
lotuspsychjegood morning02:09
=== blue_penquin_ is now known as blue_penquin
ducassegood morning06:12
lordievaderGood morning06:19
lotuspsychjejeremy31: i updated lubuntu 18.04 at my dads, didnt offer me an upgrade yet16:57
Bashing-omIssue UWN688 is on the streets: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue688 :D20:01
ogranews !20:02
Bashing-omogra: Real slow week in ubuntu-land - not much to report on this week :(20:05
maxFlexGuestIf an external monitor has Mac and Windows specific drivers, will that affect Linux compatibility?21:47
maxFlexGuest(Ubuntu 20.04 LTS)21:47

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