[10:58] Hello, I'm using Juju + MAAS. On MAAS, the spaces have changed, some were added some removed, + subnets moved between spaces. reload-spaces, picks up the new names, but not the associated subnet. Is the only way forward to start a new controller? [11:45] Hi parlos, if reload-spaces does not do the trick, it might be worth trying to restart the juju controller agents if you haven't already. I had a related/unrelated issue where it didn't pick up new MAAS zones that were created after initial deployment of the juju controller, where I had to restart my juju controller agents. [11:46] P.S. You might get some more response over on the Discourse: https://discourse.charmhub.io/ and/or on the new Mattermost chat server: chat.charmhub.io [12:14] zeestrat: it might be a good idea to put those in the topic (along with whatever else makes sense. I can't remember what was in the old topic) [12:17] skay: yeah, someone from canonical should do that :) [12:18] oh oops, I thought you could [12:18] :) [12:20] :) I pinged on Mattermost so lets see. [12:20] zeestrat; thanks will try restarting the controller agents at some time. For now, I just had to pay the juju fee, and add another controller. === ueberall is now known as uebera|| === uebera|| is now known as ueberall