[00:10] I'm on an Ubuntu 20. I have a second disk that isn't mounted by default but when I click on it using the gui it will mount. I'd like to know what program does that and where I can find it's settings file. [00:11] mount service most likely. to automount add it to your fstab [00:12] find out the partitiontype, and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions [00:13] or some more howto https://www.linuxbabe.com/desktop-linux/how-to-automount-file-systems-on-linux [00:13] thanks a lot [00:14] how can I check mount service? [00:14] I wanted first to look into where the current behavior comes from [00:14] I looked into udisk2 and the conf file for it is empty [00:16] interesting you want to examine that [00:17] I'm learning :D [00:17] I learned about fstab while installing arch [00:17] that's on a vm [00:17] my main system is ubuntu and I have this disk on it from before [00:18] it made me think about my main system and started digging === M4he is now known as mahe === agergaer is now known as DrManhattan === blackest_mamba_ is now known as blackest_mamba === M4he is now known as mahe === trekkie1701c_ is now known as trekkie1701c === blue_penquin_ is now known as blue_penquin === lazydog_ is now known as lazydog === PeGaSuS_ is now known as PeGaSuS === yutayu is now known as yuta [04:32] hi, im trying to install ubuntu server in headless mode on my NUC, does it come with ssh by default? [04:32] or i need to boot into it and install ssh first [04:34] Hmmm [04:34] sshd is installed? or running? can you check it with local access? [04:35] i havent actually installed it yet, im still waiting for balena etcher to wirte the iso lol [04:35] Normally on Ubuntu Server Versions sshd is Installed and Enabled by Default only Ubuntu Desktop sshd is Disabled by Default [04:36] oh ok then [04:37] there [04:37] hi there [04:38] Morning [04:39] hi theovod [04:39] got a quick question here. [04:40] yeah? [04:40] how can i able to find the declaration of sys_readlinkat(syscall) in Kernel source. [04:40] i have tried, but it ends up in a failure. [04:41] So you ned to find the Searchable Linux Syscall Table? [04:41] close, but no. [04:42] let's say, sys_openat, this api, I am looking for its inline assembly code. === LouWestin_ is now known as LouWestin === akaWolf1 is now known as akaWolf [06:24] ever since I installed something yesterday, my ubuntu 20.04 has been screwing up [06:24] any way to return back to the state before the fuxored install? [06:27] Samian: did u purge that package already? [06:27] I don't think so [06:27] apt purge $package && apt autoremove --purge should remove what u installed [06:28] if u want to be exact u should check /var/log/apt/history.log [06:28] and revert exactly what has been installed [06:29] Samian: if u still find "screwing up" u need to be more specific and explain whats wrong and provide logs according to ur service or whatever is wrong [06:31] TheBigK: anyway I can go back to a specific state in that log? [06:37] Samian: I don't think so... never tried... [06:40] k [06:40] I have another question [06:40] on ubuntu, is there an environment variable that gcc uses to find #include < > files in c++ source code? === niko is now known as o [06:41] I putting a directory in the PATH env var but it's still not seeing the header :-( [06:42] isnt g++ the c++ compiler? or am i completely out of it [06:42] oh yeah [06:42] but same question [06:43] for gcc its what in ldconfig [06:43] for c++ im not sure whats used [06:44] Samian: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/35953886/include-path-directory i think that should answer what u need [06:50] no it didn't unforunately [06:51] man I'm fucked [06:52] Samian: then u need to start from the beginning. whats wrong and what do u think caused it [07:49] Samian: also mind the language a bit please. We'd appreciate it. :) [07:49] sorry [08:15] does flatpak work well on ubuntu if you already have snap? 20.04 [08:25] works well enough i think [08:25] even integrated into the software app [08:53] is there anyway for me to see what's in stalled and what's being used in detail. For example, I think I have both Nvidia CUDA 11.1 installed and Nvidia CUDA 11.3 installed. I think it's causing issues when building this source code [09:06] hi :) [09:06] on ubuntu repositories, what's the difference between -updates and -security ? [09:11] found the documentation, thanks [09:31] hi. good day. === sharperguy_ is now known as sharperguy [09:35] In terms of the bigness of online articles & community & learning resources, which one of these distros do you think will be at the top: ubuntu, elementary os, deepin, mint ? (only a name is enough for me) [09:38] dev4449, arch linux :-) [09:39] I did apt list --installed, and it shows I have nvidia-driver-460, nvidia-driver-455, and nvidia-driver-450 [09:39] !ot | dev4449 [09:39] dev4449: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! [09:39] how can I remove 460 and activate 455 as the driver to use? [09:41] taking this to #ubuntu-offtopic [11:04] Hey all [11:04] I formatted my boot, what am I doing by now ? === Exagone313 is now known as Exa === seere_ is now known as seere [11:44] I formatted my boot, what should I be doing by now ? [11:46] Guest86: what is your goal? [11:47] was the formatting intentional? you break your boot and would like to recover now? [11:47] I broke by accident, meant to format sdc1 instead of sda1 [11:48] been there done that to my root partition once :D [11:48] Oh no oooo [11:48] where was sdc1 mounted? /? /boot? /boot/efi? [11:49] do you have your /home on a seperate partition === bsmith093 is now known as Guest6662 [11:50] Root is in a separate partition [11:51] Sdc was a new hard drive I just bought [11:51] sorry [11:51] I meant to ask where was sda1 mounted? [11:51] In sda1 my old hd [11:52] where was it mounted? /? /boot? /boot/efi? [11:53] It was /boot. [11:53] ok, next question: do you use EFI or legacy boot? [11:54] Legacy boot [11:54] ok [11:54] and you haven't rebooted after the accidental reformatting yet? [11:54] it shouldn't be too hard to recover [11:55] the /boot partition contains the kernel and grub [11:55] apt install --reinstall linux-image-$(uname -r) should take care of both [11:56] I’m on a bento live cd [11:56] ah, and you'll also want to update /etc/fstab because reformatting changes the filesystem's UUID [11:56] Gentoo and my old hard drive had Ubuntu [11:56] hmm, a live cd? you'll want a chroot then [11:56] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCdRecovery [11:56] Why is the reboot significant ? [11:57] if you hadn't rebooted, you wouldn't need to chroot [11:57] I haven’t rebooted [11:57] Oh ok I get you [11:57] hmm did I link to the right wiki page? [11:57] I don’t think so [11:59] well, the https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCdRecovery#Update_Failure part is mostly right [11:59] except /dev/sda1 is not your root, so find the right partition [12:00] on a livecd session, what you need to do is (1) mount your root on /mnt, (2) bind-mount /dev, /proc, /sys inside /mnt/, (3) mount /boot inside /mnt, (4) probably bind-mount /etc/resolv.conf on /mnt/etc/resolv.conf, (5) chroot /mnt [12:01] Mgedmin ok this looks easy right ? [12:01] (6) find the latest installed kernel version with, hmm, dpkg -S /boot/ [12:01] Download Ubuntu live cd, chroot, find kernel version, grab it from repo with apt, fix fstab [12:01] (7) edit /etc/fstab and fix the UUID of the newly formatted /boot (find it with lsblk) [12:02] did I get it right? [12:02] (8) reinstall the kernel with apt install --reinstall linux-image-X.Y.Z-WW-generic [12:02] (9) reboot and see if it worked [12:02] What sounds the Filesystem be ? Fat32? [12:02] I almost forgot step (7), that would've been annoying! this is why it's between the two very related steps (6) and (8) [12:03] uh, /boot should be an ext4 partition [12:03] what did you format it as? [12:03] Fat32 [12:03] ah, then reformat please [12:03] Ok [12:03] which gives you an opportunity to restore the old UUID! [12:03] which would make /etc/fstab edits unnecessary [12:04] look up the old UUID from /etc/fstab, then mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda1 -U olduuid [12:04] Ok I know I’m being a pain but what was (6) about? Where is the count starting from? [12:04] I didn’t see (5) [12:04] (5) was chroot /mnt [12:05] was it truncated? [12:05] (4) was "probably bind-mount /etc/resolv.conf on /mnt/etc/resolv.conf" [12:05] Oh your good I missed it [12:05] bind-mount X on Y is mount --bind X Y [12:06] oh, sorry, step (8) is incomplete! [12:06] you also need to apt install --reinstall linux-modules-X-Y-Z-WW-generic [12:06] How do I access /etc/fstab? Do I mount /dev/sda5? [12:06] yes, that was step (1) [12:07] Great [12:07] I must say, impressive :) [12:07] hmm, linux-modules ships only two files in /boot, a System.map-* and a config-*; neither is needed for booting [12:08] in fact they're only needed for debugging, I think? maybe for building 3rd-party kernel modules via dkms? [12:08] this was me checking what files exist in /boot by running dpkg -S /boot/ [12:08] there's also memtest86+, but meh, it's only needed if you want to do a memory test [12:09] if you had it installed, you might as well apt install --reinstall memtest86+ for completeness' sake [12:11] Okay [12:11] So this will at most mess up my boot again right? [12:11] Tough I can see it’s relatively simple thanks to apt [12:12] yeah, shouldn't do much damage if you don't accidentally format the wrong partition again [12:12] hmm, the kernel update will re-generate a grub.cfg [12:12] but will it restore the grub modulels in /boot/grub? [12:13] maybe it's best to grub-install /dev/sda before rebooting [12:16] I’m on a gentoo live cd [12:19] the grub-install is also a command to run inside the chroot btw [12:22] Ok when you say before rebooting you mean before the final reboot Into my fixed system [12:30] Thanks a lot for your help mgedmin , :) [12:33] hi all [12:33] welcome mrvdv [12:33] Whats a good program FREE if possible, i can use that can create user accounts, and have limitations of how much storage space they can have, rules etc [12:33] instead of me manually doing adduser/useradd [12:34] mrvdv: as in user management from an ubuntu server? [12:34] yeah could say that but something that can be used in a web browser [12:35] mrvdv: you could talk to the #ubuntu-server experts if you like, maybe cockpit can do it [12:35] !info cockpit [12:35] cockpit (238-1, hirsute): Web Console for Linux servers. In component universe, is optional. Built by cockpit. Size 21 kB / 86 kB [12:35] thanks [12:39] Hello. Does anybody know if an XBox One PowerA wired controller works out of the box on (K)ubuntu? [12:45] or does anybdoy know an alternative to that model that would be better? [12:48] Mrokii: there is a package xboxdrv you could try out Xbox360 gamepad driver for the userspace [12:52] lotuspsychje: Thanks, I'll look if I can find something about the controllers they support. [12:55] Mrokii: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/bionic/man1/xboxdrv.1.html [12:56] Thanks. [12:59] afk [13:07] HI, can you help me please. I'd like to cut 60Hz in pulseefects but it doesen't make any effect on bluetooth speaker. All pulse moduls are installed and bluez as well. Reboot happened [13:18] Hi all === sharperguy_ is now known as sharperguy === TheAngryJatt is now known as aaruni === ecormier_ is now known as ecormier === Edgan- is now known as Edgan === h1pot is now known as BeneditoSalvador === io is now known as Guest7559 === user217_____ is now known as user217_ [16:25] Hello. How I can manage java applications look-like in gtk desktop? [16:29] user217_: elaborate your end goal a bit please, so volunteers can help you better [16:31] lotuspsychje: I vant to run TheBrain app in dark-theme mode (it use java undercore) === sixwheeledbeast is now known as bouldering === bouldering is now known as sixwheeledbeast [16:36] hi all how to find file named swItsol.db on mtp://[usb:001,006]/Almacenamiento interno compartido/Android/data or a directory called 'cache' [16:38] does anyone know if microsoft has their own repository for (linux) teams for debian/ubuntu? i know they do for yum/rpm. [16:39] !ubuwin | yates_work might know perhaps [16:39] yates_work might know perhaps: Windows 10 has a feature called Windows Subsystem for Linux, which allows it to run Ubuntu (and other Linux distro) userspace programs without porting/recompliation. For discussion and support, see #ubuntu-on-windows or ##windows. For installation instructions, see https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/commandline/wsl/install_guide [16:39] i'm running lubuntu, not windows 10 [16:40] lubuntu 18.04 LTS [16:40] yates_work: i know, but the ubuntu on windows guys might know relevant repos perhaps [16:41] lotuspsychje: thanks === Milencho_ is now known as Milencho [16:42] i feel it's more fruitful to get the information directly [16:42] im widening your options yates_work [16:43] lotuspsychje: thanks [16:45] anyone else have any thoughts? [16:49] Is Lubuntu 18.04 still supported? [16:50] works for me [16:50] I thought Lubuntu had 3 years support [16:53] does anyone know if microsoft has their own repository for (linux) teams for debian/ubuntu? i know they do for yum/rpm. [16:54] where does apt maintain its configured repos? is it under /etc somewhere? [16:55] yates_work: /etc/apt/apt.sources and /etc/apt/apt.sources.d [16:55] jeremy31: says indeed, support until april 2021 https://lubuntu.me/bionic-released/ === user217_ is now known as user217__ === user217__ is now known as user217___ === user217___ is now known as user217__ === user217__ is now known as user217_ === user217_ is now known as user217__ === user217__ is now known as user217___ === user217___ is now known as user217____ [17:02] phoebe4: thank you [17:22] how can I add something to an end of a file? guessing echo? [17:22] >> [17:22] echo "text" >> file [17:22] ? [17:22] or cat file >> newfile [17:22] mybalzitch, that will add to the end of the file? [17:22] yep [17:25] well that was easy lol thanks! [17:31] Hello, I am currently trying to upgrade my ubuntu install from 16.04 to 20.04 via ssh. and i ended up on a postfix configuration screen [17:31] i can't select any of the options for my mailserver. [17:31] scarletscar, use [tab] ? [17:31] and [space] [17:32] would you believe i am an idiot? [17:32] goddamn i am stupid [17:32] <3 <3 <3 [17:32] scarletscar, you are not; have fun! [17:32] thanks [17:33] after the upgrade is done, i get to sort 5.2tb of video files, to figure out what files are copies. [17:35] there used to be fslint, depending on python2. [17:36] now it is available as snap; https://itectec.com/ubuntu/ubuntu-where-is-fslint-duplicate-file-finder-for-ubuntu-20-04/ [17:54] is there a web client i can use to make users have a certain amount of bandwidth or certain amount of storage space [17:55] Back it up, hey! [18:11] scarletscar: 'czkawka' or 'fdupes' [18:12] oerheks: so we now have the proof that snaps and other containers have the purpose to create abandonware. As if we needed it :-) [18:19] well during the upgrade i got this error [18:19] https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/tqq5r3QKrP/ [18:19] something about pastebin [18:20] something about python i mean [18:39] scarletscar: 16.04 to 20.04? in one go? Normally you have to upgrade to 18.04 first then to 20.04 afaik [18:39] to be utterly honest, i thought i was running 16.04 just checked and it is 18.04. [18:39] currently getting a python error. [18:43] currently running 18.04 [18:44] me: 20.04 === lucas_ is now known as lucascastro [19:38] Walex, join the snapcrafters team to find out [19:39] hi [19:40] SWAT: hi [19:47] salve a tutto il canale vorrei sapere perche con le versioni di ubuntu lemulatore wine non funziona [19:48] webchat47, for wine support, join #winehq [19:48] !wine [19:48] WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu [19:49] webchat47: I also like the "snazzy paid for" version, CrossOver, where the payments also support the development of WINE. [19:49] ok [19:51] webchat47: in any case there should be also an italian language Ubuntu channel [19:54] ho anche provato wine hq ma non funzionava anche con la versione di ubuntu 21 [19:55] !it [19:55] Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette) [20:13] how do you ask "apt" to report whether or not a specific package is installed? [20:14] you can use 'apt policy package' - maybe dpkg is easier, or the more "correct" way. [20:14] oh that's fine - how do you do it with dpkg? [20:15] 'dpkg -s package' [20:16] You can also use 'dpkg -l package' - for a nicer view, with less info. [20:16] thanks fdov [20:16] If you drop the package name, you get every installed package. [20:18] very good! [20:18] thanks again fdov [21:12] hi guys, I'm having some problems with ubuntu installation 20.04 taking ages, I believe the problem lies on the EFI-Boot configuration given I'm installing it in a USB-drive through a Macbook [21:13] I've done the setup (I believe correctly) of the swap/ext4 drive ... choose correctly the installation drive, however once I move fwd I get the error: "The attempt to mount a file system with type vgat in /dev/nvme0n1p1 at /boot/efi failed." [21:13] "/dev/nvme0n1p1" is my Mac EFI disk [21:14] tried minimal install, tried with/out wifi, ... checking the installation logs, ... checked the main Macbook hard-drive with DiskUtil (mac app) and everything seems good with the drive... [21:15] any idea what I could do? I thought on changing at the drive selection Mac's EFI drive to "not use this partition" but not sure that is recomendable [21:17] izweb: where are you telling it to install the bootloader to? [21:19] izweb: "file system with type vgat" - is vgat a typo ? === HappyHotDog is now known as waterycart === waterycart is now known as HappyHotDog [21:37] izweb: ubuntu will be on the usb drive alone or with another OS there? === Kow_ is now known as Kow === elliot is now known as ellyot [22:29] jeremy31 i'm telling to install the bootloader at the ext4 partition of the target drive (so... /dev/sdb2) [22:29] Bashing-om typo, sorry, it's vfat [22:29] izweb: tell it to install to the drive, /dev/sdb and not a partition [22:31] EriC^^ the idea is to have USB drive with Ubuntu, and leave MacOs X on the hard-drive, doing the installation through a ubuntu live USB. following this tutorial: https://www.florisvanbreugel.com/tutorial-ubuntu-on-a-mac [22:32] jeremy31ok will try it now... the tutorial which I was following https://www.florisvanbreugel.com/tutorial-ubuntu-on-a-mac was mentioning to do it at the ext4 partition [22:32] that s why === HappyHotDog is now known as Guest10 === Guest10 is now known as HappyHotDog [22:37] jeremy31.I still got that error: The attempt to mount a file system with type vfat in /dev/nvme0n1p1 at /boot/efi failed. You may resume partitionining from the partitioning menu." [22:37] izweb: Not sure why it would even try to mount that [22:37] I notice that in the Partitioning menu, or drive selection, the /dev/nvme0n1p1 is choosen as Efi drive, ... I could select/tag it as a "Do not use this partition" [22:40] In the Installation type: I have 2 options (erase disk and install ubuntu) or (Something else), I choose (something else) then I get a list of all my disks. There I can see 3 disks (mac internal /dev/nvme0n1; target USB /dev/sdb) [22:40] is there a web client i can use to make users have a certain amount of bandwidth or certain amount of storage space? [22:42] @jeremy31 https://florisvanbreugel.files.wordpress.com/2018/03/install_ext4.png?w=700 so I can see that /dev/nvme0n1 has "efi" on type, I can change this === ellyot is now known as elliot [22:47] mrvdv: should be, but it'd probably be a security hazard [22:53] mrvdv: this are options in Nextcloud [22:53] not realy sure what do you mean by web client [22:55] Alabalistic_ where i can connect to a port via web to add users, set limits on bandwidth/storage [22:57] in my understanding a web client is a browser, connecting to web servers and reading content [22:57] if you wanna set limits in you browser you need some kind of paranting control [22:58] mrvdv: webUI I think Alabalistic_ would prefer you to say [22:58] there are tons of Unix OS administration webUI systems [22:58] they're all universally plagued by being security problems, IMO [22:58] it would be superior if you learned how to do what you want via commands via ssh [23:02] I'm sure you see this a lot. But I've tried all the youtube videos, and can't seem to find a fix. After the last windows 10 update, not only can I not dual boot, which the usual fixes aren't working, I can't even get into the drive. [23:06] h2oly: boot your live OS / install media, do the GRUB reinstallation steps [23:07] tried that, it takes me to some random oem install [23:09] https://www.minitool.com/news/how-to-reboot-windows-10.html [23:09] Even the bios doesn't see it as a bootable drive. No conflicts. I can see the drive in windows. Just frustrated there is a lot of research on there [23:11] h2oly: normaly windows can't read linux partitions so if you see all the disk in windows, can it be that the linux is gone [23:11] but now with wsl2 I have no idea [23:14] I am repetedly getting this error: "Maximum number of clients reached Unable to init server: Could not connect: Connection refused" [23:15] I can see the drive. I have 200gb partitioned for linux on a 1TB drive. I can see the 789GB, and a block that I can't access...as I should. [23:15] It's fixed when closing google chrome but then It comes back a while after opening it again (like a few hours) [23:15] How can I permanantly fix this? [23:17] octav1a: where do you have this msg [23:18] h2oly: lets debbug the problem, so you are able to boot to live usb? [23:18] I see things don't open normally, so I get it when typing any of the program names in the terminal. [23:19] to the original drive...lets see...brb [23:19] octav1a: if you start your browser from the terminal you may encounter wierd problems, there is some flags that are needed to run smootly, [23:20] Alabalistic_: No, I mean, other programs. So while chrome is already running, not from terminal, I will go try to launch, idk, libreoffice, or gnome-screenshot, or something. And it will not work, so I go to the terminal to see what error I have why it's not launching, and that's what I see. === Gorian is now known as Guest7779 [23:23] https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/368017/cant-start-applications-due-to-maximum-number-of-clients-reached-error [23:24] octav1a: ^ as a happy plasma user this is all I found [23:31] Ok. I'm in...sort of. It said there were 3 errors and then bumped me into the install screen. I'm in the use ubuntu right now [23:31] I can see the drive and files I need. [23:32] h2oly: repare or reintstall [23:32] reparing grub is a easy task, following a guide === Guest6662 is now known as bsmith093 === ubuntu is now known as Guest5775 === Gorian is now known as Guest8600