundzero.icu/view/raw/9e1d99a815:31
PeGaSuSafter a "fsck.ext4 /dev/sda5 -f -y": https://pastebin.groundzero.icu/view/raw/dde7188215:33
PeGaSuSbrb, rebooting15:33
PeGaSuShttps://i.imgur.com/Svgdr5X.jpeg >> I'm stuck. I guess that the drive is irrecoverable15:40
PeGaSuShuh. I'm kinda astonished now. Ubuntu is full of errors. however, Windows (this is a dual boot device) does work15:47
PeGaSuSI guess I spoke too soon though. even Windows seem to have some issues, since I was unable to even login15:51
JayDoubleuI got rid of netplan, configured etc/network/interfaces but on reboot the bridge is missing and it's not being created automatically, what am I missing?15:53
JayDoubleuit reads the network/interfaces correctly, its just not creating the bridge nor adding ports to it15:53
VANT_Helo ! How do I set up my Ubuntu 20.04 LTS with 3D effects and with gelatin windows and mouse effects?16:08
quantumbefore I upgrade to 20.04.1-Ubuntu I had a usb video camera that worked, now I am not seeing a dev/video0 device. is there any way to fix this?16:11
shadow255quantum: can you paste the output of lsusb?16:15
quantumBus 004 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0003 Linux Foundation 3.0 root hub16:16
quantumBus 003 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub16:16
quantumBus 002 Device 002: ID 0424:5534 Microchip Technology, Inc. (formerly SMSC) Hub16:16
quantumBus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0003 Linux Foundation 3.0 root hub16:16
quantumBus 001 Device 002: ID 0424:2134 Microchip Technology, Inc. (formerly SMSC) Hub16:16
quantumBus 001 Device 003: ID 046d:c52b Logitech, Inc. Unifying Receiver16:16
shadow255quantum: I meant for you to paste as the topic prescribes16:17
quantumshadow255, yes, I meant to past the link to pastbin16:18
shadow255quantum: so is the webcam a Logitech device?16:18
quantumno, it is something else. it worked before I upgraded though so I think it is a standard video device16:19
quantumI used to be able to see the video with: mplayer tv:// -tv driver=v4l2:width=1920:height=1080:device=/dev/video0:fps=60:outfmt=yuy2 -vf screenshot16:19
shadow255quantum: your computer is not listing it the way it should, as far as I can see16:20
quantumI agree I don't see the usb device listed16:21
quantumso, does that mean there is some type of usb driver I am missing?16:21
shadow255quantum: try unplugging it, then reconnect and watch for any messages from dmesg after reconnecting16:22
shadow255quantum: we'll see if dmesg gives any clues about device detection16:23
quantumweird, moved to a different usb port and pluged and unplugged a few times, seem to be working now16:24
quantumI think it din't like the port on my monitor or something16:24
shadow255quantum: what does lsusb show now?16:24
shadow255hmm, that's a possibility to be explored later :)16:24
quantumBus 001 Device 005: ID 0603:8612 Novatek Microelectronics Corp. J145516:25
shadow255good to see it working again, you might have something going on with the usb connection from computer to monitor16:25
quantumgoing to plug it back in there and see what happens16:26
quantumseems to work, the device has two modes when it powers up. mass storage and video. I tried mass storage. then power cycled and tried video then it worked. works with the monitor also now16:28
quantumvery strange16:28
jeremy31The mass storage likely has Windows drivers on it16:30
quantummaybe, it can store video on it that you can download I guess. Thanks for the help. Hopefully it will keep working.16:37
=== Guest2577 is now known as westor
VMGuy234I just installed refind boot manager, theres 2 <null string>s and one (square)016:48
VMGuy234(square)0 worked16:49
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Sven_vBhi! one of my focal machines is running into dbus max_connections_per_user. how can I check which program is keeping how many connections open?18:19
Sven_vBalso is there a way to increase the limit in the affected user session, i.e. without ending the session?18:21
oerhekskill your browser and check again?18:21
Sven_vBno browser is running18:22
oerheksoh, there is dbus-monitor to check those18:24
oerheks!info  dbus-monitor  focal18:24
ubottuPackage dbus-monitor does not exist in focal18:24
oerhekspart of dbus-tests i guess18:25
Sven_vBdbus-monitor reports the messages sent via dbus, but I cannot find how to check which programs use up the connection limit18:28
Sven_vBseems like stopping murmurd frees enough connections to make bluetooth work again, but that's most probably not the real solution.18:31
oerhekshtop -u $USER # shows all processes18:32
TJ-Sven_vB: " dbus-send --system --print-reply --dest=org.freedesktop.DBus /org/freedesktop/DBus org.freedesktop.DBus.ListNames "18:35
Sven_vBTJ-, thanks, will try!18:38
GSMarquisSo the next Ubuntu release will have gnome 4?18:40
oerheksGSMarquis, where do you read that?18:40
Sven_vBTJ-, the user of the affected session only gets "The maximum number of active connections for UID … has been reached". when I sudo, I get an array of strings. some of them have readable names, but most are just string ":1.82". is the 2nd number the process ID?18:41
GSMarquisSorry, I was asking not telling.18:41
Sven_vBnope, looks like most of those numbers from the dbus connection names are not process IDs.18:43
lotuspsychjeGSMarquis: new ubuntu releases always have new suprises, we usualy wait until final release18:43
oerhekssome wild stories about impish will get 4.1 ... release plan for 41 https://wiki.gnome.org/FortyOne , first alpha is scheduled for July 10 and beta for August 14. i guess it is a too small window18:43
PeGaSuSusing my external HDD which already had Xubuntu installed on it, ran "apt update" w/o any errors, and when ran "apt dist-upgrade" i ran into https://pastebin.groundzero.icu/view/511c214319:09
PeGaSuSall others packages installed perfectly except for that one19:09
TJ-Sven_vB: this seems to work to identify the biggest user.19:24
TJ-Sven_vB: while read s t; do dbus-send --system --print-reply=literal --dest=org.freedesktop.DBus /org/freedesktop/DBus org.freedesktop.DBus.GetConnectionUnixProcessID "string:${t//\"/}" ;done < <(dbus-send --system --print-reply --dest=org.freedesktop.DBus /org/freedesktop/DBus org.freedesktop.DBus.ListNames | grep string ) | sed 's/uint32//; s/ //g' | sort -n | uniq -c | sort19:24
TJ-Sven_vB: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/VPBKGCQy9F/19:25
EriC^PeGaSuS: what does 'df /boot/efi' give?19:38
PeGaSuSEriC^: /dev/sda2      200850388 35932536 154645560  19% /19:39
EriC^PeGaSuS: can you type 'sudo parted -ls | nc termbin.com 9999' and paste the link it gives you back here?19:40
Sven_vBTJ-, for the affected user it just gives the error from above. when I run it as root, it prins nothing, just runs about forever. when I remove the part behind <(…), it prints uint32 lines, seemingly forever.19:41
PeGaSuSEriC^: https://termbin.com/q5qpk ; before we continue much further, this laptop fall from a table and asked for a fsck and that's why I'm booting from the external drive though (if this helps to clean up something)19:41
meagainHi! I got an error when running apg-get remove, like below:19:42
meagainError loading services.19:42
meagaindpkg: error processing package samba-common-bin (--configure):19:42
meagain installed samba-common-bin package post-installation script subprocess returned error exit status 119:42
meagainErrors were encountered while processing:19:42
meagain samba-common-bin19:42
PeGaSuSmeagain: use a pastebin next time pls and post the url instead19:42
EriC^PeGaSuS: type 'sudo apt-get purge grub-efi-amd64-signed'19:43
PeGaSuSEriC^: done19:44
EriC^PeGaSuS: then type 'dpkg -l | grep grub | nc termbin.com 9999'19:44
PeGaSuSEriC^: https://termbin.com/bq9t19:44
EriC^PeGaSuS: also type 'sudo apt-get purge grub-efi-amd64-bin'19:45
TJ-Sven_vB: those lines are the process IDs19:45
PeGaSuSEriC^: done19:46
EriC^PeGaSuS: try 'sudo apt-get dist-upgrade' again19:46
PeGaSuSEriC^: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/x6WcSQ2nKt/19:49
EriC^PeGaSuS: looks good19:49
Sven_vBTJ-, oh, I see, it scans continuously19:50
Sven_vBTJ-, thanks!19:50
PeGaSuSEriC^: thanks! all seems to work as expected now19:50
TJ-Sven_vB: well without the < < () it will - that sends it a set of lines19:50
PeGaSuSjust wondering what might lead to this issue..19:51
TJ-Sven_vB: the part inside the while read is getting the PID for each dbus session19:51
TJ-Sven_vB: if you tag " | wc -l" on the end it'll report the number of lines read. My user shows that as 56 on desktop19:52
EriC^PeGaSuS: no problem, the issue was somehow the efi packages were installed but you're not using efi, no idea how they got there though, if you really want to know you could investigate the /var/log/apt/history.log* to see how they got installed, it could be also the installer19:52
TJ-Sven_vB: but if dbus is reporting an abort and won't iterate all the connections, or is simply failing to connect to the bus because all connections are in use... that's a problem!19:53
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=== ghostcube_ is now known as ghostcube
BadBoyHaloCatHi. I've got *really* slow boot times on 21.04.21:29
BadBoyHaloCatSometimes up to 5 minutes before userspace21:30
BadBoyHaloCat> Startup finished in 4.350s (firmware) + 15.078s (loader) + 21.794s (kernel) + 2min 51.187s (userspace) = 3min 32.411s graphical.target reached after 2min 51.086s in userspace21:30
BadBoyHaloCatcritical chain doesnt seem to show anything I know how to fix21:31
BadBoyHaloCatsystemd-journal-flush.service @9.473s +58.564s 1 minute to flush journals?? wtf21:31
BadBoyHaloCatjournalctl logs look ok21:32
BadBoyHaloCat> badboyhalocat@bbhc-laptop:~$ journalctl --verify21:32
BadBoyHaloCatPASS: /var/log/journal/d845e915a97d4bdeb0c397d415600fd9/system.journal21:32
BadBoyHaloCatPASS: /var/log/journal/d845e915a97d4bdeb0c397d415600fd9/user-1000.journal21:32
BadBoyHaloCatnot really sure where to start21:33
BadBoyHaloCathere's the full critical chain21:33
BadBoyHaloCatThe time when unit became active or started is printed after the "@" character.21:33
BadBoyHaloCatThe time the unit took to start is printed after the "+" character.21:33
BadBoyHaloCatgraphical.target @2min 51.086s21:33
BadBoyHaloCat└─multi-user.target @2min 51.085s21:33
BadBoyHaloCat  â””─postfix.service @1min 55.186s +1ms21:33
Bashing-om!paste | BadBoyHaloCat When you come back out of the quiet -21:34
ubottuBadBoyHaloCat When you come back out of the quiet -: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:34
BadBoyHaloCatOh, sorry21:34
BadBoyHaloCathttps://paste.ubuntu.com/p/8DhfhvmBw7/ is my critical chain21:35
BadBoyHaloCatI'm on up-to-date 21.04 kernel version 5.11.0-20-generic x86_6421:38
BadBoyHaloCatI am on the -proposed branch but that shouldn't change things (?)21:39
BadBoyHaloCatCould it just be crud collecting over the year of this system's use?21:39
Bashing-omBadBoyHaloCat: Server ? and what services are you serviceing ?21:42
BadBoyHaloCatnot a server, a personal machine21:42
BadBoyHaloCatI don't think I need postfix and I don't see anything depending on it so I'll try removing it and that'll save some time21:42
BadBoyHaloCatIt's a spinning-rust drive, so I've been having issues post-boot for about 10 mins where I/O is maxed21:44
BadBoyHaloCatThis makes me want an SSD now21:44
svhey. ubuntu is debian based, right?21:48
BadBoyHaloCatsv, correct. hence why dpkg etc are used.21:48
svdoes the current version support all my printers, cameras, capturing cards, micr and keybosrs etc?21:49
BadBoyHaloCatsv, depends on that hardware and which release21:50
BadBoyHaloCatcameras/capt cards/mics/kboards should work in any release21:50
BadBoyHaloCatprinters it depends21:50
BadBoyHaloCat*most cameras[...]\21:50
BadBoyHaloCatnot had much luck with *printing to* CUPS printers (everything I can find is on installing a CUPS *server*, not *client*)21:51
svdoes the gnu kernel support native usb re-routing to a virtul machine so i can run the devices that are not supported in a vm at leastß21:52
svthat my friend, is a bummer.21:52
BadBoyHaloCatsv, the *GNU* kernel? or the Linux kernel?21:52
oerheksvirtualbox gives an option usb pass through AFAIK21:53
svlinux is around for over 20 years and canon das not provide drivers for it. like wtf? fuck them. it a broomstick. i assume iwill be get kicked after this message so thanks for the hints guys.21:54
oerheksmaybe KVM too..21:54
oerhekscanon .. lide?21:54
oerheksnot all lide's are supported, indeed21:54
svcanon pixma.21:54
=== 029AAAOZE is now known as gsker
AavarI have used "clipit" for clipboard manager for a few years. Now the hotkeys are not working. Are there any better software for this? Btw I am usinc cinnamon.21:55
svi use the scanner from my hp deskjet mfp.21:55
svAavar: daw?21:56
Aavarsv: was that a bad joke?21:58
svdigital audio station at first i thought u were serious but now i know you are not21:58
sixwheeledbeastuse something like ndiswrapper can work if you have to.21:59
Aavarsv: Are you writing to someone else?21:59
svno. i explained to you the common abbreviation.22:00
Aavarsv: fu22:01
svyou got problems?22:02
svlike you come here, pretending to be a musician and don't even know the most basic abbrevition.22:03
Aavarsv: What in the world are you talking about music?22:03
svalso, what about profanity, you little gimp.22:03
BadBoyHaloCatsv, that has to be the wrong person22:04
BadBoyHaloCatAavar said "I have used "clipit" for clipboard manager for a few years. Now the hotkeys are not working. Are there any better software for this? Btw I am usinc cinnamon."22:04
Aavaryes it does ;)22:04
BadBoyHaloCatDid you mean oerheks?22:04
* Aavar thinks sv is high...22:05
svso what22:05
sv(still reaading backlog)22:05
svi smoke heroin and meth on a daily basis and i own a porsche 911 gt2.22:06
svjust to make you a little envy22:06
AavarI really don't envy any of that ;)22:06
svoh wow.22:07
svi really ned to quit.22:07
svi can't find the message i replied to.22:07
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, phunyguy, chu22:07
svAavar: sorry dude. no harm intended.22:08
svsrong bra?22:08
Aavarsv: To quit, please type /quit in the chat window...22:09
svso you want to forcefully escalate this?22:10
svi said i'm sorry, i mixed something up.22:10
svnow stop the hate and jstfu22:10
Aavarsv: You said you needed to quit ;)22:11
svi obviously read something that is not there.22:11
svit could also be an outbreak of schizophrnia paranoida22:12
gskerAavar: have you tried diodon? That's what listed in the package info: Diodon is a replacement for ClipIt, which is no longer supported.22:12
gskerI have not tried it -- I just noticed it in the description.22:13
Aavargsker: I'll try that. I think that is what I used on a different system before. THank you for reminding me :)22:14
gskerHmmm. The hotkey settings for diodon say "Please register custom shortcut with your desktop environment. Use /usr/bin/diodon as command.  Huh....22:16
svis there any way in ubuntu to get netflix display 4k content?22:16
BadBoyHaloCatDoes it not?22:17
svi dont know. thats why i'm askinr.22:17
ice9I got fresh installation of 21.04 and random services crashes randomly after boot "system problem detected", what should I do to have stable system?22:21
AavarDiodon worked great. THank you again gsker22:22
gskerAavar -- nice!22:29
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