=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life [04:59] hi guyzs can someone tell me where to check the battery status of connected bluetooth devices ? [04:59] JjGS [05:00] hi guyzs can someone tell me where to check the battery status of connected bluetooth devices ? === joelurc is now known as joelurc_ === joelurc_ is now known as joelurc__ === joelurc__ is now known as apodo === apodo is now known as apodo0 === apodo0 is now known as apodo === apodo is now known as joelurc === joelurc is now known as apodo0 [06:09] 08:10 in the morning. Time to bye some cupcakes! [06:10] buy* [06:10] buy* (re @IrcsomeBot: 08:10 in the morning. Time to bye some cupcakes!) === devman is now known as devman2002 [09:52] Can anyone help me with Dolphin? When it in default mode the folders' icons looks like it should be, as on printscreen. : https://irc-attachments.kde.org/27c3d8e0/file_44948.jpg [09:53] But when I switch to next mode the folders' icons looks only as a lines, without being colored. : https://irc-attachments.kde.org/87c081bc/file_44949.jpg [09:54] Can I set the folders' icons in second mode like in the first one but smaller? Means that folders' icons being totally colored [09:56] what do you mean by next mode? [09:57] View mode you mean? [09:58] Icon colors and size depend on your Global Theme, Plasma Theme and Icon theme, do you sue the defaults? [09:58] use* [09:59] those all look correctly here, using Breeze [10:06] Mamarok: I guess is point is that the appearence of icons changes if you switch from icon view to compact mode. But that is expected... [10:15] Yes, seems it's difference between "icon vew mode" and "compact mode". I use russian language so I don't sure how it's named in English. [10:16] The trouble is not an icon color but the appearance of icons. In icon mode they colored completely, in compact mode only lines colored. I want that in compact mode the icons look like in icon mode, only smaller. [10:18] If you increase the size of icons twice, the will be bigger of course but coloured again. [10:19] You would have to press Ctrl and + keys. [10:20] Yes, it helped. But is there's a way to color icons _without_ increasign 'em?.. (re @IrcsomeBot: If you increase the size of icons twice, the will be bigger of course but coloured again.) [10:33] RikMills: Ubuntu 18.04.5 isn't an EOL OS. (re @IrcsomeBot: if you have things that require libssl1.0 instead then you should be transitioning away from that, not trying to install an EOL OS) [10:34] Kubuntu 18.04 is [10:35] Sorry I didn't notice it was you [10:36] Sorry I didn't notice it was you whom I already spoke with yesterday [10:51] You could try this: https://store.kde.org/p/998450/ (re @tuuou: Yes, it helped. But is there's a way to color icons _without_ increasign 'em?..) [10:59] It's not that I want. In the printscreen it is seen that it colores only _lines_ in small icons; I can do it even now. I want to color _the whole_ icon, like large icons in icon veiw. (re @Stefan: You could try this: https://store.kde.org/p/998450/) [11:02] I don't know if there is anything to make that possible. Afraid I can't help you any further, sorry... (re @tuuou: It's not that I want. In the printscreen it is seen that it colores only _lines_ in small icons; I can do it even now. I want to color _the whole_ icon, like large icons in icon veiw.) [12:49] how to know that the all the amd drivers and flimwares afre installed on kubuntu?? [12:50] /help@join_captcha_bot [12:51] and i have wifi driver rtl88XX driver installed and cannot enter into monitor mode [13:21] Is there a matrix room for Kubuntu? [13:46] I know matrix can be bridged to IRC, but I do not know if the bridge survived the Freenode to libera transition. [13:53] 1 2 3 [13:54] mparillo: working on a basic level, anyway [13:55] though it is not a 'matrix room' in that sense [14:04] Hi all [14:26] What is its address? [14:28] address of? [14:48] AFAIK there's no kubuntu matrix channel, but you can join libera #kubuntu from matrix, like I've done now [14:48] I don't see a bridge either, I just used the generic matrix to libera bridge to join the #kubuntu irc channel [14:49] Btw, is there a way for matrix users to see telegram users? E.g. I see asking about rtl88XX above, but I don't see him in the user list, I don't know if he's online or not [14:52] How did you join the IRC Channel from Matrix? I use the web client (https://webchat.kde.org/#/home) and I do not see a join option. When I click the Explore Public Rooms, the only Kubuntu rooms are the old Freenode ones I joined years ago. [14:53] The matrix<=>libera bridge is in beta so it doesn't show up there; but you can talk to the bridge directly and type "!join #kubuntu" [14:54] The bridge name is called "appservice", you can add it as "people" and PM it [14:54] Btw I'm using app.element.io directly, not webchat.kde.org [14:59] The matrix room you are briding to. [15:00] redundant question. [15:14] When I connect to the libera appservice and /j #libera_#kubuntu:matrix.org, I get: #libera_#kubuntu:matrix.org does not exist. [15:15] mparillo: type what I said above: !join #kubuntu [15:18] just entering '#kubuntu:libera.chat' worked for me in element [15:18] indeed [15:21] True, a lot easier this way [15:27] Suggest to any free hosting for my mini project [15:28] Thank you. That is what I get from copying and pasting from: https://matrix-org.github.io/matrix-appservice-irc/latest/usage.html [15:44] Ahh, excellent. === ueberall is now known as uebera|| === uebera|| is now known as ueberall === uno is now known as Guest244 [18:12] Hi there chat, n00b here. [18:14] I just got the oppertunity to upgrade to a new exiting Sir Kernel. Seems like a lot of good stuff for my old and worn CPU. I just manage to be able to boot i secure mode. Haven't been able to do that for over 10 years. [18:15] So my Sir Kernel gets a bit not so pleased when I do and goes into instant lockdown. [18:16] My question to you chat... Should I boot into secure mode anyway because it might be important for the upgrade, or is it just an enourmus extra risk for the update to install abit sub par wise, so to speak. [18:18] Love your name! [18:26] mutte, i personally would not recommend enabling secure boot. [18:27] I'm leaning towards that decision to [19:53] I shared a disk in Win98. I can easily access that disk from Win7 but can't access it from Kubuntu; it even don't see it. How I can access shared disk located in Win98 from Kubuntu? [19:54] What sisk format does Win98 support? (re @tuuou: I shared a disk in Win98. I can easily access that disk from Win7 but can't access it from Kubuntu; it even don't see it. How I can access shared disk located in Win98 from Kubuntu?) [19:54] What disk format does Win98 support? (re @tuuou: I shared a disk in Win98. I can easily access that disk from Win7 but can't access it from Kubuntu; it even don't see it. How I can access shared disk located in Win98 from Kubuntu?) [19:55] FAT32 (re @Flooding: What disk format does Win98 support?) [19:55] there is few ways to share data between machines [19:56] and they use technologyes as SAMBA NFS and ... [19:56] so you need to install samba package in kubuntu [19:56] But Win 7 access Win 98' shared disks and folders fine... (re @IrcsomeBot: there is few ways to share data between machines) [19:57] Samba already installed and running [19:57] then you need to mount the share using /etc/fstab [19:57] your firewall need to be setup accordingly [19:57] I can't mount it, Kubuntu don't ever see shared disk. (re @IrcsomeBot: then you need to mount the share using /etc/fstab) [19:58] But it see shared disk from Win7 [19:58] is this all on one computer using virtualisation or different pc on the same network [19:59] Different PCs on same router (re @IrcsomeBot: is this all on one computer using virtualisation or different pc on the same network) [20:00] try this ##### mount -t cifs [20:01] nop ignor it [20:01] find the windows ip and do this [20:01] smb:// [20:02] you should be able to mount the drive, change the ip and the folder name [20:08] Not worked, says that cannot connect to (re @IrcsomeBot: try this ##### mount -t cifs) [20:10] https://mkyong.com/linux/how-to-access-windows-shares-in-ubuntu/ [20:10] this is all I can find, I never used SMB [20:10] NFS is my game [20:11] You're really using windows 98 in 2021? [20:11] Not even windows xp? !!! [20:13] Win98 works fine, why to change ir? (re @IrcsomeBot: https://mkyong.com/linux/how-to-access-windows-shares-in-ubuntu/) [20:13] Maybe a way to connect to Win 98 with NFS? [20:14] not a chance [20:14] Yuk... [20:14] explain the goal of the exercice [20:14] normaly windows is the client and linux servs the content [20:15] , one reason to change it is because it doesn't work fine, it uses a too old samba version :) [20:15] The other would be security, but I guess noone makes win98 viruses anymore :D [20:17] well OS like a OS must share this damm files [20:18] It works fine in Win environment... in contrast with. Last virus I saw in the past century and it coudn't infect my system because it is protected. (re @IrcsomeBot: explain the goal of the exercice) [20:18] Yes, windows 7 is more than 10 years old, it has smb v1 enabled. Try to connect from windows 10 though. [20:18] Some time ago I saw witha glance that to connect to Win 98 it is required to specify the use of old version of Samba but I can't find that info again :( [20:20] I imagine is some small file sizes, so open google drive and use it to transfer files, if you hate USBs or, burning a cd, with Nero :) [20:20] man smbclient, check --max-protocol=NT1 [20:28] Some time ago I saw with"> This it? https://www.downtowndougbrown.com/2018/02/mounting-a-windows-98-computers-smb-share-in-linux/ [20:54] hola [20:54] actualmente en que version esta kubuntu? [20:58] 21.03 [20:58] 21.04 [20:58] sorry [21:06] Maybe... but I can't figure out the syntax of mount.cifs command: what part related to Linux machine and what to Windows one... :( (re @IrcsomeBot: I imagine is some small file sizes, so open google drive and use it to transfer files, if you hate USBs or, burning a cd, with Nero :)) [21:08] did you try the File manager dolphin [21:08] leave the command line [21:09] go to network and on the top right click add a network folder [21:11] Yes, I started from it but failed, it says no such server (, Win's IP) (re @IrcsomeBot: did you try the File manager dolphin) [21:16] from linux open terminal ad [21:16] ping [21:17] do you have response? [21:17] Yes, ping successful (re @IrcsomeBot: from linux open terminal ad) [21:18] lets see how windows represent its ip [21:20] smb:///folder [21:20] this is the format [21:20] smb:// [21:21] in dolphin try [21:21] Says no such file or dir (re @IrcsomeBot: lets see how windows represent its ip) [21:22] I'm too sleepy, will continue tomorrow if you please [21:23] did you use / or \ [21:24] Windows uses backslashes for paths, while everything else seems to use forward slashes. Modern software tries to automatically correct you when you type the wrong type of slash, so it doesn't matter which type of slash you use most of the time.3