=== trekkie1701c_ is now known as trekkie1701c === pooh is now known as pooh22 === andol_ is now known as andol === akaWolf1 is now known as akaWolf [08:41] if a ubuntu server with applications installed, and made into an image, and is to be used for multiple deployments, do we need to like "sysprep" it? [09:28] or should i say virtprep? [09:28] Guest38: you can set a proper nick and register with nickserv here [09:28] Guest38: this is the 'now' correct ubuntu channels/IRC network [09:34] do u know of any? enyc [09:40] Guest38: sounds like some sort of "template" linux arranagement.... === Guest38 is now known as leumashm [09:45] enyc template linux arrangement? [09:52] yes, creating "templates" or other managed install systems may be more useful equivalent to "sysprep", but I don't know [10:08] hi! I'm trying to configure Netplan to use an IPv6 default gateway that's outside of the subnet. (provider requirement.) with ip, I can just say ip -6 route add dev eth0 && ip -6 route add default via . that works. With Netplan, I tried to add a route to the gateway and have tried to add a route to ::/0 with on_link: true, but neither attempt was a success. there's just no [10:08] default route created and the host loses connectivity. what's the correct way to do this? [10:41] pikaro: gateways are supposed to be on-link with link-local addresses [10:41] TJ-, well, but it's not [10:42] pikaro: I'd create the systemd-networkd unit rather than rely on netplan as intermediary [10:42] pikaro: I've a VPS with a similar situation on IPv4: the default gateway is not on any of the local subnets [10:42] the netplan yaml has a custom route for it, with { scope: link, to:, via: } [10:42] TJ-, OK, I will try that [10:42] mgedmin: Oh, maybe the scope is the issue here, thanks! [10:47] mgedmin: on second glance, I see what the suggestion was - not the scope but "via"... that doesn't make the least bit of sense but it seems to work :D [10:48] TBH I didn't have a suggestion :) [10:49] I like that my VPS has a netplan config file, and a slightly different older version named .bkp that doesn't have that route etc. [10:52] bkp == backup, I'd assume [12:39] trying to install cockpit on my ubuntu 16.04 but it cant find it when i do apt-get install cockpit [12:40] 16.04 is EOL, you should upgrade [12:40] well, ESM rather than EOL, I suppose [12:40] i will when the time is right, atm wanting cockpit [12:40] 18.04 LTS does have cockpit [12:40] i dont have 18 [12:41] i got 16 [12:41] https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=cockpit doesn't even show if 16.04 used to have ir or not because 16.04 is EOL/ESM [13:25] Do I need to do anything to install wayland if I am just use the server version? I am trying to use waypipe (https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/mstoeckl/waypipe) but I see an error "wl_display@1: error 3: waypipe internal error Missing seat". I assume wayland is not running or something? [13:34] 'missing seat' probably means your systemd-logind doesn't know about any logged in gui sessions probably because there are none? [13:34] wayland is a protocol, not a thing that can be running === Edgan- is now known as Edgan [17:54] is there a web client i can use to make users have a certain amount of bandwidth or certain amount of storage space [22:40] is there a web client i can use to make users have a certain amount of bandwidth or certain amount of storage space? === Gorian is now known as Guest7779 === Gorian is now known as Guest8600