[05:58] I have cloud-init running a bash script as a user `foo` and `/home/foo/.bashrc` has `export ROLE=chungus` in it. At the time this script is run with cloud init via `su -l foo -c ./init.sh` where inside init.sh there is `echo $(env)` I do NOT see the environment variable `ROLE` set, however once I ssh into the machine I see `ROLE` being set [05:59] Why is this not set at cloud-init time if this is being run as a user-data-script, is set in the users `.bashrc`, and is invoked using `su -l` for a login shell (and therefore sourcing .bashrc) [14:58] tsujp: see man bash. bashrc is only consumed if the shell is interactive. [19:02] goneri: ping https://bugs.freebsd.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=256309 (bsd mtu improvement) [19:02] bugs.freebsd.org bug 256309 in Ports & Packages "net/cloud-init: fix set mtu (work in progress)" [Affects Only Me, Open] [19:22] faa, hi! sorry for being slow on this. what remains to be done?